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మూస:సమాచారపెట్టె సెలబ్రిటీ

వికీపీడియా నుండి

క్రింద ఇవ్వబడిన మూస తయారయిన విధానం మూస:సమాచారపెట్టె సెలబ్రిటీ/doc నుండి సేకరించి ఇక్కడ అమర్చారు. [మార్చు]

An Infobox Celebrity may be used to summarize information about a person who is a celebrity. Celebrities include those who are considered notable in any field, such as business leaders and entertainment professionals.

This infobox may be added by pasting the template as shown below into an article.

{{Infobox Celebrity
| name        = 
| image       = 
| imagesize   = 
| caption     = 
| birth_date  = 
| birth_place = 
| death_date  = 
| death_place = 
| occupation  = 
| salary      = 
| networth    = 
| spouse      = 
| children    = 
| website     = 
| footnotes   = 



Note: * denotes required fields.

Parameter Explanation
name * Insert name of celebrity.
image Insert *.jpg image.
imagesize Insert image width (defaults to 220px if empty).
caption Insert photograph caption. Try to include date of photo and the photographer.
birth_date * Insert date of birth: month, day, year.
birth_place Insert place of birth: town, city, country.
death_date Insert date of death: month, day, year.
death_place Insert place of death: town, city, country.
occupation * Insert the celebrity's occupation.
salary Insert the celebrity's total annual salary or compensation. Follow with the appropriate currency acronym.
networth Insert the celebrity's current estimated net worth. Prefix with {{profit}}(Increase)/{{loss}}(Decrease) depending on whether it increased or decreased from the previous year. Follow the net worth with the appropriate currency acronym.
spouse Insert the names of the celebrity's spouses, followed by the years of marriage. Use the format: Name (Year[hyphen]Year) [or] (Year-present). Separate entries with a line break (<br />).
children Insert the names of the celebrity's children. Separate entries with a line break (<br />).
website Insert the celebrity's official website.
footnotes Insert miscellaneous details here.