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వాడుకరి:Johnson aj

ఈ పేజీ లోని కంటెంటులకు ఇతర భాషలలో మద్దతు లేదు.
వికీపీడియా నుండి

I am Prof. Johnson A.J, born on June 29, 1940 at Kalayapuram-Kulakkada of Quilon District, Kerala State in India. Retired on 31st March 2011, as Professor of Health Education from the Dept. of Community Medicine of Amrita School of Medicine, Ernakulam. I am Specialised in Medical Entomology, Sociology and health Education.

Since May 2010,I am active with Wikipedia, mainly concentrating on ml.wikipedia (Malayalam wikipedia),editing and writing articles in my mother tongue (Malayalam). The user page in ml.wikipedia is by the name:Johnson aj.

Emails: johnsonaj29@gmail.com

Mob: 09447062441

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