మూస:Infobox laboratory equipment
Blank template
[మార్చు][[Image:{{{image}}}|frameless|alt={{{alt}}}|{{{caption}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
సంక్షిప్తనామం | {{{acronym}}} |
ఇతర పేర్లు | {{{other_names}}} |
ఉపయోగాలు | {{{uses}}} |
ప్రసిద్ధ ప్రయోగాలు | {{{notable_experiments}}} |
ఆవిష్కర్త | {{{inventor}}} |
ఉత్పత్తిదారులు | {{{manufacturer}}} |
రకం | {{{model}}} |
సంబంధిత అంశాలు | {{{related}}} |
{{Infobox laboratory equipment |name = |image = |alt = <!-- Wikipedia:Alternative text for images --> |caption = |acronym = |other_names = |uses = |notable_experiments = |inventor = |manufacturer = |model = |related = }}
[మార్చు]- name
- Name of the laboratory equipment item
- image
- An image illustrating the item
- alt
- Alternative text for the image (see Wikipedia:Alternative text for images)
- caption
- Caption for the image
- acronym
- Acronym or abbreviation for the item
- other_names
- Any other names used for this item
- uses
- What is this item used for (e.g. volumetric measurement, heating, separation, etc.)
- notable_experiments
- Well-known experiments using this equipment
- inventor
- Inventor or inventors of the item (if any, if known)
- manufacturer
- If this is an item specific to a particular manufacturer, put the name here.
- model
- If this is a particular manufacturer's model, put the model name or number here.
- related
- Related items