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వికీపీడియా నుండి

Template description


This template generates a generic 4-team (2-round) tournament bracket.

Complete set of blank template parameters


| RD1         =
| RD2         = 

| group1      =
| group2      = 

| seed-width  = 
| team-width  = 
| score-width = 

| RD1-seed1   =
| RD1-team1   =
| RD1-score1  =
| RD1-seed2   =
| RD1-team2   =
| RD1-score2  =

| RD1-seed3   =
| RD1-team3   =
| RD1-score3  =
| RD1-seed4   =
| RD1-team4   =
| RD1-score4  =

| RD2-seed1   =
| RD2-team1   =
| RD2-score1  =
| RD2-seed2   =
| RD2-team2   =
| RD2-score2  =

Parameter definitions

  • seed-width – [OPTIONAL] sets the width of the seed fields (25 by default).
  • team-width – [OPTIONAL] sets the width of the team name fields (150 by default).
  • score-width – [OPTIONAL] sets the width of the score fields (25 by default).
  • RD1, RD2 – [OPTIONAL] The names of each round. Defaults are "Semi-finals" and "Finals", respectively.
  • Each team takes three [OPTIONAL] parameters – the seed, team name, and score. The parameter names are of the form RDn-xxxxt, where:
    • n is the round number (12)
    • xxxx is one of seed, team, or score
    • t is the position within the round, counting from top to bottom (14)

There are 4 first-round (semifinals) teams and 2 second-round (finals) teams.

"https://te.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=మూస:4TeamBracket/doc&oldid=861299" నుండి వెలికితీశారు