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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0

\f0\fs22 \cf0 \cb2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec3 ==\uc0\u3125 \u3149 \u3119 \u3093 \u3149 \u3108 \u3135 .\u3079 \u3074 \u3115 \u3147 \u3116 \u3134 \u3093 \u3149 \u3128 \u3137 ==\ \{\{Infobox person\ | honorific_prefix = \ | name = \{\{PAGENAME\}\}\ | honorific_suffix = \ | native_name =\{\{PAGENAME\}\}\ | native_name_lang = \uc0\u3118 \u3134 \u3108 \u3139 \u3117 \u3134 \u3127 \ | image = User.svg\ | image_size = 200 px\ | alt = \ | caption = \uc0\u3112 \u3134 \u3099 \u3134 \u3119 \u3134 \u3098 \u3135 \u3108 \u3149 \u3120 \u3114 \u3103 \u3074 .\ | birth_name = \{\{PAGENAME\}\}\ | birth_date = \ | disappeared_place = \ | disappeared_status = \ | death_date = \ | death_place = \ | death_cause = \ | body_discovered = \ | resting_place = \ | resting_place_coordinates = \ | monuments = \ | residence = \uc0\u3098 \u3135 \u3120 \u3137 \u3112 \u3134 \u3118 \u3134 \ | nationality = \uc0\u3117 \u3134 \u3120 \u3108 \u3136 \u3119 \u3137 \u3105 \u3137 \ | other_names = \uc0\u3079 \u3108 \u3120 \u3114 \u3143 \u3120 \u3149 \u3122 \u3137 \ | ethnicity = \ | citizenship = \ | education = \uc0\u3125 \u3135 \u3110 \u3149 \u3119 \u3134 \u3120 \u3149 \u3129 \u3108 \ | alma_mater = \ | occupation = \uc0\u3125 \u3139 \u3108 \u3149 \u3108 \u3135 \ | years_active = \ | employer = \ | organization = \uc0\u3114 \u3112 \u3135 \u3098 \u3143 \u3119 \u3137 \u3128 \u3074 \u3128 \u3149 \u3109 \ | agent = \ | known_for = \ | notable_works = \ | style = \ | influences = \ | influenced = \ | home_town = \uc0\u3128 \u3149 \u3125 \u3074 \u3108 \u3112 \u3095 \u3120 \u3074 \ | salary = \ | net_worth = \ | height = \ | weight = \ | television = \ | title = \ | term = \ | predecessor = \ | successor = \ | party = \ | movement = \ | opponents = \ | boards = \ | religion = \ | denomination = \ | criminal_charge = \ | criminal_penalty = \ | criminal_status = \ | spouse = \ | partner = \ | children = \ | parents = \uc0\u3108 \u3122 \u3149 \u3122 \u3135 \u3110 \u3074 \u3105 \u3149 \u3120 \u3137 \u3122 \u3114 \u3143 \u3120 \u3149 \u3122 \u3137 \ | relatives = \ | callsign = \ | awards = \uc0\u3128 \u3134 \u3111 \u3135 \u3074 \u3098 \u3135 \u3112 \u3114 \u3137 \u3120 \u3128 \u3149 \u3093 \u3134 \u3120 \u3134 \u3122 \u3137 \ | signature = \ | signature_alt = \ | signature_size = \ | module = \ | module2 = \ | module3 = \ | module4 = \ | module5 = \ | module6 = \ | website = \ | footnotes = \ | box_width = \ \}\}\ }