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వికీపీడియా నుండి

The term "expr" refers to Wikipedia's "#expr" wp:parser function to calculate expressions. Formats:

  • {{#expr: (5*10 + 3^2 +8)/2 }} → calculate expression: (5×10 + 32+8)/2 = 33.5
  • {{#expr: 2*7.1 + 2/3 round 4 }} → rounded: 2×7.1 + 2÷3 round 4 = 14.8667
  • {{#expr: floor(1.8+1.9) + 4.3 }} → truncated:  floor(1.8+1.9) + 4.3 = 7.3
  • {{#expr: 12+47 mod 10 }}   → calculate modulo remainder: 12+47 mod 10 = 19
  • {{#expr: 10^1 + pi }} = 13.14159265359
  • {{#expr: cos pi + cos 3.14159265358 }} = -2
  • {{#expr: ln 200.5 }} = 5.3008142467466

A related page is Help:Wikitext, see: {{Wikitext/help}}.

"https://te.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=మూస:Calculation&oldid=3481042" నుండి వెలికితీశారు