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మూస:Infobox Anatomy

వికీపీడియా నుండి
{{ {{{Map}}} | {{{MapPos}}} | Inline=1 }}
లాటిన్ † {{{Latin}}}
గ్రే'స్ † subject #{{{GraySubject}}}
అంగ వ్యవస్థ † {{{System}}}
ధమని † {{{Artery}}}
సిర † {{{Vein}}}
నాడి † {{{Nerve}}}
లింఫు † {{{Lymph}}}
Precursor † {{{Precursor}}}
MeSH † {{{MeshName}}}
Dorlands/Elsevier † {{{DorlandsPre}}}/{{{DorlandsSuf}}}
క్రింద ఇవ్వబడిన మూస తయారయిన విధానం మూస:Infobox Anatomy/doc నుండి సేకరించి ఇక్కడ అమర్చారు. [మార్చు]

Notes on use


This section is in response to a request on how to use Template:Infobox Anatomy effectively. The template does not at the current time include summary information about the condition itself. Instead, it contains a consistent interface to other sources that provide information about the condition. Don't worry about trying to fill in all the fields -- even if you can only get one or two, that still can be useful.

1) While editing a page about an anatomical structure, copy and paste the following text at the top of the page: (If you prefer, you can include the pipes at the beginning of the line instead.)

{{Infobox Anatomy |
  Name         = {{PAGENAME}} |
  Latin        = |
  GraySubject  = |
  GrayPage     = |
  Image        = |
  Caption      = |
  Image2       = |
  Caption2     = |
  Map          = |
  MapPos       = |
  MapCaption   = |
  Precursor    = |
  System       = |
  Artery       = |
  Vein         = |
  Nerve        = |
  Lymph        = |
  MeshName     = |
  MeshNumber   = |
  DorlandsPre  = |
  DorlandsSuf  = |

All fields are optional, so don't worry about getting all the fields .

  • Name: Self explanatory. Defaults to name of page, which is what you'd want in most caes
  • Latin: Especially important to support interwikification. Good sources for the Latin are online medical dictionaries, such as eMedicine, Stedman's, and Dorlands. You may see the letters "TA". This stands for Terminologia Anatomica, and it is the closest thing to an international naming standard presently in existence. If there are multiple Latin names available, put the TA first.
  • GraySubject and GrayPage: These fields refer to the famous 1918 edition of Gray's Anatomy. You can see which fields to include by browsing through the left hand column at List of images and subjects in Gray's Anatomy. (If you're confused by the word "Splanchnology", in this context it refers mostly to the autonomic viscera. If you're not sure where it is, it is probably under Splanchnology.) When these fields are populated, then the user can click on the "Gray's" link in the infobox, and automatically navigate to a list of related anatomical structures.
  • Image and Caption fields. Up to two images can be placed directly into the infobox. This doesn't restrict the number of images on the article; the editor still has all the same options to place images in sections, or at the end in an "Additional images" section. Ideally, the images should be appropriate and useful both to newcomers and to experts. To this end, try to pick a first image that helps orient the user to the region of the body, and pick one where the user doesn't need to click on the image to figure out where the structure is. Then, pick a second image which provides more detail. Alternatively, you can show the same structure from two different angles. In either case, allowing the user to view more than one image at once allows them to better visualize the object of attention. Of course, we don't have perfect images for each article. A flawed diagram is probably better than no diagram, but if you are including a diagram which requires context, consider adding information in the 'caption' field which alerts the user where to direct their eyes.

There is also an optional "Width" parameter you can add for the image. If your picture is far too big, then add a new line and specify a custom width like this:

| Image          = mypicture.png
| Caption        = This is a very big picture.
| Width          = 325

When no Width parameter is specified, it defaults to a width of 190.

  • Map, MapPos, and MapCaption: are a place to include a graphical navigation map for the anatomical system. MapPos passes the name of the current location to the map template. For example:
 | Map          = Inner ear map
 | MapPos       = Cochlea
 | MapCaption   = Parts of the inner ear showing the cochlea 
  • Precursor: This refers to the embryological precursor from which the structure derives
  • System: Circulatory system, respiratory system, etc.
  • Artery: Arteries supplying the structure. Note that there may be more than one artery (as in the adrenal glands. If there is not yetan article for the artery, consider also including a less specific artery that does have an article
  • Vein: Vein(s) draining the structure
  • Nerve: Nerve(s) to the structure
  • Lymph: Lymphatic drainage from the structure
  • MeshName and MeshNumber: Direct linking to MeSH. codes available at NIH. Note that the MeshName field cannot have spaces in it. If it does, the link will not work. Replace any spaces with "+"s.
  • DorlandsPre and DorlandsSuf: Allows direct linking to Dorlands medical dictionary. To populate these fields, first look up a term in Dorlands (like this. Note that the end of the URL is "f_08zPzhtm#12365532". This is the only variable part. Take the first part ("f_08") and put it in DorlandsPre, and the second part ("12365532") and put it in DorlandsPost. The middle part does not need to go in either field.

Other templates


The other templates are quite similar. Boilerplate for filling them out is provided below:

{{Infobox Bone |
  Name              = {{PAGENAME}} |
  Latin             = |
  GraySubject       = |
  GrayPage          = |
  Image             = |
  Caption           = |
  Image2            = |
  Caption2          = |
  Articulations     = |
  MeshName          = |
  MeshNumber        = |
  DorlandsPre       = |
  DorlandsSuf       = |

{{Infobox Artery |
  Name        = {{PAGENAME}} |
  Latin       = |
  GraySubject = |
  GrayPage    = |
  Image       = |
  Caption     = |
  Image2      = |
  Caption2    = |
  BranchFrom  = |
  BranchTo    = |
  Vein        = |
  Supplies    = |
  MeshName    = |
  MeshNumber  = |
  DorlandsPre = |
  DorlandsSuf = |

{{Infobox Vein |
  Name        = {{PAGENAME}} |
  Latin       = |
  GraySubject = |
  GrayPage    = |
  Image       = |
  Caption     = |
  Image2      = |
  Caption2    = |
  DrainsFrom  = |
  DrainsTo    = |
  Artery      = |
  MeshName    = |
  MeshNumber  = |
  DorlandsPre = |
  DorlandsSuf = |

{{Infobox Lymph |
  Name        = {{PAGENAME}} |
  Latin       = |
  GraySubject = |
  GrayPage    = |
  Image       = |
  Caption     = |
  Image2      = |
  Caption2    = |
  DrainsFrom  = |
  DrainsTo    = |
  MeshName    = |
  MeshNumber  = |
  DorlandsPre = |
  DorlandsSuf = |

{{Infobox Nerve |
  Name         = {{PAGENAME}} |
  Latin        = |
  GraySubject  = |
  GrayPage     = |
  Image        = |
  Caption      = |
  Image2       = |
  Caption2     = |
  Innervates   = |
  BranchFrom   = |
  BranchTo     = |
  MeshName     = |
  MeshNumber   = |
  DorlandsPre  = |
  DorlandsSuf  = |

{{Infobox Brain|
  Name            = {{PAGENAME}} |
  Latin           = |
  GraySubject     = |
  GrayPage        = |
  Image           = |
  Caption         = |
  Image2          = |
  Caption2        = |
  IsPartOf        = |
  Components      = |
  Artery          = |
  Vein            = |
  BrainInfoType   = |
  BrainInfoNumber = |
  MeshName        = |
  MeshNumber      = |
  DorlandsPre     = |
  DorlandsSuf     = |

{{Infobox Muscle |
  Name         = {{PAGENAME}} |
  Latin        = |
  GraySubject  = |
  GrayPage     = |
  Image        = |
  Caption      = |
  Image2       = |
  Caption2     = |
  Origin       = |
  Insertion    = |
  Blood        = |
  Nerve        = |
  Action       = |
  Antagonist   = |
  DorlandsPre  = |
  DorlandsSuf  = |

{{Infobox Embryology |
  Name          = {{PAGENAME}} |
  Latin         = |
  GraySubject   = |
  GrayPage      = |
  Image         = |
  Caption       = |
  Image2        = |
  Caption2      = |
  System        = |
  CarnegieStage = |
  Precursor     = |
  GivesRiseTo   = |
  MeshName      = |
  MeshNumber    = |
  DorlandsPre   = |
  DorlandsSuf   = |

Most of these fields should be self-explanatory, but a few note of explanation are provided:

  • Only use the "Anatomy" template if none of the more specific templates would be appropriate.
  • For the "Brain" template, "BrainInfoType" and "BrainInfoNumber" refer to the portions of the URL at NeuroNames. For example, for http://braininfo.rprc.washington.edu/Scripts/hiercentraldirectory.aspx?ID=122&toback=0, the "BrainInfoType" is "hier", and "BrainInfoNumber" is "122". The other option for BrainInfoType is "ancil", which is used for structures which don't fit into a tidy volumetric hierarchy.
  • The "Embryology" template should only be used for structures that don't exist as named structures in the adult. For information on the "CarnegieStage" field, see Carnegie stages. "GivesRiseTo" is like "Precursor", but in the opposite direction chronologically.

"https://te.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=మూస:Infobox_Anatomy&oldid=808645" నుండి వెలికితీశారు