వాడుకరి:Doddanna Akhila

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My name is Akhila,

Always be happy and keep smiling with beautiful heart.

TEACHER full form

T -Talent of teaching

E-Efficient of in all aspects

A-Adorable in attitude

C-Confidence in explaining

H-Handling every situation

E-Eternal guidance

R-Ready to understand.



Buddhism is a religion which originated in the 6th century B.C.It is a non-theist as there is no belief in a supreme being or God. It is based on the teaching of Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha or Enlightened one. There are two schools of Buddhism _Theravada and Mahayana, both of which spread throughout various countries in Asia. It is estimated that there are about 500 million Buddhist worldwide today.

Gautama was born in a princely family in 563B.C in Lumbini, a town in modern day Nepal, to Suddhodana and Mayadevi.It was prophesied that he would become either a great king or a monk. At the age of 29 Gautama went beyond the palace walls and came face to face with suffering for the experience, Gautama abandoned his kingly life and also left his wife, Yashodara and son Rahul, to seek enlightenment.In his spiritual quest he met many renowned teachers and subjected himself to serve penance, almost starving himself to death. He realized that self mortification was not the answer. At age of 35 he sat under a boddhi tree in Gaya and meditated for several days. It was there that he became enlightened and was, thereafter,called Buddha. He delivered sermons and taught the path of awakening.


The four truths and the eightfold path

The four Nobel truths are central to the beliefs of Buddhism. They are

1.Dukha: there is Dukha or Suffering

2.Dukha Samudhaya (Origin of Suffering) : there is a cause for Suffering. Wants or desires are the reason for Suffering. In a large sence, Ignorance is the root of all Suffering.

3.Dukha Nirodha ( Cessation of Suffering) : there is a way to stop Suffering.

In Buddhism Samsara is defined as the continual repetitive of birth and death that takes place because of the Ignorance of the being. samsara is fraught with suffering. This suffering and cycle of rebirth can be broken by following the Arts Astanga Marga or Eightfold Path. This includes :

Right understanding, Right Aspiration, Right speech, Right Action, Right Livehood,Right Effort ,Right Mindfulness and Right Meditation.

(Santa Dhrushti, Samyak Sankalpa, Samyak Valli, Samyak Karma, Samyak Jeevan, Samyak Vyayama, Samyak Smruthi and samyak Samdhi).

Buddhist advocates the adherence to five precepts. These are not in the nature of commandment.Rather,they are guiding principles.Buddhists are expected to:

1.Avoid taking the life of beings.

2.Avoid taking things not given.

3.Avoid sensual misconduct.

4.Refrain from false speech:

5.Abstain from substances that cause intoxication.

Buddhism lays importance on meditation and development of mindfulness. A person who is seeking the state of Buddha or enlightenment is called Bodhisattva.

Buddha was not only a spiritual leader but a radical social reformer.He condemned contemporary social evils like the rigid caste system and the practice of elaborate religious rituals animal sacrifice. He advocated upliftment of women through education.He believed in the need to sustain natural resources and exhorted his disciples to plant at least one tree every year. He emphasized that governance should be based on humanitarian principles and should be free corruption. Buddha's views on the moral duties of rulers greatly inspired Emperored Ashoka in the 3rd century B.C.