సొలానమ్ | |
Fruit of Solanum linnaeanum | |
Scientific classification | |
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Genus: | సొలానమ్ |
జాతులు | |
Some 1500-2000, see text. |
సొలానమ్ (ఆంగ్లం: Solanum) ఒక పెద్ద ఏక వార్షిక మొక్కల ప్రజాతి. ఇవి ఎక్కువగా గుల్మాలు, పొదలు, పాదులు, చిన్న చెట్లుగా పెరుగుతాయి. ఇవి ఆకర్షణీయమైన పువ్వులు, పండ్లను కాస్తాయి. వీనిలో కొన్ని విషపూరితమైనవి.
వీనిలో కొన్ని పండ్లు, ఆకులు లేదా దుంపలు ఆహార పంటలుగా పెంచుతారు. కొన్ని వాణిజ్యపరంగా విశిష్టస్థానంలో ఉన్నాయి:
- టమాటో, సొలానమ్ లైకోపెర్సికమ్ లేదా లైకోపెర్సికాన్ ఎస్క్యులెంటమ్)
- బంగాళాదుంప, Solanum tuberosum
- వంకాయ, Solanum melongena
Solanum species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species (butterflies and moths) - see list of Lepidoptera that feed on Solanum. Recently a new section was added to the genus, section Lycopersicon containing wild tomatoes.
కొన్ని జాతుల మొక్కలు
[మార్చు]- S. aculeastrum - Sodaapple nightshade
- S. adscendens - Sonoita nightshade
- S. aethiopicum - Ethiopian nightshade or nakati
- S. americanum - Purple or glossy nightshade; American black nightshade; Poroporo
- S. arcanum Wild Tomato
- S. aviculare - Poroporo
- S. bahamense - Bahama nightshade
- S. bulbocastanum - Ornamental nightshade
- S. burbankii - Wonderberry
- S. campechiense - Redberry nightshade
- S. canasense (Also known as S. bukasovi)[1] image
- S. capsicastrum - False Jerusalem cherry
- S. capsicoides - Cockroach berry
- S. cardiophyllum - Heartleaf nightshade
- S. carolinense - Apple of Sodom, Horsenettle
- S. centrale - Australian desert raisin (Kutjera)
- S. commersonii
- S. chenopodioides - Goosefoot nightshade
- S. chrysotrichum - Giant devil's-fig
- S. citrullifolium - Watermelon nightshade
- S. cleistogamum - Bush Tomato
- S. clokeyi - Clokey's nightshade

- S. commersonii - Commerson's nightshade
- S. conocarpum - Marron bacoba
- S. crispum - Chilean potato vine
- S. davisensen - Davis horsenettle
- S. demissum - Dwarf wild potato
- S. dimidiatum - Torrey's nightshade
- S. diphyllum - Twinleaf nightshade
- S. donianum - Mullein nightshade
- S. douglasii - Greenspot nightshade
- S. drymophilum - Erubia
- S. dulcamara - Bittersweet
- S. elaeagnifolium - Silverleaf nightshade
- S. ellipticum - Potato bush
- S. erianthum - Mullein nightshade, Potato tree
- S. fendleri - Fendler's horsenettle
- S. ferox - Hairy-fruited eggplant, Thai hairy-fruited eggplant
- S. furcatum - Forked nightshade
- S. galapagense
- S. gayanum - Chilean nightshade
- S. gilo - Scarlet Eggplant, Gilo (Brazilian jiló)
- S. glaucum
- S. glaucophyllum - Waxyleaf nightshade
- S. gracilius - Slender nightshade

- S. haleakalense
- S. heterodoxum - Melon-leaf nightshade
- S. hindsianum - Hinds' nightshade
- S. huaylasense
- S. hyporhodium - synonym of S. sessiliflorum
- S. imcompletum
- S. incanum
- S. incompletum - Popolo ku mai
- S. integrifolium - Five-minute plant
- S. interius
- S. jamaicense - Jamaican nightshade
- S. jamesii - Wild potato
- S. jasminoides - Jasmine nightshade
- S. khasianum - Indian nightshade
- S. lanceifolium - Lanceleaf nightshade
- S. lanceolatum - Orangeberry nightshade
- S. leptosepalum - Tigna potato
- S. linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom (Hawaii)
- S. lumholtzianum - Sonoran nightshade
- S. lycocarpum - Wolf Apple, fruta-de-lobo
- S. lycopersicoides - Peruvian wolf peach
- సొలానమ్ లైకోపెర్సికమ్ (syn. లైకోపెర్సికాన్ లైకోపెర్సికమ్) - టమాటో
- S. macrocarpon

- S. mammosum - Nipplefruit

- S. marginatum - White-margined nightshade
- S. mauritianum - Earleaf nightshade
- S. melanocerasum(syn. Solanum scabrum) - Garden huckleberry
- సొలానమ్ మెలాంజిన - వంకాయ
- S. mucronatum - Pepino
- S. muricatum - Pepino
- S. nelsonii - Nelson's horsenettle
- S. nigrescens - Divine nightshade
- సొలానమ్ నైగ్రమ్ - కామంచి
- S. nudum - Forest nightshade
- S. ovigerum - Easter eggplant
- S. parishii - Parish's nightshade
- S. pericifolium
- S. persicifolium - Berengena de playa
- S. peruvianum - Peruvian Nightshade, wild tomato
- S. phureja
- S. physalifolium - Hairy nightshade
- S. pimpinellifolium - Currant tomato
- S. pinnatisectum - Tansyleaf nightshade
- S. polygamum - Cakalaka berry

- S. pseudocapsicum - Jerusalem cherry
- S. pseudogracile - Glowing nightshade
- S. ptycanthum - Eastern black nightshade
- S. paniculatum - Jurubeba
- S. pyracanthum - Porcupine Tomato - Devil's Thorn
- S. pyrifolium
- S. quadriloculatum - Bush Tomato or Wild Tomato
- S. quitoense - Naranjilla
- S. racemosum - Canker berry
- S. rantonnetii - Potato bush
- S. riedlei - Riedle's nightshade
- S. robustum - Shrubby nightshade

- S. rostratum - Texas thistle or Buffalo bur
- S. rugosum - Tabacon aspero
- S. sandwicense - Hawaii horsenettle
- S. sarrachoides - Green nightshade
- S. seaforthianum - Brazilian nightshade
- S. sessiliflorum - Cocona
- S. sisymbrifolium - Sticky nightshade; fire-and-ice
- S. surattense
- S. tampicense - Wetland nightshade
- S. tenuilobatum - San Diego nightshade
- S. tenuipes - Fancy nightshade
- S. torvum - Devil's fig
- S. triflorum - Cutleaf nightshade
- S. trilobatum
- S. triquetrum - Texas nightshade
- సొలానమ్ ట్యూబరోజమ్ - బంగాళదుంప
- S. umbelliferum - Bluewitch nightshade
- సొలానమ్ వైరమ్ - కాశీ వంగ లేదా ఔషధ వంగ
- S. villosum - Hairy nightshade
- S. viride - Green nightshade. Cultivar from Fiji: S. anthropophagorum
- S. wallacei - Wallace's nightshade, Catalina Nightshade
- S. wendlandii - Giant potatocreeper
- S. woodburyi - Woodbury's nightshade
- S. xanti - Purple nightshade
S. chrysotrichum has been shown to be an effective treatment for Seborrhoeic dermatitis.[2]
[మార్చు]- ↑ "Solanum information from NPGS/GRIN". www.ars-grin.gov. Archived from the original on 2013-10-30. Retrieved 2008-03-18.
- ↑ PubMed
బయటి లింకులు
[మార్చు]- Solanaceae Source - A worldwide taxonomic monograph of all species in the genus Solanum.