![]() | Attention:
This IP address, Whois, is registered to {{{1}}}. In the event of persistent vandalism from this address, efforts may be made to contact {{{1}}} to report abuse. Contact information can be viewed in the WHOIS report. If you are editing from this IP address and are frustrated by irrelevant messages, you can avoid them by creating an account for yourself. Sometimes, in response to vandalism, you may be temporarily unable to create an account. If you are an unregistered user operating from this address, note that it is possible for the owner of the IP, {{{1}}}, to determine who was making contributions from this address at any given time. If you are the owner of this address responding to reports of inappropriate conduct from this address, you may find the contributions history and block log for this address helpful. Please feel free to contact any administrator who has blocked this address with questions (blocking admins will be listed in the block log). |
![]() | If you plan to make breaking changes to this template, move it, or nominate it for deletion, please notify Twinkle's users and maintainers at Wikipedia talk:Twinkle as a courtesy, as the standard installation of Twinkle adds and removes this template. Thank you! |
This template can be transcluded onto the user talk page of any IP address. It provides information about the origin and use of the IP address. To prevent excessive clutter on the user talk page and to make future changes easier, please do not subst: this template. Please do not use this template on the talk pages of evidently good-faith constructive IP users, since its wording could be misunderstood as implying the IP's edits are problematic.
Restoration of this template is not exempt from the edit warring policy, and editors who repeatedly restore it may be blocked to prevent further disruption.
[మార్చు]{{Whois|name of institution}}
Note that unlike many similar templates of this type, Whois does not currently support the host=
See also
[మార్చు]- {{Shared IP}} is the standard version
- {{Shared IP Edu}} is a version for use with educational establishments
- {{Shared IP address (public)}} is a version for use with public terminals such as in libraries
- {{Shared IP gov}} is a version for use with IP addresses registered to a government agency or facility