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మూస:Infobox TV channel

వికీపీడియా నుండి
Infobox TV channel
{{Infobox TV channel
| name              = 
| logofile          = 
| logosize          = 
| logocaption       = 
| logoalt           = 
| logo2             = 
| launch            = 
| closed date       = 
| picture format    = 
| share             = 
| share as of       = 
| share source      = 
| network           = 
| owner             = 
| slogan            = 
| country           = 
| language          = 
| broadcast area    = 
| affiliates        =
| headquarters      = 
| former names      = 
| replaced names    = 
| replaced by names = 
| sister names      = 
| timeshift names   = 
| web               = 
| terr serv 1       = 
| terr chan 1       = 
| sat serv 1        = 
| sat chan 1        = 
| cable serv 1      = 
| cable chan 1      = 
| sat radio serv 1  = 
| sat radio chan 1  = 
| iptv serv 1       = 
| iptv chan 1       = 
| online serv 1     = 
| online chan 1     = 
| 3gmobile serv 1   =