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వికీపీడియా నుండి
Competitor for {{{1}}}

This template should be used for athletes who have competed for different countries. There are many examples from the breakup of the USSR as well as athletes from the UK competing at the commonwealth games. Other athletes have switched nationality, for example Wilson Kipketer was Kenyan but competed for Denmark too.

Usage example

Competition record
Athlete name
Athlete name
Competitor for  European Union
World's Strongest Man
1st 2009 World's Strongest Man
Britain's Strongest Man
2nd 1977 Britain's Strongest Man
3rd 1978 Britain's Strongest Man
{{CompetitionRecordTableTop|Example.png|150px|Athlete name}}
{{CompetitionRecordCountry | {{EUR}} }}
{{CompetitionRecordSport | [[Strongman (strength athlete)|Strongman]]}}
{{CompetitionRecordCompetition|[[World's Strongest Man]]}}
{{CompetitionRecordFirst  | [[2009 World's Strongest Man]] | }}
{{CompetitionRecordCompetition|[[Britain's Strongest Man]]}}
{{CompetitionRecordSecond | [[1977 Britain's Strongest Man]] | }}
{{CompetitionRecordThird |  [[1978 Britain's Strongest Man]] | }}

{{CompetitionRecordTableTop}} – with the optional image parameters (see example above):

  1. Image name without 'Image:'.
  2. Image size. Default value: 100px.
  3. Caption. Default value: {{PAGENAME}}.

Sub Headings




All with the usage: {{CompetitionRecordType | Year City | Event}} (see example above)
