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వికీపీడియా:వికీప్రాజెక్టు/తెలుగు గ్రంథాలయం/అన్నమయ్య గ్రంథాలయ పుస్తకాల జాబితా -119

వికీపీడియా నుండి
వికీ ప్రాజెక్టు - తెలుగు గ్రంథాలయం
తెలుగు గ్రంథాలయం యొక్క పుట్టుక, గ్రంథాలయ ఉద్యమం, ప్రసిద్ద గ్రంథాలయాల జాబితా, కొన్ని ప్రసిద్ద గ్రంథాలయాలలోని పుస్తకాల జాబితాల యొక్క సమగ్ర సమాచారం. దీనిలో భాగంగా తెలుగు గ్రంథాలయం అనే ప్రాజెక్టు పనిలో భాగంగా ఈ జాబితాలను చేపట్టి అభివృద్ధి చేస్తున్నాము. ఈ క్రింది గ్రంథాలయాలలో గల పుస్తకాల వివరాలు జాబితా చేస్తూ క్రింది సంఖ్యా క్రమంలో చేర్చుతున్నాము.

అన్నమయ్యగ్రంధాలయంగౌతమీగ్రంధాలయంసూర్యరాయ గ్రంథాలయంవీరేశలింగగ్రంథాలయంసర్వోత్తమగ్రంథాలయం

అన్నమయ్య గ్రంథాలయ పుస్తకాల జాబితా

01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30
31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 59 - 60
61 - 62 - 63 - 64 - 65 - 66 - 67 - 68 - 69 - 70 - 71 - 72 - 73 - 74 - 75 - 76 - 77 - 78 - 79 - 80 - 81 - 82 - 83 - 84 - 85 - 86 - 87 - 88 - 89 - 90
91 - 92 - 93 - 94 - 95 - 96 - 97 - 98 - 99 - 100 - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 - 133 - 134 - 135 - 136 - 137 - 138 - 139 - 140 - 141 - 142 - 143 - 144 - 145 - 146 - 147 - 148 - 149 - 150 - 151 - 152 - 153 - 154 - 155 - 156 - 157 - 158 - 159 - 160 - 161 - 162 - 163 - 164 - 165- 166- 167- 168- 169- 170- 171- 172- 173- 174- 175- 176- 177-178 అన్నమయ్య ఆధ్యాత్మిక గ్రంథాలయం యొక్క పుస్తక జాబితాలోని పుస్తకాల యొక్క సమాచారం

ప్రవేశసంఖ్య వర్గము గ్రంథనామం రచయిత ప్రచురణకర్త ముద్రణకాలం పుటలు వెల.రూ.
86001 The Rubber Technologists Pocket Book The Alkali and Chemical Corporation 1977 120 2.50
86002 Physics : Definition Formulae and Tables R. Kumar New Heights, New Delhi 1988 200 2.50
86003 The Infantry School Mhow (Engineers) 219 2.50
86004 The Harriet Lane Handbook Michael A. Barone Harcourt Brace & Company Asia PTE Ltd 1996 775 250.00
86005 Mathematical Handbook Higher Mathematics M. Vygodsky Mir Publishers Moscow 1984 872 25.00
86006 Tatas A Hand Book of Chemical Engineering S.P. Subramaniam Tata Publishers, Delhi 586 55.00
86007 Handbook of Agriculture Indian Council of Agricultural Research 1969 905 2.50
86008 Cost Accountants Handbook Theodore Lang The Ronald Press Company 1956 1482 5.00
86009 Earth Manual Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1968 780 10.00
86010 The Hindu Speaks on Information Technology Kasturi & Sons Ltd. Madras 1996 403 100.00
86011 Believe It or Not 4& 6th Series Ripleys Pocket Books, New York 1958 150 2.50
86012 Believe It or Not 7th Series Ripleys Pocket Books, New York 1960 180 3.00
86013 Believe It or Not 8th Series Ripleys Pocket Books, New York 1962 170 3.00
86014 Believe It or Not 10 & 26th Series Ripleys Pocket Books, New York 1964 160 3.00
86015 Animal Encyclopedia Penelope Allon A Dorling Kindersley Book 2011 160 100.00
86016 Space Encyclopedia Caroline Bingham A Dorling Kindersley Book 2011 127 100.00
86017 Picture Atlas Anita Ganeri and Chris Oxlade A Dorling Kindersley Book 2011 128 100.00
86018 The Worlds Greatest Blunders Sue Blackhall Octopus Books 1989 160 50.00
86019 Memories And Marvels UNESCO Bangkok 2002 115 100.00
86020 1001 Facts About Space Carole Stott and Clint Twist DK Publishing, Inc. 2002 192 100.00
86021 Amazing Mystfried and Phenomena Peter Eldin Octopus Books 1987 125 10.00
86022 Graffiti The Scrawl of The Wild Roger Kilroy Corgi Books 1979 112 25.00
86023 501 Fascinating Facts Pustak Mahal, Delhi 104 10.00
86024 Do Penguins Have Knees David Feldman Harper Perennial 1992 263 55.00
86025 The Sceptical Patriot Sidin Vadukut Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd 2014 208 250.00
86026 Anecdotes Yuva Bharathi Educational Society 223 250.00
86027 Accidental Times Jane Lambert, Bill Tidy Unwin Paperbacks, Boston 1985 136 15.00
86028 Hyderabad 400 Years of Glory T. Venkatram Reddy Deccan Chronicle Group of Publication 100 20.00
86029 Glimpses of Hyderabad 120 10.00
86030 Hyderabad City Guide A P Information And Public Relations, Hyderabad 49 1.00
86031 హైదరాబాదు నగర దర్శిని ... ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వ సమాచార పౌరసంబంధాల శాఖ ... 64 2.00
86032 Select Monuments of Hyderabad V.V. Krishna Sastry The Director of Archaeology & Museums 1990 44 6.00
86033 Old Cities New Predicaments Ratna Naidu Sage Publications, New Delhi 1990 177 55.00
86034 మీర్ లాయక్ అలీ హైద్రాబాద్ విషాదం చారిత్రక రచన ఏనుగు నరసింహారెడ్డి పాలపిట్ట బుక్స్, హైదరాబాద్ 2016 319 150.00
86035 నాలుగు శతాబ్దాల నగరం వేదగిరి రాంబాబు నాగరాజు పబ్లికేషన్స, హైదరాబాద్ 1991 95 20.00
86036 Tragedy of Hyderabad Mir Laik Ali, K. Jitendrababu DACRI, Hyderabad 2011 440 375.00
86037 Guide Map of Greater Hyderabad Indian Resources Information And Management 2003 188 295.00
86038 Adaab Hyderabad Subhani Shehnaz, Secunderabad 2012 48 250.00
86039 The Taj Magazine 75 25.00
86040 Hyderabad Monisha Mukundan Namaste Publication 1995 66 20.00
86041 The Nizams Jewels 45 25.00
86042 ఆదాబ్ హైదరాబాద్ మల్లాది కృష్ణానంద్ మల్లాది శారద, సికింద్రాబాద్ 2008 172 101.00
86043 Hyderabad Images And Memories Deccan Chronicle Group of Publication 2014 159 500.00
86044 Ganga C. Sivaramamurti Orient Longman 1979 99 40.00
86045 Hymn To Ganga Sri Swami Tapovanam Tapovan Kuti, Uttarkasi 120 20.00
86046 Rivers of India S.D. Misra National Book Trust, India 1970 188 6.50
86047 A Walk Along the Ganges Dennison Berwick Rupa & Co., New Delhi 1993 234 80.00
86048 నరులు నదులు ప్రొఫెసర్ హుమయూన్ కబీర్, పాలగుమ్మి పద్మరాజు గుప్తా బ్రదర్స్, విశాఖపట్టణం 1965 216 2.10
86049 The Yamuna On Its Perennial Journey Swarn Khandpur Ratnabharati, Bombay 1971 75 9.50
86050 నర్మదా నదివెంట ఛాయాచిత్ర యాత్ర విద్యాషా Pratham Books 2010 30 100.00
86051 Second Year Reader Discoveries And Inventions B. Mendelssohn Macmillan And Co., Limited 1952 84 2.50
86052 Inventions And Discoveries The Little Flower Co., Madras 1983 26 2.50
86053 World Bridge Records 418 10.00
86054 ప్రపంచము మీకు తెలియునా యస్.యన్. బాల ... ... 60 0.50
86055 అవార్డులు రివార్డులు వీరాజీ లక్ష్మీ శ్రీనివాస పబ్లికేషన్స్, విజయవాడ 1995 200 25.00
86056 Tell Me About People & Places Bluebird Books 1994 237 25.00
86057 The Guinness Book of World Records 1991 Donald McFarlan Bantam Books, New York 1991 233 5.00
86058 1989 Guinness Book of World Records Donald McFarlan Bantam Books, New York 1989 694 25.00
86059 1978 Edition Guinness Book of World Records Norris McWhirter Bantam Books, New York 1978 704 15.00
86060 The Peoples Almanac Presents The Book Of Lists David Wallechinsky Irving Wallace and Amy Wallace Corgi Books 1981 519 25.00
86061 ప్రళయం కప్పగంతుల మురళీకృష్ణ బి.కె. పబ్లిషర్స్, విజయవాడ 1993 86 12.00
86062 త్రైతాకార రహస్యము త్రైతాకార బెర్ముడా ఆచార్య ప్రబోధానంద యోగీశ్వరులు ఇందూ జ్ఞానవేదిక 2014 136 60.00
86063 1001 Amazing Tech Facts Ram Mohan Rao Jasubhai Digital Media 2004 120 25.00
86064 Astonishing Facts Sanjeev Garg Pustak Mahal, Delhi 2000 104 30.00
86065 The Institute For Professional Stuidies Government of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad 1987 72 25.00
86066 Rules of The Nizam Club 25 10.00
86067 Tata Reference Book The Tata Iron And Steel Company Limited 1970 336 25.00
86068 शिष्टाचार ... लाल बहादुर शास्त्री राष्ट्रीय प्रशाशन अकादमी ... 20 10.00
86069 మదర్ థెరిసా దళిత బహుజన సమైక్య అవేర్‌నెస్ సంస్థ మదర్ థెరిసా అనాధ వృద్ధాశ్రమము ... మదర్ థెరిసా దళిత బహుజన సమైక్య అవేర్‌నెస్ సంస్థ ... 20 10.00
86070 Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning Information Handbook 40 20.00
86071 The Genesis & Growth 1985-95 R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering, Guntur 1995 20 10.00
86072 Student Hand Book Andhra Pradesh Open University, Hyderabad 1984 54 10.00
86073 Private View Southampton Institute 30 15.00
86074 Black Hills of Dakota Territory 93 20.00
86075 Encyclo Pedia of Madras Presidency & The Adjacent States 780 100.00
86076 Southern India (Early History, Native Races, Plorea, Finance, Madras, Industry & etc) 2001 426 100.00
86077 Southern India (The Cities of the South, The Province of Coorg, The State of Travancore & etc) 2002 764 100.00
86078 The Mysteries of the Court of London 260 10.00
86079 In Search of Strange Phenomena Alan Landsburg, Leonard Nimoy Corgi Books 1977 188 5.00
86080 Strange World Frank Edwards Bantam Books, New York 1969 237 2.50
86081 Witches Sabbath and The Hunt Maurice Sachs, Richard Howard Ballantine Books 1966 397 2.50
86082 Witchcraft and Black Magic Peter Haining Hamlyn London 1971 159 10.00
86083 Witchcraft The Forbidden World of the Devil Captain F.D. Colaabavala Orient Paperbacks 1977 192 2.50
86084 Gods, Demons And Spirits Abraham T. Kovoor, V.A. Menon Jaico Publishing House 1980 259 5.00
86085 Science And Superstition M.N. Roy The Indian Renaissance Association Ltd 163 4.00
86086 Zodiacal Constellations (Atlas of Heavens) Manik Chand Jain Ranjan Publications, Dariba 1977 119 12.00
86087 The Complete Illustrated Book of The Psychic Walter B. Gibson and Litzka R. Gibson Pocket Books, New York 1968 447 5.00
86088 Tutankhamun and the Valley of the Kings Otto Neubert Mayflower Books 1972 235 2.50
86089 The Worlds Greatest Ghosts Nigel Blundell Roger Boar Octopus Books 1985 192 25.00
86090 The Way of Mysticism Joseph James Jonathan Cape London 1950 256 2.50
86091 మానసిక ప్రశాంతతకోసం మీ మంత్రం ఏకనాథ్ ఈశ్వరన్, పి. కుసమ హరినాథ్ అలకనంద ప్రచురణలు, విజయవాడ 2017 118 120.00
86092 Art Folders -1 ... ... ... 300 100.00
86093 Art Folders -2 ... ... ... 300 100.00
86094 Art Folders -3 ... ... ... 300 100.00
86095 Art Folders -4 ... ... ... 300 100.00
86096 Art Folders -5 ... ... ... 300 100.00
86097 Art Folders -6 ... ... ... 300 100.00
86098 Art Folders -7 ... ... ... 300 100.00
86099 Art Folders -8 ... ... ... 300 100.00
86100 Art Folders -9 ... ... ... 300 100.00
86101 Art Folders -10 ... ... ... 300 100.00
86102 An Outline of Abnormal Psychology Gardner Murphy The Modern Library New York 1954 597 100.00
86103 Discover Your Self Radheshyam Das Iskcon Youth Forum, Pune 2000 191 80.00
86104 The Power of Healing Lies in Your Hands Sideshwar Raj Saxena 130 100.00
86105 The Power of Awareness Neville G.&J. Publishing Company 2010 98 100.00
86106 Sigmund Freud Penguin Books 90 10.00
86107 Freud His Dream and Sex Theories Joseph Jastrow Pocket Books, New York 1954 290 2.50
86108 Studies in The Psychology of Sex Volume 1 Havelock Ellis Random House New York 1942 391 100.00
86109 Studies in The Psychology of Sex Volume 2 Havelock Ellis Random House New York 1936 750 100.00
86110 The Psychology of Sex Oswald Schwarz Penguin Books 1951 286 10.00
86111 Totem And Taboo Sigmund Freud Penguin Books 1940 213 10.00
86112 In Search of The Miraculous P.D. Ouspensky Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd 1950 399 30.00
86113 Determination and the Self P.N. Scherman P.N. Scherman 1971 63 20.00
86114 Timeless Earth Paul Stevenson Garnstone Press 1973 270 100.00
86115 Images And Symbols Mircea Eliade Harvill Press, London 1961 189 10.00
86116 Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta Volume 2 Sri Aurobindo International Centre 1971 376 100.00
86117 Mystic Tales of Lama Taranatha Lama Taranatha Ramakrishna Vedanta Math 1944 90 10.00
86118 The Secret of The Golden Flower Richard Wilhelm Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd 1947 151 15.00
86119 Eastern Spirituality Ian Kesarcodi Watson Agam Prakashan Delhi 1976 155 20.00
86120 Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead Konstantin Raudive Colin Smythe Gerrards Cross 1971 391 55.00
86121 The Dogma Of Reincarnation A Critical Inquiry J.E. Sanjana New Book Company Ltd 1954 157 10.00
86122 Communicating With the Beyond Eric G. Post Atlantic Publishing Co. New York 1946 209 100.00
86123 The Riddle of the Self F.T. Mikhailov Progress Publishers, Moscow 1980 205 100.00
86124 Modern Man In Search of A Soul C.G. Jung Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd 1945 282 25.00
86125 The Undiscovered Self C.G. Jung A Mantor Book 1958 125 2.00
86126 Mythology Edith Hamilton A Mantor Book 1953 335 10.00
86127 The Approach to Mysticism Nolini Kanta Gupta Sri Aurobindo Library 1946 84 10.00
86128 Mystics & Magicians of India Louis Jacolliot Susil Gupta (India) Ltd 1953 127 2.50
86129 With Mystics And Magicians in Tibet Alexandra David Neel Penguin Books 287 5.00
86130 Know Your Death 194 10.00
86131 The Great Mystery of Life Beyond Death Diwan Bahadur Hiralal L. Kaji New Book Company Ltd 1938 197 15.00
86132 New Horizons in Psychology Brian M. Foss Penguin Books 1967 447 15.00
86133 Sri Ramakrishna And Modern Psychology Swami Akhilananda The Vedanta Society 1937 30 1.20
86134 Preliminary Matters, History of Psychology 300 25.00
86135 Everyday Psycho Analysis Girindrashekhar Bose Susil Gupta (India) Ltd 1945 280 25.00
86136 Psychology And World Order Ranyard West Penguin Books 1945 125 5.00
86137 The Beginnings of Modern Psychology W.M. O Neil Penguin Books 1968 157 15.00
86138 How Our Minds Work C.E.M. Joad Westhouse London 1946 100 10.00
86139 The Basic Writings of C.G. Jung Violet Staub De Laszlo The Modern Library New York 1959 552 25.00
86140 Mysteries of The Mind P.S. Naidu The Central Book Depot 1944 133 10.00
86141 An Introduction to Jungs Psychology Frieda Fordham Penguin Books 1954 127 2.50
86142 Motivation Dalbir Bindra and Jane Stewart Penguin Books 1971 537 25.00
86143 Language R.C. Oldfield and J.C. Marshall Penguin Books 1968 392 25.00
86144 Gestalt Psychology Wolfgang Kohler A Mantor Book 1947 222 20.00
86145 PSI Cognition J.B. Rhine Tagore Publishing House, Tenali 178 25.00
86146 Time And Eternity Ananda K. Coomaraswamy Artibus Asiae Publishers 140 50.00
86147 Mysterious Psychic Phenomena Hereward Carrington The Christopher Publishing House 1954 176 100.00
86148 Psychical Research Today D.J. West Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd 1954 144 45.00
86149 Psychical Phenomena And The Physical World Charles McCreery Hamish Hamilton London 1973 138 100.00
86150 Psyche, Society And Tensions Rajendra Avasthi The Minerva Associates India 1973 74 16.00
86151 The Rape of The Masses Serge Chakotin George Routledge & Sons Ltd 1940 299 15.00
86152 Psychology As You May Like It K. Platonov Progress Publishers, Moscow 1965 294 55.00
86153 An Introduction to Psychology Gardner Murphy Oxford Book Company, New Delhi 1964 283 100.00
86154 The Psychology of Human Growth And Development Warren R. Baller, Don C. Charles Holt, Rinehart And Winston 1961 432 100.00
86155 Tantras Their Philosophy and Occult Secrets D.N. Bose Oriental Publishing Co. 186 15.00
86156 Tantra in Tibet The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra Volume 1 Tsong Ka Pa The Wisdom of Tibet Series 1987 252 200.00
86157 The Power of Tantra Narayandutta Shrimali, Yogi Gyanananda Hind Pocket Books 1993 147 100.00
86158 Studies on The Tantras The Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta 1989 162 25.00
86159 Selected Philosophical Essays J. Fineberg Foreign Languages Publishing House 1948 650 55.00
86160 Zen Buddhism Christmas Humphreys William Heinemann Ltd 1949 241 50.00
86161 Metaphysics An Introduction Archie J. Bahm Barnes & Noble Books 1974 259 25.00
86162 The Story of Philosophy Will Durant Simon And Schuster 1961 412 45.00
86163 Indo European Philology W.B. Lockwood Hutchinson University Library 1969 193 25.00
86164 An Introduction To Philosophy Jacques Maritain, E.I. Watkin Sheed & Ward London 1946 207 25.00
86165 The Influence of Indian Thought on The Thought of the West Swami Akhilananda Advaita Ashrama 1931 45 10.00
86166 A Critical History of Greek Philosophy W.T. Stace Macmillan And Co., Limited 1924 386 15.00
86167 A Beginners History of Philosophy Herbert E. Cushman George G. Harrap & Company 1911 406 20.00
86168 The Brotherhood of Religions Sophia Wadia International Book House Ltd 1944 288 15.00
86169 Egotism In German Philosophy George Santayana J.M. Dent & Sons Limited 1940 195 25.00
86170 The Philosophy of Spinoza Joseph Ratner The Modern Library New York 1954 376 25.00
86171 In Search of Philosophic Understanding Edwin A Burtt The New American Library 1965 350 15.00
86172 The Way of Zen Alan W. Watts The New American Library 1957 220 10.00
86173 In The Beginning Sir G. Elliot Smith Watts & Co., London 1946 98 10.00
86174 Prehistoric India Stuart Piggott Penguin Books 1950 293 20.00
86175 Foundations in the Dust Seton Lloyd Penguin Books 1955 256 15.00
86176 The Aztecs of Mexico G.C. Vaillant Penguin Books 1950 333 20.00
86177 What Happened In History Gordon Childe Penguin Books 1950 288 25.00
86178 The Cradle of Civilisation Sayvra Kitabistan, Allahabad 1943 69 10.00
86179 Races and Cultures of India D.N. Majumdar Kitabistan, Allahabad 299 25.00
86180 India and China K.M. Panikkar Asia Publishing House, New Delhi 1957 107 8.00
86181 People of Long Ago R.K. Polkinghorne and M.I.R. Polkinghorne University of London Press 1942 190 2.00
86182 Picture of A Plan Minoo Masani Oxford University Press 1945 63 5.00
86183 Man In Evolution M.R. Sahni Orient Longmans Limited 1952 272 25.00
86184 The Social System Talcott Parsons Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd 1972 575 14.25
86185 West of Suez S. Natarajan, S. Radhakrishnan Nalanda Publications 1943 306 10.00
86186 Switzerland Life and Activity Published By Werner Reist 205 25.00
86187 Anthropology Higginbothams (p) Limited 1968 303 3.00
86188 Exploration in Tibet Swami Pranavananda University of Calcutta 1939 160 10.00
86189 The Vedic People Rajesh Kochhar Orient Longman 2002 259 275.00
86190 Journal of Dakkan History And Culture Volume 1 M. Rama Rao The Dakkan History Association 1951 196 10.00
86191 Hindu America Chaman Lal New Book Co., Bombay 1941 273 25.00
86192 Letters From A Father To His Daughter Jawaharlal Nehru Childrens Book Trust, New Delhi 1981 79 20.00
86193 The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Signet Press, Calcutta 1947 498 50.00
86194 Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru, J.F. Horrabin Lindsay Drummond Limited 1949 992 25.00
86195 Vidal In Venice Gore Vidal, George Armstrong Summit Books 1987 160 200.00
86196 Roerich Sanjiva సంజీవదేవ్ లేఖలు ... ... ... 100 100.00
86197 Seeker Traveling The Path To Enlightenment Volume 3 Jean Houston Jeremy P. Tarcher / Putnam, New York 2002 153 195.00
86198 Tiger Haven Arjan Singh, John Moorehead Macmillan And Co., Limited 1973 237 100.00
86199 My Host The World George Santayana The Cresset Press Mcmliii London 1953 189 25.00
86200 Days With Bernard Shaw S. Winsten Hutchinson & Co. Ltd 214 25.00
86201 Out of My Later Years Albert Einstein Thames And Hudson London 1950 282 250.00
86202 Memories Dreams Reflections C.G. Jung Collins and Routledge & Kegan Paul 1963 383 55.00
86203 Autobiography of A Yogi Paramhansa Yogananda The Philosophical Library New York 1946 498 50.00
86204 Three Years in Tibet The Shramana Ekai Kawaguchi The Theosophist Office, Adyar, Madras 1909 719 55.00
86205 A Psychinatrist Discovers India Medard Boss, Henry A Frey Rupa & Co., New Delhi 1966 192 55.00
86206 Where the Indus is Young Dervla Murphy Readers Union Group of Book Clubs 1978 266 45.00
86207 Again Switzerland Frank S. Smythe Hodder and Stoughton 1947 248 25.00
86208 Out of This World Lowell Thomas Macdonald & Co. Ltd 1951 238 30.00
86209 Romain Rolland The Story of A Conscience Alex Aronson Padma Publications Ltd 1944 215 15.00
86210 Persons And Places George Santayana Constable And Company Ltd London 1947 268 15.00
86211 Portraits With Backgrounds Catherine Barjansky The Macmillan Company 1947 223 25.00
86212 The Travel Diary Philosopher Volume 1 Count Hermann Keyserling, J. Holroyd Reece Jonathan Cape London 336 15.00
86213 Kashmir Francis Younghusband A & C Black 1917 96 10.00
86214 Profiles by G. Venkatachalam G. Venkatachalam Nalanda Publications 1949 309 15.00
86215 I Believe W.H. Auden, Pearl Buck George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1947 390 55.00
86216 From The Banks of The Volga Alexander Roskin Philosophical Library, New York 1946 126 25.00
86217 Fuzi News Letter Chowgule & Co., Ltd 1954 20 2.00
86218 The Most Difficult Journey in the World Christabel Bevan 40 1.00
86219 The Story of Swami Rama Puran Singh Ganesh & Co., Madras 1924 291 25.00
86220 River Road to China The Mekong River Expedition Milton Osborne Readers Union Group of Book Clubs 1975 249 20.00
86221 Illustrated Guide to the Bernese Oberland via the Loetschberg Railway Berne Loetschberg Simplon Railway, Switzerland 93 2.50
86222 Escape to Switzerland G.R. de Beer Penguin Books 1945 159 2.50
86223 Abul Fazl And Akbar C. Jinarajadasa Theosophical Publishing House 1934 57 10.00
86224 King Amanullah J. Sambasiva Rao The India Printing Works 83 10.00
86225 Indian Scientists Biographical Sketches G.A. Natesan & Co., Publishers, Madras 280 15.00
86226 Living Biographies of Great Philosophers Henry Thomas and Dana Lee Thomas Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1954 285 10.00
86227 My Search For Truth S. Radhakrishnan Shiva Lal Agarwala & Co., Ltd 1946 49 2.50
86229 The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell The Middle Years Bantam Books, New York 1969 404 10.00
86230 The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell The Final Years Bantam Books, New York 1969 339 15.00
86231 Lev Tolstoy Childhood Boyhood and Youth Alexandra and Svere Lyngstad Washington Sqaure Press, New York 1968 361 15.00
86232 Annie Besant C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar Publications Division 1963 152 2.00
86233 Benoy Kumar Sarkar Haridas Mukherjee Das Gupta & Co., Calcutta 1953 76 10.00
86234 Sur le toit du monde A la Conquete de Leverest Marco Fortier Editions Du Trecarre 2000 160 100.00
86235 The Mount Everest Eric Shipton Hodder and Stoughton 1952 128 50.00
86236 Everest The West Ridge Thomas F. Hornbein Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1982 181 250.00
86237 The Ascent of Everest John Hunt Hodder and Stoughton 1954 299 30.00
86238 Walt Unsworth Everset Allen Lane Penguin Books 1981 578 250.00
86239 Everest The West Ridge Thomas F. Hornbein Sierra Club Ballantine Books 1954 159 100.00
86240 The Kangchenjunga Adventure F.S. Smythe Hodder and Stoughton 1946 344 10.00
86241 Annapurna Maurice Herzog Jonathan Cape London 1952 287 25.00
86242 Trekking in the Indian Himalaya Lonely Planet Publications 1986 160 25.00
86243 The Valley of Flowers Manmohan Sharma, Frank S. Smythe Vision Books 128 25.00
86244 Himalayan Mountaineering Journal 218 30.00
86245 Survey of The Environment Himalayas The Challenge The Hindu 2013 103 100.00
86246 Char Dham Yatra Ecstatic Flight into Himalayas G.R. Venkatraman Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1988 95 60.00
86247 Hell in the Himalayas Special Edition 1 July 2013 2013 20 10.00
86248 Himalayan Heritage Adrian & Jimmie Storrs Tecpress Service Ltd 1988 126 125.00
86249 Himalayan Endeavour B.G. Verghese A Times of India Publication 1962 155 15.00
86250 The Delectable Mountains Douglas Busk Hodder and Stoughton 1946 274 25.00
86251 Geography of The Himalaya S.C. Bose National Book Trust, India 1972 210 6.75
86252 Beyond The High Himalayas William O Douglas Victor Gollancz Ltd 1953 352 15.00
86253 The Himalayas A Journey to Nepal Volume 1 Takehida Kazami Allied Publishers, Bombay 1968 154 25.00
86254 The Himalayas in Indian Life K.M. Panikkar Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1963 39 1.00
86255 Himalayan Travels T. Jodh Singh Bagli Negi Chuckervertty, Chatterjee & Co., Ltd 1920 295 5.00
86256 The Epic of Mount Everest Sir Francis Younghusband Edward Arnold & Co. London 1945 319 10.00
86257 Towards The Silver Crests of The Himalayas G.K. Pradhan Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1976 213 8.00
86258 The Himalayas in And Across Nityanarayan Banerjee The New Book Stall, Calcutta 135 2.00
86259 The Alps Matao Sanuki and Keiichi Yamada Kodansha International Ltd 1972 146 25.00
86260 The Himalayan Journal Volume XVII H.W. Tobin Oxford at the Clarendon Press 1952 185 20.00
86261 Himalaya Volume 1 No. 1 July Sept 1952 Radha Kumud Mookerji Himalaya Magazine 1952 109 10.00
86262 Himalaya Volume 1 No. 2 October December 1952 Radha Kumud Mookerji Himalaya Magazine 1952 78 10.00
86263 Himalaya Volume 1 No. 3 October December 1952 Radha Kumud Mookerji Himalaya Magazine 1952 68 10.00
86264 Mountains in Colour Frank S. Smythe Max Parrish & Co Ltd London 1949 155 20.00
86265 My Alpine Album Frank S. Smythe Adam And Charles Black 1947 147 50.00
86266 A Camera in The Hills Frank S. Smythe Adam And Charles Black 1948 147 50.00
86267 The Color of Life Arthur G. Abbott McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc. 1947 294 25.00
86268 Yuri Borev Aesthetics A Textbook Progress Publishers, Moscow 1985 329 30.00
86269 The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Volume 55 Number 3 Summer 1997 Philip Alperson 1997 353 50.00
86270 Aesthetics Mahesh Gupta Youths Art & Culture Circle 46 10.00
86271 A History of Aesthetic Bernard Bosanquet The Meridian Library 1957 502 25.00
86272 Aesthetics and History Bernard Berenson Onstable Publishers London 1955 242 25.00
86273 The Structure of Aesthetics F.E. Sparshott Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd 1970 471 100.00
86274 The Number of Rasa-s V. Raghavan, M. Hiriyanna The Adyar Library And Research Centre 1975 239 25.00
86275 Studies in Sanskrit AEsthetics 189 15.00
86276 Indian Aesthetics V.S. Seturaman Macmillan And Co., Limited 1992 439 55.00
86277 Comparative Aesthetics Volume 1 Indian Aesthetics Kanti Chandra Pandey Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office 1959 756 25.00
86278 Comparative Aesthetics Volume 2 Western Aesthetics Kanti Chandra Pandey Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office 1972 612 50.00
86279 A Modern Book of Esthetics Melvin Rader Holt, Rinehart And Winston 1960 540 25.00
86280 Aesthetics in the Modern World Harold Osborne Thames And Hudson London 1968 379 55.00
86281 Problems of Modern Aesthetics Progress Publishers, Moscow 1969 347 50.00
86282 Aesthetics And Psychobiology D.E. Berlyne Appleton Century Crofts 1971 336 25.00
86283 Psychology and Visual Aesthetics R.W. Pickford Hutchinson Educational 1972 270 100.00
86284 The Religion of Beauty Richard Aldington William Heinemann Ltd 1950 364 50.00
86285 Aesthetics Art Life A Collection of Articles Raduga Publishers, Moscow 1988 310 75.00
86286 Aesthetic Theory And Art Ranjan K. Ghosh Ananta Publications 1979 152 45.00
86287 Aesthetics And Literary Criticism R.B. Patankar Nachiketa Publications, Bombay 1969 233 25.00
86288 The Response To Poetry G.B. Mohan Peoples Publishing House 1968 166 18.50
86289 Ethics Education Indian Unity And Culture K. Satchidananda Murty Ajanta Publications 1991 95 120.00
86290 Criticism Aesthetics And Psychology Chetan Karnani Arnold Heinemann 1977 159 55.00
86291 The Aesthetic Theories of French Artists Charles Edward Gauss The Johns Hopkins Press 1966 111 10.00
86292 Aesthetics Harold Osborne Oxford at the Clarendon Press 1972 186 50.00
86293 Marxist Leninist Aesthetics And The Arts Progress Publishers, Moscow 1980 343 55.00
86294 Marxist Leninist Aesthetics and Life Progress Publishers, Moscow 1976 268 60.00
86295 The Theory of Art in Asia Art And Cultural Purposes 475 25.00
86296 Aesthetics : An Introduction Ruth L. Saw Macmillan And Co., Limited 1972 231 20.00
86297 Aestheticism R.V. Johnson Methuen & Co Ltd 1969 97 15.00
86298 Some Thoughts on Indian Aesthetics and Literary Criticism K. Krishnamoorthy University of Mysore 1968 90 2.50
86299 From Art To Science Seventy Two Objects Illustrating the Nature of Discovery Cyril Stanley Smith The Mit Press, England 1980 118 100.00
86300 The Social Function of Art Radhakamal Mukerjee Hind Kitabs Limited 1948 355 75.00
86301 The Meaning of Art, The Idealistic School in Buddhism, Meditative and Active India Rabindranath Tagore Oxford University Press 1926 14 0.50
86302 The Lights of Canopus J.V.S. Wilkinson The Studio Limited 100 100.00
86303 The Modern Dilemma In Art I.J. Belmont Bernard Ackerman, New York 1944 287 50.00
86304 The Transformation of Nature in Art Ananda K. Coomaraswamy Harvard University press 1935 245 25.00
86305 The Forms of Things Unknown Herbert Read Faber And Faber Ltd 1960 248 20.00
86306 Prefaces Lectures on Art Subjects Shahid Suhrawardy At The University Press 1938 263 25.00
86307 Anagarika B. Govinda Art And Meditation Anagarika B. Govinda The Allahabad Block Works 1936 110 10.00
86308 The Modern Movement in Art R.H. Wilenski Faber And Faber Ltd 1945 210 25.00
86309 Three Essays on the Painting of our Time Adrian Stokes Tavistock Publications 1961 65 20.00
86310 The Faith of The Artist James H. Cousins Kalakshetra, Madras 1941 218 25.00
86311 Art And Archaelogy Abroad Kalidas Nag University of Calcutta 1937 125 20.00
86312 The Visual Arts Higginbothams (p) Limited 1968 252 3.00
86313 The Function & Birth of Art Sheikh Ahmed M.R.P.C. Nayar for the Society 32 1.00
86314 Karma Less Ness C. Jinarajadasa Theosophical Publishing House 1932 138 2.50
86315 Colour Sense Training and Colour Using E.J. Taylor Blackie & Son Limited 88 5.00
86316 Japanese Colour Prints Edward F. Strange The Authority of His Majestys Stationery 1923 165 20.00
86317 The Chinese on The Art of Painting Osvald Siren Henri Vetch Peiping 1936 259 25.00
86318 This Changing World J R M Brumwell Readers Union Group of Book Clubs 1945 286 50.00
86319 Sight and Insight Alexander Eliot McDowell Obolensky Inc 1959 196 25.00
86320 The Tenth Muse Herbert Read Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd 1957 330 20.00
86321 The Leaves of Southwell Nikolaus Pevsner The King Penguin Books 1945 32 10.00
86322 Age of Surrealism Wallace Fowlie Bloomington Indiana University Press 1960 215 55.00
86323 Problems of Art Susanne K. Langer Charles Scribners Sons New York 1957 184 15.00
86324 Art And Tradition Asit Kumar Haldar Lakshmi Narain Agarwal, Agra 144 2.50
86325 The Philosophy of Art Raghuthama Acharya S. Ganesan Publisher 1930 89 15.00
86326 The Approach to Painting Thomas Bodkin St. James Place, London 1945 194 10.00
86327 Semantic Philosophy of Art Yevgeny Basin Progress Publishers, Moscow 1979 248 25.00
86328 Painting Since 1939 Robin Ironside The British Council 1947 40 10.00
86329 Sketch for a Self Portrait Bernard Berenson Indiana University Press 1960 184 25.00
86330 Painting As a Pastime Winston Churchill Cornerstone Library, New York 1965 60 10.00
86331 My Way With The Miniature Iancelot Vining The Focal Press 1946 260 10.00
86332 The Sociology of Art Jean Duvignaud Paladin 1972 159 2.50
86333 Art As Will And Idea C. Jinarajadasa Theosophical Publishing House 1927 197 2.50
86334 What is Art and Essays on Art Tolsoty, Aylmer Maude Oxford University Press 1938 339 15.00
86335 Byzantine Painting Gervase Mathew Faber And Faber Ltd 22 10.00
86336 Mughal Painting J.V.S. Wilkinson Faber And Faber Ltd 22 10.00
86337 Rajput Painting Basil Gray Faber And Faber Ltd 22 10.00
86338 Music in Painting Lawrence Haward Faber And Faber Ltd 24 10.00
86339 Dances Sudhir Khastgir Chandbagh Dehra Dun 1945 20 10.00
86340 The Study of Indian Art K. de B. Codrington The Tagore Society 1944 10 10.00
86341 Discovering Indian Sculpture A Brief History Charles L. Fabri Affiliated East West Press Pvt Ltd 1960 84 15.00
86342 The Vertical Man W.G. Archer George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1947 122 15.00
86343 A University Course in Indian Art Ananda K. Coomaraswamy Kala Yogi Ananda K. Coomaraswamy 1971 33 10.00
86344 Salar Jung Museum Souvenir 31 10.00
86345 The Art of Vijaivargiya R.C. Tandan The Allahabad Block Works 1935 40 10.00
86346 Jagdish and Kamla Museum of Indian Art Hyderabad 30 10.00
86347 Paintings and drawings Sudhir Khastgir The Doon School Dehra Dun 20 10.00
86348 Choudhury And His Art P.R. Ramachandra Rao New Book Company Ltd 1943 74 20.00
86349 Abanindra Number K.R. Kripalani The Visva Bharati Quarterly Vol. VIII. Parts I&II 1942 135 10.00
86350 Kanu Desais Paintings in water Colours James H. Cousins D.B. Taraporewala Sons & Co. 20 3.00
86351 Gaganendranath Tagore Souvenir Volume Two Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta 1957 14 2.00
86352 Chatterjees Picture Albums The Modern Review Office 50 10.00
86353 Asithaldar (Modern Painter) 20 10.00
86354 40 Years Retrospective G.L. Narayan 1999 10 10.00
86355 My Village Memories Laxman Aelay 10 10.00
86356 చిత్రప్రసాద్ ... Rekha Forum of Fine Arts, Hyderabd 30 10.00
86357 The Art of The Anagarika Govinda R.C. Tandan Kitabistan, Allahabad 1940 54 10.00
86358 Bhagavata Illustrations Mokkapati Krishnamurti Lalit Kala Akademi, Andhra Pradesh 95 25.00
86359 P.R.R. Raju A Profie 10 10.00
86360 Journal of The Indian Society of Oriental Art Abanindranath Tagore Stella Kramrisch Editors 1938 202 20.00
86361 Young Artists Camp 92 Souvenir Sri Venkateshwara College of Fine Arts 1992 50 20.00
86362 Jahangir The Naturlist M.A. Alvi & A. Rahman National Institute of Sciences of India 1968 140 20.00
86363 Temple Terracotta of Bengal Prodosh Dasgupta Crafts Museum, New Delhi 1971 99 55.00
86364 Sanjiva Dev 100 20.00
86365 తెలుగునాట వెలసిన చిత్ర శిల్పకళల పూర్వాపరాలు కళ 3వ సంపుటి ... భారత కళాపరిషత్ ప్రచురణ 1969 138 25.00
86366 చిత్రకళ చరిత్ర టి. వెంకట్రావ్ చిత్రకళా పరిషత్, విశాఖపట్టణం 1993 116 50.00
86367 Chitralakshana Story of Indian Paintings Mulk Raj Anand National Book Trust, India 94 26.00
86368 Miniatures Indiennes Du Musee Du Louvre Ivan Stchoukine Librairie Ernest Leroux, Paris 1929 106 15.00
86369 Himalayan Art Madanjeet Singh Macmillan And Co., Limited 1971 287 55.00
86370 Symbolism in Indian Art P. Sama Rao 60 20.00
86371 United Asia (Indian Number 1950 Volume Three No. 1) United Asia International Magazine 1950 70 10.00
86372 Illustrations of Indian Art J.V.S. Wilkinson David Marlowe Ltd 1947 30 10.00
86373 Indian Art through the ages Publications Division 1948 20 10.00
86374 An Outline of Indian Art P. Rajeswara Rao 53 5.00
86375 Indian Painting C. Sivaramamurti National Book Trust, India 1970 130 7.00
86376 Patna Painting Mildred Archer David Marlowe Ltd 1948 46 20.00
86377 Novgorod The Great M. Karger Progress Publishers, Moscow 1973 255 55.00
86378 Architecture Higginbothams (p) Limited 1969 156 2.50
86379 Indo Islamic Architecture Ziyaud Din A Desai Publications Division 1970 61 3.00
86380 5000 Years of Indian Architecture Publications Division 42 10.00
86381 The Origin And Development of Stupa Architecture in India Sushila Pant Bharata Manisha, Varanasi 1976 208 80.00
86382 Land of the Reed Plains Kenneth Yasuda Charles E. Tuttle Company Publishers 1960 120 50.00
86383 Impressionist Paintings in the Louvre Germain Bazin Thames And Hudson London 1961 320 55.00
86384 European Paintings in German Art Galleries III Ludwig Grote 150 100.00
86385 European Paintings in German Art Galleries II Ludwig Grote 150 100.00
86386 Greek Gods & Heroes Ann Birchall & P.E. Corbett British Museum Publications Ltd 1974 32 20.00
86387 Utamaro Portraits in The Japanese Woodcut Hedda Vesela Stranska Spring Books London 58 55.00
86388 The Icon Holy Images Kurt Weitzmann Chatto & Windus London 1978 134 100.00
86389 Contemporary Art The March of Art From Cezanne Until Now Rosamund Frost Crown Publishers, New York 1946 240 55.00
86390 The Art of Earl Henry Brewster and Achsah Barlow Brewster G.H. Poole The Roerich Centre of Art & Culture 1938 20 10.00
86391 Kunstschatze in Deutschland H.A. Graefe 95 25.00
86392 An Album of European Paintings Modern Review office, Calcutta 20 2.00
86393 The National And Tate Galleries R.N.D. Wilson Thomas Nelson And Sons Ltd 100 100.00
86394 British Painting William Gaunt Avalon Press And Collins London 1946 44 10.00
86395 English Water Colours Laurence Binyon Adam And Charles Black 1946 177 25.00
86396 British Romantic Artists John Piper Collins James Place London 1946 47 2.00
86397 Chinese Art Roger Fry, Bernard Rackham B.T. Batsford Ltd 1949 86 55.00
86398 Cezanne Elie Faure Les Editions Braun & C 60 2.00
86399 Cezanne Basil Taylor Spring Books London 1961 88 25.00
86400 Leonardo Da Vinci a Quincentenary Tribute O.C. Gangoly The Indian Institute of Culture 1952 18 1.00
86401 Durer today Willi Bongard Matthias Mende Inter Nationes Bonn Bad Godesberg 1971 96 55.00
86402 The Faber Gallery Botticelli Stephen Spender Faber And Faber Ltd 24 10.00
86403 Levitan Russian Painters Series Aurora Art Publishers 157 100.00
86404 Dasa Poi O.C. Gangoly Miss S. Bose, Calcutta 1952 79 55.00
86405 Contemporary American Painting Grace Pagano Duell, Sloan And Pearce New York 1945 116 200.00
86406 Contemporary French Painting Bernard Dorival The Society of Scottish Artists 1946 23 1.00
86407 भारतीय मूर्ति कला राय कृष्णदास नागरीप्रचारिग्री सभा काशी 1996 139 2.00
86408 Ajanta Kanaiyalal H. Vakil, W.E. Gladstone Solomon D.B. Taraporewala Sons & Co. 1929 82 15.00
86409 Soviet Art And Artists Jack Chen The Pilot Press Ltd 1945 106 10.00
86410 The Graphic Art of U.S.S.R Sheikh Ahmed Free India Publications 16 1.00
86411 Chinese Art Book 30 1.00
86412 Some Japanese Artists Yone Noguchi Theosophical Publishing House 1924 154 2.50
86413 The Pocket History of American Painting James Thomas Flexner Pocket Books, New York 1950 118 750.00
86414 Persian Miniatures Basil Gray Collins Unesco 1962 28 10.00
86415 The Permabook of Art Masterpieces Ray Brock Permabooks, New York 1949 116 2.50
86416 Art Since 1945 Marcel Brion Washington Sqaure Press, New York 1945 336 5.00
86417 Modern French Painting Sam Hunter A Dell Publishing Company 1956 256 2.00
86418 The Picture History of Painting H.W. Janson & Dora Jane Janson Washington Sqaure Press, New York 1961 223 15.00
86419 Landscape Into Art Kenneth Clark Penguin Books 1956 157 5.00
86420 Abstract Painting Michel Seuphor Dell Publishing Co., Inc 1964 192 15.00
86421 Primitive Art Leonhard Adam Penguin Books 1949 271 5.00
86422 Claude Monet Margaretta Salinger Harry N. Abrams, New York 1959 50 10.00
86423 Sesshu Toyo Tanio Nakamura Charles E. Tuttle Company Publishers 1960 40 5.00
86424 Yokoyama Taikan Seiroku Noma Charles E. Tuttle Company Publishers 1960 50 10.00
86425 Raoul Dufy Alfred Werner Harry N. Abrams, New York 1953 60 10.00
86426 Vincent Van Gogh Louis Pierard Les Editions Braun & C 60 10.00
86427 Elie Faure Corot Corot Les Editions Braun & C 60 10.00
86428 Seven Painters A.C. Ward Oxford University Press 1946 82 2.50
86429 Chavda Lalit Kala Akademi, Andhra Pradesh 28 2.50
86430 Hebbar R.L. Bartholomew Lalit Kala Akademi, Andhra Pradesh 1984 28 8.00
86431 Tonpe Bhavaraju Narasmiharao Chitra Kala Samsad, Machilipatnam 1993 20 5.00
86432 Asit Kumar Haldar S.A. Krishnan Lalit Kala Akademi, Andhra Pradesh 1961 31 5.00
86433 Bendre Lalit Kala Akademi, Andhra Pradesh 1957 24 2.50
86434 Expressionists Will Grohmann Harry N. Abrams, New York 1957 50 10.00
86435 Down The Emperors Road With Hiroshige Reiko Chiba Charles E. Tuttle Company Publishers 1969 72 2.50
86436 I Michelangelo Sculptor Irving and Jean Stone A Signet Book 1964 256 5.00
86437 The Art of E.H. Brewster & Achsah Brewster M.S. Randhawa Kitabistan, Allahabad 1944 58 2.50
86438 Augustus John T.W. Earp T. Nelson & Sons, Ltd 77 25.00
86439 Rodin Bernard Champigneulle Harry N. Abrams, New York 1967 287 250.00
86440 Gauguin Raymond Cogniat House of Beric Ltd 1947 120 25.00
86441 Gauguin Georges Boudaille Thames And Hudson London 1964 274 100.00
86442 Victor Pasmore Clive Bell Penguin Books 1945 32 20.00
86443 Korin Doanda Randall Crown Publishers, New York 26 10.00
86444 Gurudev Nicholas Roerich K.P. Padmanabhan Tampy The Booklovers Resort 1943 94 2.50
86445 Beautiful Unity Nicholas Roerich, B.D. Garga The Youths Art & Culture Circle 70 2.50
86446 The Messenger Frances Adney 1925 98 2.50
86447 Roerich Fragments of A Biography Jean Duvernois 1933 61 2.50
86448 Nicholas Roerich K.P. Padmanabhan Tampy The Travancore Humanitarian Co Operative 1935 108 15.00
86449 Nicholas Roerich Analise Dum Genio, Jose Paulo Teles Nova Goa Imprensa Nacional 1946 114 10.00
86450 Joy of Art Nicholas Roerich The Art Society Amritsar 1942 18 2.50
86451 Roerich By His Contemporaries 12 1.00
86452 Three University Extension Lectures J.H. Cousins Osmania University, Hyderabad 1939 50 2.50
86453 Nicholas K. Roerich Bibliography The Young Builder Press 1936 35 2.50
86454 Roerich Pact The World Library 35 1.00
86455 Flamma Flamma, inc. 100 10.00
86456 The Roerich Pact and The Banner of Peace The Roerich Pact and Banner of Peace Committee 1947 63 2.50
86457 The Wisdom of Ananda Coomaraswamy S. Durai Raja Singam 1979 130 15.00
86458 Homage to Kalayogi Ananda Coomaraswamy S. Durai Raja Singam H.E. Sri C. Rajagopalachar 192 20.00
86459 A University Course on Indian Art Ananda K. Coomaraswamy S. Durai Raja Singam 1978 103 2.50
86460 Ananda Coomaraswamy : Remembering And Remembering Again And Again S. Durai Raja Singam 1974 374 100.00
86461 Leaves From My Scrap Book G. Venkatachalam 1961 215 25.00
86462 Lines Written To An Indian Air Mulk Raj Anand Nalanda Publications, Bombay 1949 219 25.00
86463 Mulk Raj Anand Jack Lindsay Hind Kitabs Limited 1948 33 1.00
86464 విజ్ఞాన సర్వస్వము పదునాలుగవ సంపుటము లలిత కళలు పాకాల వెంకట రాజమన్నార్, పి. సాంబమూర్తి తెలుగు భాషాసమితి, మద్రాసు 1979 854 50.00
86465 Hokusai W. Forman Spring Books London 115 100.00
86466 The Technique of Seascape Painting Borlase Smart, Julius Olsson Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd 1946 129 50.00
86467 The Art of Painting in Pastel L. Richmond, J. Littlejohns Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd 1930 396 50.00
86468 Three Essays on Oriental Painting Sei Ichi Taki Bernard Quaritch 1910 150 100.00
86469 Tessai Master of the Literati Style Taro Odakane Kodansha International Ltd 1965 124 55.00
86470 Hiroshige Volume 1 Yone Noguchi Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd 1940 156 100.00
86471 Hiroshige Volume 2 Yone Noguchi Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd 1940 100 100.00
86472 Flowering Trees And Shrubs in India D.V. Cowen Thacker & Co., Ltd 1950 187 55.00
86473 Alpine Flowers Paul A. Robert B.T. Batsford Ltd 1945 18 5.00
86474 Orchids 20 2.00
86475 1954 Sauter 10 2.00
86476 The Beauty of Butterflies Julian Huxley Iris Books, New York 1945 30 10.00
86477 Wonders of The Sea Shells Julian Huxley Iris Books, New York .. 30 10.00
86478 Islands John Fowles Jonathan Cape London 1978 108 100.00
86479 How Great Thou Art Nathaneal Olson An Ideals Publication 79 25.00
86480 In Wildness is the Preservation of the World Henry David Thoreau Sierra Club Ballantine Books 1973 159 55.00
86481 Tenali Camera Club 1983 30 10.00
86482 Lahaul And Spiti Manohar Singh Gill Publications Division 1975 22 2.25
86483 Printing and Enlarging Ilford Limited Ilford London 43 15.00
86484 Optics The Technique of Definition Arthur Cox The Focal Press 1946 368 25.00
86485 Nature And Camera Oliver G. Pike The Focal Press 1946 262 25.00
86486 Verified Perspective and The Perspectograph Atul Bose University of Calcutta 1944 67 2.50
86487 35 MM Photo Technique H.S. Newcombe The Focal Press 1947 319 25.00
86488 Nurseries of Heaven Birds Torfrida, May Dart 1945 42 2.50
86489 The book of Indian Animals S.H. Prater The Bombay Natural History Society 262 100.00
86490 The Book of Indian Birds Salim Ali The Bombay Natural History Society 1946 440 100.00
86491 Two Essays David McCutchinon 67 2.50
86492 American Russian Cultural Association Annual Report 1945 1945 21 2.00
86493 American Russian Cultural Association Annual Report 1944 1944 15 2.00
86494 Perspectives 11 Hamish Hamilton Great Britain Hamish Hamilton Ltd 1955 188 5.00
86495 Perspectives 10 Hamish Hamilton Great Britain Hamish Hamilton Ltd 1955 173 5.00
86496 Readings in Perception David C. Beardslee Affiliated East West Press Pvt Ltd 1966 751 12.00
86497 Studies Annaul Publication of The Literary Studio V.N. Bhushan The Literary Studio, Poon 1939 143 25.00
86498 The Modern Tradition Richard Ellmann and Charles Feidelson Oxford University Press 1968 953 100.00
86499 Language Thought and Reality John B. Carroll The Technology Press 1956 278 55.00
86500 Language and Culture Herbert Landar Oxford University Press 1966 274 75.00
86501 The Language And Scripts of Ancient India H.K. Bhattacharyya Oxford Book & Stationery Co. 1959 130 2.50
86502 The History and Origin of Language A.S. Diamond Methuen & Co Ltd 1960 280 2.50
86503 The Armchair Esquire Arnold Gingrich and L. Rust Hills Heinemann London 1958 383 25.00
86504 The Meaning of Meaning C.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd 1972 363 200.00
86505 Writers workshop eighteen a miscellany of creative writing P. Lal Writers workshop Calcutta 1966 74 2.00
86506 Writers workshop four a miscellany of creative writing Writers workshop Calcutta 1961 240 15.00
86507 Writers workshop Seventeen a miscellany of creative writing Writers workshop Calcutta 1965 228 10.00
86508 My English Journey Sadhan Kumar Ghosh Writers workshop Calcutta 1961 49 2.50
86509 Made in China Cornelia Spencer, Lin Yutang George G. Harrap & Company 1947 178 25.00
86510 Shanks Mare Ikku Jippensha The Charles E. Tuttle Company 1960 414 55.00
86511 The Seamless Web Stanley Burnsaw Allen Lane Penguin Press 1970 320 75.00
86512 The Great Beyond Maurice Maeterlinck Philosophical Library, New York 1947 226 55.00
86513 The Mirror and the Lamp M.H. Abrams Oxford University Press 1971 406 100.00
86514 The Realm of Reading Book Three Golden Tales T.E. Eveson Blackie & Son Limited 1946 191 55.00
86515 Love Under the Willows Foreign Languages Publishing House 1956 85 2.50
86516 Contemporary American Poetry Higginbothams (p) Limited 1967 309 3.00
86517 A Golden Treasury of Persian Pretry Hadi Hasan The Publication Division 1966 228 5.50
86518 Divine Dwellers in The Desert Gurdial Mallik Nalanda Publications, Bombay 1949 80 3.12
86519 The Tales Ivan Belkin A. Pushkin Foreign Languages Publishing House 1954 111 10.00
86520 Literature And Science B. Ifor Evans George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1954 114 5.00
86521 Modern Indian Culture Dhurjati Prasad Mukerji Hind Kitabs Limited 1942 235 15.00
86522 A Writers Diary Leonard Woolf The Hogarth Press London 1954 372 25.00
86523 Notes towards the Definition of Culture T.S. Eliot Faber And Faber Ltd 124 2.50
86524 The Achievement of T.S. Eliot F.O. Matthiessen Oxford University Press 1969 248 25.00
86525 T.S. Eliot The Dramatist Subhas Sarkar The Minerva Associates India 313 40.00
86526 Drama An Introduction G.J. Watson Macmillan And Co., Limited 1983 219 50.00
86527 Bell From A Distant Temple Ronald Fraser Jonathan Cape London 1954 256 15.00
86528 The Literary Symbol William York Tindall Indiana University Press 1962 278 25.00
86529 Essays By Oscar Wilde Hesketh Pearson Methuen & Co Ltd 1950 298 20.00
86530 No More Alibis Combined with Pull Yourself Together Baby Sylvia of Hollywood Bartholomew House, Inc., Publishers 1950 156 15.00
86531 Literature and Reality Howard Fast Peoples Publishing House 1955 114 1.50
86532 The Sutra of Wei Lang Wong Mou Lam, Christmas Humphreys The Buddhist Society, London 1944 128 2.50
86533 An Introduction to Logic & Scientific Method M. Yamunacharya H. Venkataramiah & Sons 1953 307 15.00
86534 Metre Rhyme and Free Verse / G.S. Fraser G.S. Fraser Methuen & Co Ltd 1976 88 15.00
86535 Tragedy Clifford Leech Methuen & Co Ltd 1974 92 10.00
86536 Romanticism Lilian R. Furst Methuen & Co Ltd 1976 84 10.00
86537 The Grand Inquisitor Feodor Dostoevsky International Book House Ltd 1944 32 3.00
86538 Quotable Quotes RDI Print And Publishing Pvt Ltd 1993 32 4.00
86539 The Book of Tea Okakura Kakuzo Charles E. Tuttle Company Publishers 1959 133 15.00
86540 A Japanese Miscellany Lafcadio Hearn Charles E. Tuttle Company Publishers 1971 287 25.00
86541 Patterns of Culture Ruth Benedict A Mentor Book 1953 268 15.00
86542 The Miracle of Language Charlton Laird Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1960 255 5.00
86543 The Selected Poetry And Prose of Wordsworth Geoffrey H. Hartman New American Library 1969 448 5.00
86544 Logic Wilfrid Hodges Penguin Books 1977 331 10.00
86545 Poetry : A Modern Guide to Its Understanding and Enjoyment Elizabeth Drew 286 2.00
86546 Esperanto Primer J.C. Oconnor Fleming H. Revell Company 32 2.00
86547 The Hero in Man A.E. International Book House Ltd 17 8.00
86548 Personality Sita Ram Jayaswal The Indian Institute of Culture 1957 59 2.50
86549 The Message of Beauty To Civilization Shrimati Rukmini Devi 19 1.00
86550 Stalin Wells Talk G. Bernard Shaw Vora & Co., Publishers Ltd 64 2.50
86551 The Utility of Beauty Edgar L. Hewett Reprinted From EL Palacio 1937 47 1.00
86552 Manuscripts of Sanjivadev ... ... ... 100 10.00
86553 Paintings of Sanjivadev Album 100 10.00
86554 నఖచిత్ర సంపూర్ణ రామాయణము అయోధ్యకాండము శిష్ట్లా రామకృష్ణారావు శిష్ట్లా రామకృష్ణారావు, విశాఖపట్నం ... 155 100.00
86555 Ravana Chhaya Jiwan Pani 32 10.00
86556 Rangmandal Bharat Bhawan 30 10.00
86557 Rajdarshan Kala Sangam 64 10.00
86558 బ్రాహ్మి త్రైమాస అంతర్జాతీయ సారస్వత పత్రిక బహుభాషా వాఙ్మయ వేదిక ... ఏప్రిల్ జూన్ 2006 2006 40 20.00
86559 బ్రాహ్మి త్రైమాస అంతర్జాతీయ సారస్వత పత్రిక బహుభాషా వాఙ్మయ వేదిక ... అక్టోబరు డిసెంబర్ 2006 2006 56 20.00
86560 బ్రాహ్మి త్రైమాస అంతర్జాతీయ సారస్వత పత్రిక బహుభాషా వాఙ్మయ వేదిక ... జనవరి మార్చి 2007 2007 48 20.00
86561 బ్రాహ్మి త్రైమాస అంతర్జాతీయ సారస్వత పత్రిక బహుభాషా వాఙ్మయ వేదిక ... ఏప్రిల్ జూన్ 2007 2007 48 20.00
86562 Indian Horizons Volume 53 Autumn 2006 Chandana Dutta 123 150.00
86563 Ramgopal Mrinalini Souvenir 1942 42 2.00
86564 Indian Horizons Volume 55 No. 2,3 Chandana Dutta Indian Council for Cultural Relations 2008 196 200.00
86565 Tipitouha 1984 - 1997 Puppet Theatre 1997 20 10.00
86566 संग विस्तार Silver Jubilee of Extenstion Programme 2003 242 250.00
86567 First All India Art Conference New Delhi 1946 10 1.00
86568 Expression And Communication M.D. Taseer Publications of the Society for the Promotion 39 2.00
86569 Saint Sergius V. Shibayev The New Dawn 16 1.00
86570 Langkasuka S. Durai Raja Singam 1966 23 2.50
86571 The Meaning of Art Herbert Read Penguin Books 1949 191 15.00
86572 Human Physiology Kenneth Walker Penguin Books 1948 169 2.50
86573 Discover Your Self Radheshyam Das Vedic for Inspiration, Culture & Education 2001 184 100.00
86574 Society for Psychical Research Volume 45 No. 741 8 1.00
86575 Be A Master Subhash Patr The Kurnool Spiritual Society 1994 194 25.00
86576 Fiery World 1934 Volume 2 1946 264 2.00
86577 The Malady of The Century And Other Essays Nolini Kanta Gupta Sri Aurobindo Library 1943 126 10.00
86578 Window To The West D. Anjaneyulu Triveni Publishers, Madras 1967 144 5.00
86579 Mantrasastroddharaka Wodroffe Vasi Reddy Parthasarathy 1962 72 2.50
86580 Equities Lila Ray The Indian Institute of Culture 1955 88 10.00
86581 The Theatre of Ecstasy 159 2.50
86582 Inspiring Thoughts C. Shyam Mohan 2005 172 25.00
86583 Reflections Brock Tully Gift Books 1994 60 10.00
86584 Tell You That I Love You Kenneth Patchen Hallmark Edition 30 10.00
86585 Little Book of Relaxation Gyan C. Jain BPB Publications, New Delhi 1995 153 10.00
86586 Sweet Somethings 60 10.00
86587 Shakespeare Wisdom & Wit C. Merton Babcock The Peter Pauper Press 1967 60 2.50
86588 Im Sorry We Quarrelled Stanyan Books 1970 30 10.00
86589 On Friendship Louise Bachelder Peter Pauper Press 1966 61 10.00
86590 Balzac Epigrams on Men, Women, and Love The Peter Pauper Press 1959 60 2.50
86591 Salty Sayings from Cynical tongues Henry R. Martin The Peter Pauper Press 1959 60 10.00
86592 Encyclopedia of the Arts Dagobert D. Runes and Harry G. Schrickel Philosophical Library, New York 1946 1064 55.00
86593 Visions And Voices Manohar Kaul, Keshav Malik A Kala Darshan Publication 1992 30 25.00
86594 Treatment of Landscape in Eastern And Western Poetry C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar G.H. Bhatt 1956 50 2.50
86595 The Dark Well Harindranath Chattopadhyaya Kalakshetra, Madras 1939 99 10.00
86596 Eyes of Light Dilip Kumar Roy Nalanda Publications, Bombay 1948 143 25.00
86597 Sayings of The World Christina Isabella Powers Christina Isabella Powers 1967 209 55.00
86598 The Word Christina Isabella Powers Powers Publications 1970 134 25.00
86599 One With The One Christina Isabella Powers Powers Publications 8 10.00
86600 The Word At Large Christina Isabella Powers Powers Publications 11 10.00
86601 Shogyo Mujo Fumio Araki 1969 30 10.00
86602 Prism International April 1986 1986 80 25.00
86603 Ashma Foreign Languages Press 1957 81 20.00
86604 Song Consummate Christina Paradise Press 1950 69 25.00
86605 The Latter Keys Christina Paradise Press 1957 106 55.00
86606 Open Thy Heart Christina Paradise Press 1956 30 15.00
86607 Thou Art Upon The Rock Christina Paradise Press 1956 50 25.00
86608 The Master Key Christina Paradise Press 1960 54 20.00
86609 Ye Have Asked Enough Christina Paradise Press 1956 30 15.00
86610 Now Christina Paradise Press 1956 25 10.00
86611 య..స్వి యస్వి రామారావు రూప అరూప కళ యస్వి రామారావు రేఖ ప్రచురణలు, హైదరాబాద్ 1999 134 30.00
86612 The Broken Mirror Aluri Bairagi, P. Adeswara Rao Purugulla Publications 1996 83 75.00
86613 Voices From The Empty Well Aluri Bairagi, P. Adeswara Rao Purugulla Publications 1996 82 75.00
86614 My Inner Vision V.V. Swamy Artist & Writer 28 10.00
86615 Down to The Earth Chekuri Rama Rao, Seelavi Kundurti Satya Murty Free Verse Front, Hyderabad 1994 98 25.00
86616 Gift of Life N.V. Subbaraman C.P. Brown Memorial Trust 1998 65 35.00
86617 Sense and Verse I.V. Rama Raju 46 20.00
86618 In the Hour of God Snehalata Reddy 32 10.00
86619 Chalasani Prasada Rao 10 10.00
86620 The Echo T. Ramadas T. Ramadas, Moturu 1994 66 25.00
86621 A View within Chaya poetry enclave Venugopal Yagalla Novodaya Publishers 1991 45 20.00
86622 Love Poems in Hindi O.C. Gangoly Little Book on Asiatic Art 1936 59 15.00
86623 History of Western Philosophy Bertrand Russell George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1946 916 25.00
86624 In Praise of Idleness And Other Essays Bertrand Russell George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1948 231 20.00
86625 An Inquiry Into Meaning And Truth Bertrand Russell George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1956 352 55.00
86626 Human Knowledge its scope and Limits Bertrand Russell George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1948 538 30.00
86627 Antic Hay Aldous Huxley Penguin Books 1948 254 5.00
86628 The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell Aldous Huxley Penguin Books 1967 143 10.00
86629 Beyond Aldous Huxley Penguin Books 1955 219 15.00
86630 APE And Essence Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus London 1949 153 10.00
86631 Brave New World Aldous Huxley The Vanguard Library, London 1952 213 10.00
86632 Jesting Pilate the Diary of a Journey Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus London 1948 291 15.00
86633 On the Margin Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus London 1948 229 15.00
86634 The Olive Tree Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus London 1947 303 20.00
86635 Point Counter Point Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus London 1947 601 20.00
86636 Time Must Have A Stop Aldous Huxley The Sun Dial Press 1944 311 2.50
86637 The Perennial Philosphy Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus London 1947 358 15.00
86638 The Case For Constructive Peace Aldous Huxley Aundh Publishing Trust 1945 32 2.50
86639 On Art and Artists Aldous Huxley Harper & Brothers Publishers New York 1960 320 25.00
86640 Our Culture C. Rajagopalachari Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1963 51 1.50
86641 Men I Have Met K.R.R. Sastry The Author 23 2.50
86642 My Dedication to Gurudeva Tagore Tan Yun Shan The Sino Indian Cultural Society 1942 22 0.10
86643 Tagore in China Tagore Memorial Publications 23 1.50
86644 One Hundred Poems of Kabir Rabindranath Tagore Macmillan And Co., Limited 1954 105 15.00
86645 Sacrifice And Other Plays Rabindranath Tagore Macmillan And Co., Limited 1961 256 25.00
86646 Sadhana The Realisation of Life Rabindranath Tagore Macmillan And Co., Limited 1947 164 25.00
86647 Rolland And Tagore Alex Aronson and Krishna Kripalani Visva Bharati 1945 104 2.50
86648 Man Rabindranath Tagore The Huxley Press, Madras 1937 61 1.00
86649 Gitanjali Rabindranath Tagore Macmillan And Co., Limited 1942 101 2.50
86650 Gitanjali Rabindranath Tagore Macmillan And Co., Limited 1970 99 3,050.00
86651 Kalki or The Future of Civilization S. Radhakrishnan Hind Kitabs Limited 1948 72 2.50
86652 Radhakrishnan An Anthology A.N. Marlow George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1952 148 5.00
86653 The Hindu View of Life S. Radhakrishnan George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1948 133 10.00
86654 Indian Philosophy Volume II S. Radhakrishnan George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1941 807 55.00
86655 Radhakrishnan Comparative Studies in Philosophy George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1951 408 15.00
86656 An Idealist View of Life S. Radhakrishnan George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1947 352 15.00
86657 Platos Republic A.D. Lindsay J.M. Dent & Sons Limited 1958 325 20.00
86658 Liberty Milton Paine Mill Marx Orwell A. Gandhi Peacockclassics, Hyderabad 2005 141 100.00
86659 The Philosophy of Hegel Carl J. Friedrich The Modern Library New York 1954 552 55.00
86660 The General Theory of Employment Interest And Money Volume VII John Maynard Keynes Royal Economic Society 1976 428 60.00
86661 Decadence A Philosophical Inquiry C.E.M. Joad Faber And Faber Ltd 430 15.00
86662 Escape From Freedom Erich Fromm Avon Books 1969 333 15.00
86663 The Sane Society Erich Fromm Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd 1976 370 55.00
86664 The Act of Creation Arthur Koestler Dell Publishing Co., Inc 1964 751 15.00
86665 Illusion And Reality Christopher Caudwell Peoples Publishing House 1956 355 25.00
86666 Being and Nothingness An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology Jean Paul Sartre Methuen & Co Ltd 1957 634 55.00
86667 Colleagues in Solitude Shriram Sharma Acharya Shantikunj Hardwar 1994 150 25.00
86668 The Importance of Living Lin Yutang William Heinemann Ltd 1949 444 25.00
86669 The Science of Being And Art of Living Maharishi Mahesh Yogi International SRM Publications 1967 334 100.00
86670 The Upward Spiral Dilip Kumar Roy Jaico Publishing House 1949 577 7.50
86671 Average Man Against Superior Man Osias L. Schwarz The Philosophical Library New York 1947 124 15.00
86672 The Contemplative Activity Pepita Haezrahi George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1954 139 25.00
86673 Journey To Lourdes Alexis Carrel, Charles A. Lindbergh Hamish Hamilton, London 1950 77 10.00
86674 Man, The Unknown Alesix Carrel Hamish Hamilton, London 1948 318 20.00
86675 Reflections on Life Alesix Carrel Hamish Hamilton, London 1952 189 15.00
86676 Vedanta Philosophy F. Max Muller Susil Gupta (India) Ltd 1950 109 10.00
86677 Veda And Vedanta Ernest P. Horrwitz Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati 1937 217 15.00
86678 Existentialism And Indian Thought K. Guru Dutt The Indian Institute of World Culture 1960 87 2.85
86679 Krishnamurti Extracts From His Talks & Writings VIII The Bangalore Press 1945 254 5.00
86680 The Manual of Insight Maha Thera Ledi Sayadaw Buddhist Publication Society 1961 250 20.00
86681 A New Approach To The Vedas Ananda K. Coomaraswamy Luzac & Co., London 1933 116 10.00
86682 Our Relation To The Absolute Swami Abhedananda Ramakrishna Vedanta Math 1946 208 20.00
86683 The Madhayamika Philosophy : A New Approach R.C. Pandeya Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 24 2.00
86684 Early Western Buddhists Buddhist Publication Society 1962 250 25.00
86685 Indian Teachers of Buddhist Universities Phanindranath Bose Theosophical Publishing House 1923 162 2.50
86686 The Dhammapada The path of Perfection Juan Mascaro Penguin Books 1973 92 2.50
86687 Zen Buddhism Christmas Humphreys Unwin Books 175 2.50
86688 Siva and Buddha Sister Nivedita Udbodhan Office, Calcutta 1958 47 2.50
86689 Nagarjunas Letter to King Gautamiputra Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 1978 118 35.00
86690 The Sources of Economic Growth in India Bakul H. Dholakia Good Companions, Baroda 1974 267 25.00
86691 Microeconomic Theory P.R.G. Layard, A.A. Walters McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc. 1978 498 100.00
86692 Communication And Development Select Readings Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration 1987 514 55.00
86693 Master Guide Indian Administrative Services Examination Khanna Brothers Publishers 1977 448 18.00
86694 శాంతి సౌఖ్యాలకోసం అణుశక్తి ... ... ... 20 10.00
86695 Americas Scientific Quest William H. Weathers 68 15.00
86696 Americas Scientific Quest United States Information Service 40 10.00
86697 రేడియేషన్ ఆరోగ్యం మరియు సమాజం ... అణుశక్తి విభాగం 2006 41 25.00
86698 Origins Higher Dimensions in Science 64 10.00
86699 Our Awesome Universe 31 10.00
86700 Journey to Space starts from here… Satish Dhawan Space Centre Shar, Sriharikota 20 10.00
86701 8 Days in Space 20 2.00
86702 Whence The Threat To Peace Military Publishing House 1982 94 25.00
86703 USSR Probes Space 60 10.00
86704 Mariner to Mars William E. Howard 20 5.00
86705 అణుశక్తిపై ప్రజల అభిప్రాయం మాఢనమ్మకాలు నిజాల మధ్య వైరుధ్యం ... అణుశక్తి విభాగం ... 38 25.00
86706 Childrens Science Library The Universe A.H. Hashmi, Rajeev Garg Pustak Mahal, Delhi 1992 32 30.00
86707 Opening The Window to Space Space Applications Centre 1982 52 20.00
86708 Guatemala 76 Earthquakes of the Caribbean Plate 48 25.00
86709 Managua 1972 35 20.00
86710 The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson Joseph E. Stiglitz Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 1966 1813 18.75
86711 Science in the Dock : Guilty or Not Guilty F.W. Westaway The Scientific Book Club, London 1944 133 15.00
86712 Essays in Science And Philosophy Alfred North Whitehead Philosphical Library, New York 1948 255 25.00
86713 The American Review Summer 1974 Volume 18 No. 4 Nathan Glick 1974 112 25.00
86714 Paths to Discovery C.T. Philip 210 15.00
86715 Naturalism / The Critical Idiom Lilian R. Furst and Peter N. Skrine, John D. Jump Methuen & Co Ltd 1971 81 15.00
86716 Science And Society in India Foundations of Planning Kewal Motwani Hind Kitabs Limited 1945 123 2.50
86717 The New Background of Science Sir James Jeans The Scientific Book Club, London 1945 312 25.00
86718 How Life Began Irving Adler, Ruth Adler A Signet Key Book 1957 128 2.50
86719 On Understanding Science James B. Conant The New American Library 1951 144 2.50
86720 The Tao of Physics Fritjof Capra Bantam Books 1977 332 25.00
86721 Science News 22 A.W. Haslett Penguin Books 1951 125 2.50
86722 Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc. General Catalog Number 9 Charles E. Tuttle Company Publishers 1970 213 55.00
86723 The Studio August 1950 Two Shillings & Sixpence Net 20 10.00
86724 The Maha Bodhi July 1892 Volume 78 No. 12 1970 30 10.00
86725 The Maha Bodhi July 1892 Volume 80 No. 12 1972 30 10.00
86726 సత్యం ద్వైమాసిక పత్రిక వి.ఎల్. రావిశెట్టి సుచరిత పబ్లికేషన్స్, భద్రాచలం 2004 27 2.50
86727 Scientific Being Volume VI No. 3 1974 13 10.00
86728 Analysis Volume 21 No. 3 January 1961 Bernard Mayo 1961 72 2.00
86729 Analysis Volume 21 No. 6 June 1961 P.T. Geach 1961 144 2.00
86730 Analysis Volume 22 No. 3 January 1962 Bernard Mayo 1962 72 2.50
86731 Ariel A Quarterly Review Number 19 Summer 1967 Isaac Halevy Levin 1967 96 25.00
86732 Rhythm A Journal for the Promotion of art and Industiries Volume IV No. 1 Asha Mukherjee Harish Mukherjee Road 53 10.00
86733 Rhythm A Journal for the Promotion of art and Industiries Volume VI No. 1 Asha Mukherjee Harish Mukherjee Road 59 10.00
86734 Rhythm A Journal for the Promotion of art and Industiries Volume V No. 3 Asha Mukherjee Harish Mukherjee Road 62 10.00
86735 Lalita Art Quarterly Dinesh Dutt Dulal Dey 54 10.00
86736 PSA Journal Volume 22 Number 11 Don Bennett 1956 48 10.00
86737 PSA Journal Volume 23 Number 9 Don Bennett 1957 56 10.00
86738 PSA Journal Volume 23 Number 10 Don Bennett 1957 56 10.00
86739 PSA Journal Volume 22 Number 10 Don Bennett 1956 48 10.00
86740 PSA Journal Volume 16 Dec 1950 Fred Quellmalz 1950 150 15.00
86741 Art Cutting Collection 100 100.00
86742 भारतीय चित्रकला पण्डति ... इंडियन प्रेस, लिमिटेड, प्रयाग 1940 72 2.00
86743 आई रिटायर होतेय आशोक फाटोळे पांप्युलर प्रकाशन, मुंभई ... 99 2.00
86744 चौमासा वर्ष 1 अंक 1 ... ... ... 109 2.50
86745 कमला विजय तेन्दुलकर राजकमल प्रकाशन 1984 85 22.00
86746 कल्पना 202 वर्ष 19, अंक 11 नवम्बर 1968 ... ... 1968 68 2.00
86747 पाटल रामदयाल पाण्डेय मोहन् प्रेस, पटना ... 276 2.50
86748 विशाल भारत वनारसिदास चतुर्वेदी रामानन्द चट्टोपाध्याय ... 166 10.00
86749 कला निधि वर्ष 1 अंक 1 ... ... ... 80 1.00
86750 कला निधि वर्ष 1 अंक 4 ... ... ... 80 1.00
86751 कला निधि वर्ष 1 अंक 2 ... ... ... 80 1.00
86752 कला निधि वर्ष 1 अंक 2 ... ... ... 80 1.00
86753 कलादर्शन ... ... ... 20 5.00
86754 Bengali Magazines ... ... ... 150 15.00
86755 Bengali Magazines कुल और कांटे ... ... ... 120 15.00
86756 Bengali Magazines ... ... ... 100 10.00
86757 Bengali Magazines ... ... ... 110 10.00
86758 బెంగాలీ బుక్ ... ... ... 250 25.00
86759 బెంగాలీ మ్యాగజైన్ ... ... ... 140 10.00
86760 नवकल्लाल బెంగాలీ మ్యాగజైన్ ... ... ... 100 15.00
86761 Bengali Magazines 30 10.00
86762 Bengali Magazines 50 10.00
86763 Bengali Magazines 280 15.00
86764 Bengali Magazines 300 20.00
86765 బెంగాలీ ఆర్ట్ బుక్ ... ... ... 20 10.00
86766 A Well Wisher Bangal Magazine 20 15.00
86767 Bengali Magazine 60 10.00
86768 रंग प्रसंग वर्ष 1 अंक 1 जनवरी-जून 1998 ... राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विध्यालय का 1998 202 25.00
86769 रंग प्रसंग वर्ष 1 अंक 2 जुलाई-दिसंबर 1998 ... राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विध्यालय का 1998 220 25.00
86770 रंग प्रसंग वर्ष 2 अंक 1 जनवरी-जून 1999 ... राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विध्यालय का 1999 219 25.00
86771 रंग प्रसंग वर्ष 2 अंक 4 जुलाई-दिसंबर 1999 ... राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विध्यालय का 1999 245 25.00
86772 रंग प्रसंग वर्ष 3 अंक 1 जनवरी-जून 2000 ... राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विध्यालय का 2000 357 50.00
86773 रंग प्रसंग वर्ष 3 अंक 2 जुलाई-दिसंबर 2000 ... राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विध्यालय का 2000 230 50.00
86774 रंग प्रसंग वर्ष 4 अंक 1 जनवरी-जून 2001 ... राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विध्यालय का 2001 250 50.00
86775 रंग प्रसंग वर्ष 9 अंक 2 अप्रैल - जुन 2006 ... राष्ट्रीय नाट्य विध्यालय का 2006 205 50.00
86776 The Geographical Magazine February 1946 Car & General Insurance Corporation Ltd 1946 500 100.00
86777 The Indo Asian Culture Vol. XX, No. 1 January 1971 Indian Council for Cultural Relations 1971 82 25.00
86778 Journal of The Society For Psychical Research March 1969 Vol 45 No. 739 The Society For Psychical Research, London 1969 100 100.00
86779 Journal of Indian Psychology Volume 1 Number 1 January 1978 Andhra University Press, Waltair 1978 500 100.00
86780 Indian Theatre Journal 3 1987-88 M.N. Sarma 1988 400 100.00
86781 Prabuddha Bharata Vol. XLI No. 2 Feb 1936 1936 280 100.00
86782 Prabuddha Bharata Vol. XLII No. 4 Feb 1937 and Golden Jubilee Number 1945 1937 500 100.00
86783 Prabuddha Bharata Vol. 120&119 No. 1 January 2015 Swami Narasimhananda 2015 242 50.00
86784 ఆంధ్రసంస్కృతి తరంగిణి మల్లంపల్లి సోమశేఖర శర్మ ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వ ప్రచురణము, హైదరాబాద్ 1976 87 10.00
86785 The Foote Collection of Indian Prehistoric And Protohistoric Antiquities : Note on Their Ages And Distribution Robert Bruce Foote The Commissioner of Museums Govt., Chennai 2002 230 75.00
86786 The Foote Collection of Indian Prehistoric And Protohistoric Antiquities : Catalogue Raisonne Robert Bruce Foote The Commissioner of Museums Govt., Chennai 1999 262 200.00
86787 ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ఆలయ శిల్ప సంపద యస్. శ్రీపతినాయుడు ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వ ప్రచురణము, హైదరాబాద్ 1990 62 33.00
86788 The Kerala Pageant 40 10.00
86789 Miro Joan Miro Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 1987 10 1.00
86790 Plan / Information English 15 1.00
86791 నాగార్జునసాగర్ డాము, కాలువలు ... ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వము 1967 30 10.00
86792 మిసిమి చిత్ర కళా నీరాజనం Kandregula Nageswara Rao, Vallabhaneni Aswini Kumar Misimi Monthly Magazine 2016 260 295.00
86793 సంతను చిత్ర విద్యాలయం ... ... 1957 13 1.00
86794 తెలుగు ప్రతిభా ప్రభాతరేఖలు ... తెలుగు విశ్వవిద్యాలయం 1988 20 10.00
86795 Amaravati The Art and History of the Stupa and the Temple N.S. Ramaswami The Government of Andhra Pradesh 1975 52 10.00
86796 Bulletin of the Chennai Government Museum, Amaravati Sculptures in the Chennai Government Museum C. Sivaramamurti 1998 376 250.00
86797 Site Plan Temples at Alampur 23 10.00
86798 The Amaravati Mode of Sculpture C. Sivaramamurti Government Museum, Chennai 2007 60 145.00
86799 Subject Index to the Annual Reports on Indian Epigraphy G.S. Gai Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi 1988 218 135.00
86800 తమిళ ఆర్ట్ బుక్ (Tamil Art Book) 100 10.00
86801 Iowa A Celebration of Land, People & Purpose Pamela Johnson Michael Peterson 1996 192 200.00
86802 Paris Rudolph Chelminski The Great Cities Time Life Books 1977 200 100.00
86803 New York Anthony Burgess The Great Cities Time Life Books 1976 200 100.00
86804 London Aubrey Menen The Great Cities Time Life Books 1977 200 100.00
86805 Tokyo Fosco Maraini The Great Cities Time Life Books 1976 200 100.00
86806 Venice Aubrey Menen The Great Cities Time Life Books 1976 200 100.00
86807 Peking David Bonavia The Great Cities Time Life Books 1978 200 100.00
86808 Vienna David Pryce Jones The Great Cities Time Life Books 1978 200 100.00
86809 San Francisco Geoffrey Moorhouse The Great Cities Time Life Books 1979 200 100.00
86810 Amsterdam Hans Koning The Great Cities Time Life Books 1977 200 100.00
86811 Early Man F. Clark Howell Time Life Interantional 1970 200 100.00
86812 Historic India Lucille Schulberg Time Life Interantional 1969 190 100.00
86813 Classical Greece C.M. Bowra Time Life Interantional 1970 192 100.00
86814 Imperial Rome Moses Hadas Time Life Interantional 1971 190 100.00
86815 Ancient China Edward H. Schafer Time Life Interantional 1970 190 100.00
86816 Age of Progress S.C. Burchell Time Life Interantional 1973 192 100.00
86817 Age of Exploration John R. Hale Time Life Interantional 1972 192 100.00
86818 The Reformation Edith Simon Time Life Interantional 1970 191 100.00
86819 Age of Faith Anne Fremantle Time Life Interantional 1969 192 100.00
86820 Early Japan Jonathan Norton Leonard Time Life Interantional 1969 191 100.00
86821 Byzantium Philip Sherrard Time Life Interantional 1967 192 100.00
86822 Rise of Russia Robert Wallace Time Life Interantional 1969 183 100.00
86823 African Kingdoms Basil Davidson Time Life Interantional 1969 191 100.00
86824 Renaissance John R. Hale Time Life Interantional 1971 192 100.00
86825 Age of Kings Charles Blitzer Time Life Interantional 1969 191 100.00
86826 Cradle of Civilization Samuel Noah Kramer Time Life Interantional 1972 182 100.00
86827 Ancient Egypt Lionel Casson Time Life Interantional 1969 192 100.00
86828 Age of Enlightenment Peter Gay Time Life Interantional 1966 192 100.00
86829 Twentieth Century Joel Colton Time Life Interantional 1971 176 100.00
86830 Early Islam Desmond Stewart Time Life Interantional 1972 192 100.00
86831 Ancient America Jonathan Norton Leonard Time Life Interantional 1968 192 100.00
86832 Australia beyond the black stump Gary Lewis Peter Antill Rose Victoria 1990 128 250.00
86833 Rome The Vatican The Sistine Chapel Bonechi Editore Firenze 1971 127 100.00
86834 Rome of The Caesars Leonardo B. Dal Maso, Michael Hollingworth 126 55.00
86835 Washington, D.C. A Pictorial Souvenir Crescent Books 1997 62 100.00
86836 Philadelphia Birthplace of Independence United States Information Service 30 25.00
86837 Detroit 1939 35 25.00
86838 Pisa Art and Life M. Rosalba Abbiati Q. Roberto Bello 1982 123 300.00
86839 The Rough Guide To Beijing Simon Lewis Rough Guides, New York 211 100.00
86840 Pittsburgh Then & Now Walter C. Kidney San Diego, California 2004 144 500.00
86841 Aquitaine Jacques Louis Delpal Nathan 190 500.00
86842 Toma Babovic / Gisela Buddee Berlin Ellert & Richter Verlag 168 600.00
86843 Bruxelles Brussel Brussels Brussel Merckx Uitgeverij 136 250.00
86844 Moscow Yuri Balanenko, Alex Miller 1987 185 1,000.00
86845 Amsterdam Robin Pascoe, Christopher Catling Darling Kindersley 1997 312 300.00
86846 Montreal Patricia Harris and David Lyon 2004 223 250.00
86847 Leningrad Pavel Kann Raduga Publishers, Moscow 1988 383 300.00
86848 The Second World War The Gathering Storm 1 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1969 353 25.00
86849 The Second World War The The Twilight War 2 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1969 239 25.00
86850 The Second World War The Fall of France 3 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1968 281 25.00
86851 The Second World War The Commonwealth Alone 4 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1964 276 25.00
86852 The Second World War Germany Drives East 5 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1968 338 25.00
86853 The Second World War War Comes to America 6 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 301 25.00
86854 The Second World War The Onslaught of Japan 7 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1965 370 25.00
86855 The Second World War Victory in Africa 8 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1965 380 25.00
86856 The Second World War The Invasion of Italy 9 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1965 285 25.00
86857 The Second World War Assault from the Air 10 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1965 276 25.00
86858 The Second World War The Tide of Victory 11 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1965 288 25.00
86859 The Second World War Triumph and Tragedy 12 Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1965 305 25.00
86860 The World Crisis 1911-1918 Winston S. Churchill Landsborough Publications Limited 1960 958 125.00
86861 The Six Day War Randolph S. Churchill, Winstons. Churchill Heinemann, London 1967 250 25.00
86862 The Second World War Volume 1 The Gathering Storm Winston S. Churchill Cassell & Company Ltd 1948 640 55.00
86863 The Second World War Their Finest Hour Winston S. Churchill Houghton Mifflin Company Boston 1949 751 55.00
86864 The Second World War The Grand Alliance Winston S. Churchill Houghton Mifflin Company Boston 1950 903 55.00
86865 The Second World War The Hinge of Fate Winston S. Churchill Houghton Mifflin Company Boston 1950 1000 55.00
86866 The Second World War Closing the Ring Winston S. Churchill Houghton Mifflin Company Boston 1951 749 55.00
86867 The Second World War Triumph and Tragedy Winston S. Churchill Houghton Mifflin Company Boston 1953 800 55.00
86868 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume II Edward Gibbon The Modern Library New York 923 60.00
86869 The History of The Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire Volume II Edward Gibbon John Murray, Albemarle Street 1908 425 55.00
86870 The History of The Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire Volume IV Edward Gibbon John Murray, Albemarle Street 1908 410 55.00
86871 The History of The Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire Volume V Edward Gibbon John Murray, Albemarle Street 1908 428 55.00
86872 The History of The Decline And Fall of The Roman Empire Volume V Edward Gibbon George Bell & Sons, York Street 1879 535 15.00
86873 Gibbons Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume 1 & 4 Christopher Dawson Everymans Library, New York 1963 500 35.00
86874 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume 1 Edward Gibbon Washington Square Press, Inc. New York 1962 434 15.00
86875 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume 2 Edward Gibbon Washington Square Press, Inc. New York 1962 824 15.00
86876 The History of The Decline & Fall of The Roman Empire Volume 2 Edward Gibbon Oxford University Press 1925 597 20.00
86877 The History of The Decline & Fall of The Roman Empire Volume 3 Edward Gibbon Oxford University Press 1925 572 20.00
86878 The History of The Decline & Fall of The Roman Empire Volume 4 Edward Gibbon Oxford University Press 1925 602 20.00
86879 The History of The Decline & Fall of The Roman Empire Volume 7 Edward Gibbon Oxford University Press 1925 505 20.00
86880 The Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire and Other Selections from the writings of Edward Gibbon Edward Gibbon Washington Square Press, Inc. New York 456 20.00
86881 The Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbon Dell Publishing Co., Inc 1967 735 25.00
86882 Barbarism and the Fall of Rome Volume 2 of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbon Collier Books, New York 1966 382 20.00
86883 Reflections on The Fall of Rome Edward Gibbon, David Womersley Penguin Books 1994 87 2.50
86884 Narrative from The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Edward Gibbon, J.H. Fowler Macmillan And Co., Limited 1914 95 5.00
86885 Gibbons Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Book II Byzantium And the Near East H.G. Rawlinson and W.N.U. Dunlop Orient Longmans Ltd. Bombay 1954 295 2.50
86886 The Last Days of Pompeii Dorothy King / Lord Lytton Blackie & Son (India) Limited 1951 128 2.50
86887 A Cultural History of India A.L. Basham Oxford University Press 1984 585 150.00
86888 India Labyrinths in the Lotus Land Sasthi Brata William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York 1985 336 50.00
86889 Ancient India R.C. Majumdar Motilal Banarasidass Publishers, Delhi 1998 538 55.00
86890 The Wonder That Was India A.L. Basham Orient Longmans Ltd. Bombay 1963 568 10.00
86891 The Wonder That Was India A.L. Basham Rupa & Co., New Delhi 2002 568 295.00
86892 The Wonder That Was India A.L. Basham Rupa & Co., New Delhi 1991 572 100.00
86893 The Wonder That Was India Volume II S.A.A. Rizvi Rupa & Co., New Delhi 1996 415 250.00
86894 A Book of India B.N. Pandey Rupa & Co., New Delhi 2002 470 195.00
86895 Indian Wisdom Monier Monier Williams Indigo Books 2003 575 250.00
86896 A History of India Volume 1 Romila Thapar Penguin Books 1966 380 60.00
86897 A History of India Volume 1 Romila Thapar Penguin Books 1982 381 30.00
86898 A History of India Volume 2 Percival Spear Penguin Books 1983 298 20.00
86899 A History of India Volume 2 Percival Spear Penguin Books 1990 298 60.00
86900 Witness to an Era Frank Moraes Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1973 332 35.00
86901 India After Gandhi Ramachandra Guha Picador an imprint of Pan Macmillan Ltd 2007 898 595.00
86902 Into India John Keay Rupa & Co., New Delhi 1989 130 50.00
86903 Indian Historical Research What Prompted My Historic Quest 324 30.00
86904 India The Golden Jubilee Ian Jack S. Hederman 1997 288 125.00
86905 India And the World Jawaharlal Nehru, Arnold Toynbee Sagar Publications, New Delhi 147 15.00
86906 The Tragic Story of Partition H.V. Seshadri Jagarana Prakashana Bangalore 1984 280 25.00
86907 The Birth and Death of Political Parties in India N. Innaiah N. Innaiah 1982 122 50.00
86908 Presidents Rule in India Shriram Maheshwari Macmillan And Co., Limited 1977 223 15.00
86909 India Today and Tomorrow R. Palme Dutt Peoples Publishing House 1955 217 5.00
86910 Political Prospects in India Saral K. Chatterji The Christian Institute for the Study of Religion, Bangaloe 1971 192 20.00
86911 Indias Democracy A.H. Hanson, Janet Douglas Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1974 235 35.00
86912 Secularism in India V.K. Sinha Lalvani Publishing House, Bombay 1968 212 20.00
86913 India A World in Transition Beatrice Pitney Lamb Frederic A. Praeger, Publishers 1967 382 25.00
86914 Modern India 1885-1947 Sumit Sarkar Macmillan And Co., Limited 1983 486 100.00
86915 Cultural Heritage of India V. Sivaramakrishnan Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 2003 198 75.00
86916 Changing India Robert W. Stern Cambridge University Press 1993 257 55.00
86917 Village Life in Northern India Oscar Lewis Vintage Books 1958 384 60.00
86918 India Emergent Power Stephen P. Cohen and Richard L. Park National Strategy Infromation Center, Inc 1978 98 20.00
86919 From Raj To Rajiv Mark Tully Zareer Masani Universal Book Stall, New Delhi 1994 174 45.00
86920 Mother India Katherine Mayo Jonathan Cape, Bedford Square 391 15.00
86921 Marriage and Family in India K.M. Kapadia Oxford University Press 1968 395 20.00
86922 India And Communism Ashoke Kumar Mukhopadhyay National Book Agency Pvt Ltd 1997 354 150.00
86923 Ancient Indian Social History Some Interpretations Romila Thapar Orient Longmans Ltd. Bombay 1996 341 190.00
86924 Communalism in Modern India Bipan Chandra Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1984 363 150.00
86925 India by Al Biruni Qeyamuddin Ahmad National Book Trust, India 1992 306 32.00
86926 Ancient India R.C. Majumdar Motilal Banarasidass Publishers, Delhi 1971 538 25.00
86927 India Britannica Geoffrey Moorhouse Paladin Granada Publishing 1984 238 20.00
86928 India The Critical Years Kuldip Nayar Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1971 391 55.00
86929 India Yesterday and Today Clark D. Moore and David Eldredge Bantam Pathfinder Editions 1970 368 15.00
86930 The New India Ved Mehta Penguin Books 1978 174 5.00
86931 The Vision of India Sisirkumar Mitra Jaico Publishing House 1949 336 15.00
86932 Panchayati Raj in India A Study Raghubir Sahai Kitab Mahal, Allahabad 1968 168 15.00
86933 An Advanced History of India Political Relations 1858-1905 1126 10.00
86934 आन्ध्र का इतिहास वेमूरि राधाकृष्ण मूर्ति आन्ध्र प्रदेश हिन्दी अकाडमी 1988 463 100.00
86935 A History of India Book 1 K. Antonova, G. Bongard Levin, G.Kotovsky Progress Publishers, Moscow 1979 264 100.00
86936 A History of India Book 2 K. Antonova, G. Bongard Levin, G.Kotovsky Progress Publishers, Moscow 1979 341 100.00
86937 The Saga of Bharat Swaraj P. Jagadiswara Rao M. Balankeswara Rao 1988 219 25.00
86938 The Saga of Bharat Swaraj P. Jagadiswara Rao M. Balankeswara Rao 1988 219 25.00
86939 The India of Our Dreams M.V. Kamath IBH Publishing Company, Bombay 1982 226 60.00
86940 India The Roots of Crisis Satish Saberwal Oxford University Press 1986 90 35.00
86941 India Pre Historic and Proto Historic Periods Publications Division 2001 50 30.00
86942 Lost Mythological Cities of India Urmila Verma Publications Division 2010 90 70.00
86943 Hindu Culture An Introduction Swami Tejomayananda Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, Mumbai 2004 163 35.00
86944 Indian Heritage and Culture P. Raghunadha Rao Sterling Publishers Private Limited 1994 96 30.00
86945 The Saga of Bharat Swaraj P. Jagadiswara Rao M. Balankeswara Rao 1988 219 25.00
86946 India From Curzon to Nehru & After Durga Das Rupa & Co., New Delhi 1974 498 15.00
86947 India after Nehru Kuldip Nayar Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1977 290 25.00
86948 Between The Lines Kuldip Nayar Orient Paperbacks 1971 278 30.00
86949 An Eye to India The Unmasking of a Tyranny David Selbourne Penguin Books 1977 561 2.50
86950 Himalayan Blunder Brig. J.P. Dalvi Orient Paperbacks 1962 423 35.00
86951 The Untold Story B.M. Kaul Jaico Publishing House 1971 504 20.00
86952 A Short History of India and Pakistan T. Walter Wallbank The New American Library 1965 320 15.00
86953 A Concise History of The Indian People H.G. Rawlinson Oxford University Press 1940 429 25.00
86954 A History of India Michael Edwardes The New English Library 1967 348 30.00
86955 The Last Days of The British Raj Leonard Mosley Jaico Publishing House 1965 292 25.00
86956 Indian History (Questions & Answers) S. Sundaram Maruthi Book Depot, Guntur 126 2.00
86957 Freedom at Midnight Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1978 500 25.00
86958 Mountbatten and the Partition of India Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd 1994 294 50.00
86959 Freedom at Midnight Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Tarang Paperbacks 1985 500 55.00
86960 Indias Struggle For Freedom P.N. Chopra Publications Division 1984 69 15.00
86961 Quit India Movement P.N. Chopra Publications Division 1987 92 5.00
86962 Indian Politics since The Mutiny C. Yajneswara Chintamani George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London 1935 232 25.00
86963 The End of Empire John Strachey The Publications Division 1962 420 5.00
86964 Nationality Question in India Andhra Pradesh Radical Students Union 1982 216 10.00
86965 Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Meridian Books Limited 1960 592 20.00
86966 A History of India Michael Edwardes The New English Library 348 15.00
86967 The Indian Empire Part Two 384 20.00
86968 Our India Minoo Masant Oxford University Press 1945 165 1.00
86969 Indian History (Questions & Answers) V.T. Veeramraju Commercial Literature Co., Guntur 282 8.50
86970 Indian History 345 40.00
86971 Pages From Indian History Shamsuddin India Book House Education Trust 1974 60 20.00
86972 India A History John Keay Harper Perennial 2000 576 250.00
86973 India File Trevor Fishlock Rupa & Co., New Delhi 1986 189 20.00
86974 A Study of Indian History B.N. Puri Bhavans Book University 285 25.00
86975 The Problem of French India N.V. Rajkumar All India Congress Committee, New Delhi 108 30.00
86976 March To Freedom P.R. Srinivasan Maruthi Book Depot, Guntur 1949 242 20.00
86977 India Arisen T.L. Vaswani Ganesh & Co., Madras 1922 114 2.50
86978 India Plunges into All Round Chaos Prathapa Ramasubbaiah మార్క్సిస్టు అధ్యయన వేదిక 1991 168 25.00
86979 A Survey of Indian History K.M. Panikkar The National Information & Publications Ltd 1947 338 15.00
86980 Footfalls of Indian History Sister Nivedita Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati 1980 264 20.00
86981 The March To Freedom 247 15.00
86982 A Grand Non Violent Revolution Tummala Gopala Krishnaiah P. Sivanarayana 1993 78 10.00
86983 India Nisation Balraj Madhok Hind Pocket Books Pvt Ltd 164 2.50
86984 The Last Days of The British Raj Leonard Mosley Jaico Publishing House 1971 291 2.50
86985 The Last Years of British India Michael Edwardes The New English Library 1967 255 15.00
86986 March To Freedom P.R. Srinivasan Maruthi Book Depot, Guntur 1957 224 20.00
86987 The Meaning of Dominion Status S.M. Bose Oxford University Press 1946 31 2.50
86988 Enlist India For Freedom Edward Thompson Victor Gollancz Ltd 1941 120 2.50
86989 Indian History Made Easy T.A. David Book Enterprises, Vijayawada 1962 188 14.50
86990 A Survey of Indian History K.M. Panikkar Asia Publishing House, New Delhi 1977 320 20.00
86991 History of British India under the Company and the Crown P.E. Roberts Oxford University Press 1941 669 15.00
86992 Warnings of History Trends in Modern India K.M. Munshi Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1963 101 1.50
86993 Values in History P. Sankaranarayanan Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1962 52 1.00
86994 Geographical Factors in Indian History K.M. Panikkar Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1959 128 2.00
86995 The Himalayas in Indian Life K.M. Panikkar Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1963 39 2.00
86996 The Determining Periods of Indian History K.M. Panikkar Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1965 68 2.00
86997 History of India Volume 1 R. Sathianathaier 1952 468 5.00
86998 The New India Ved Mehta Penguin Books 1978 174 2.50
86999 Footfalls of Indian History Sister Nivedita Advaita Ashrama, Mayavati 1990 264 25.00
87000 Subject India H.N. Brailsford Vora & Co., Publishers Ltd 1946 260 15.00