మూస:Infobox asana
This template is used to summarize an asana.
Blank template
[మార్చు][[File:{{{image}}}|frameless]] {{{caption}}} | |
Etymology | |
English name(s) | {{{English name}}} |
Sanskrit | {{{Sanskrit}}} |
Pronunciation | {{{IPA}}} |
Meaning | {{{meaning}}} |
Key Points | |
dṛṣṭi (eye focus) | {{{drishti}}} |
Asana type | {{{asana type}}} |
Iyengar difficulty | ![]() |
Variations | {{{variations}}} |
Effects summary | {{{effects}}} |
Anatomy | |
Muscles stretched | {{{muscles stretched}}} |
Muscles working | {{{muscles working}}} |
Joint actions | {{{joint actions}}} |
Usage | |
Styles of Yoga | {{{yoga styles}}} |
Location in Ashtanga Vinyasa series | {{{ashtanga locations}}} |
{{Infobox asana | title = | image = | caption = | English name = | Sanskrit = | IPA = | meaning = | drishti = | asana type = | difficulty = | variations = | effects = | muscles stretched = | muscles working = | joint actions = | yoga styles = | ashtanga locations = }}
[మార్చు]Parameter | Description |
title | Name of the asana |
image | Representative image |
caption | Caption for the image |
English name | Name of the asana in English |
Sanskrit | Name of the asana in Sanskrit |
IPA | IPA for pronouncing the name of the asana |
meaning | Meaning of the asana |
drishti | Drishti |
asana type | The type of asana |
difficulty | Integer value for the Iyengar difficulty |
variations | Common variations of the asana |
effects | Summary of comment effects |
muscles stretched | Muscles stretched |
muscles working | Muscles working |
joint actions | Joint actions |
yoga styles | Yoga styles where it is used |
ashtanga locations | Location in the Ashtanga Vinyasa series |