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మూస:Periodic table (list of metalloid lists)

వికీపీడియా నుండి
Element → Arsenic Tellu­rium Germa­nium Silicon Anti­mony Boron Polo­nium Asta­tine Sele­nium Alu­minium Carbon Bis­muth Phos­phorus Beryl­lium Tin Sulfur Liver­morium Iodine Other Total
As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Se Al C Bi P Be Sn S Lv I avg
Citations → 191.5 190.5 184.5 183.5 169.5 166 93.5 78 46 18 16.5 11.5 10 7.5 5.5 3 3 2.5 6 7.15
Frequency (194 = 100%)  99% 98% 95% 95% 87% 86% 48% 40% 24% 9.3% 8.5% 5.9% 5.2% 3.9% 2.8% 1.5% 1.5% 1.3% 3.1%
Source Yr
Simmons[1] 1947 As Te Sb Se   4
Pauling[2] 1949 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Szabó & Lakatos[3] 1954 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al Be   10
Dull, Metcalfe & Williams[4] 1958 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al   9
Frey[5] 1958 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Johnstone & Miller[6] 1960 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se C P   9
Edwards et al.[7] 1961 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se I   8
Bond[8] 1962 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Swift & Schaefer[9] 1962 As Ge Si Sb B Bi   6
Hoffman[10] 1963 As Te Ge Si Sb B Be   7
Nathans[11] 1963 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Bailar, Moeller & Kleinberg[12] 1965 As Te Ge Se   4
Selwood[13] 1965 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al Bi Sn Ga 12
Bassett et al.[14] 1966 Te Ge Si Sb B Po Al Be   8
Hultgren[15] 1966 As Te Ge Si Sb Se C   7
Metcalfe, Williams & Castka[16] 1966 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po Al#   7.5
Rochow[17] 1966 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po# At# Se# C# Bi# P#   9
Mahan[18] 1967 As Te Ge Si B   5
Paul, King & Farinholt[19] 1967 As Te Ge Si Sb Se   6
Siebring[20] 1967 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po Al   8
Cotton & Lynch[21] 1968 As Te Ge Si Sb B At Se C   9
Dunstan[22] 1968 As Te Ge# Sb Po Al Bi Be Sn Pb 7.5
Tyrell & Warren[23] 1968 As Te Ge# Si Sb# B Po# At Se# Al# C# P# I#   9.5
Williams, Embree & DeBey[24] 1968 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po Al   8
Chedd[25] 1969 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Hägg[26] 1969 As Te Ge Sb At Sn   6
Holum[27] 1969 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al   9
Hunter[28] 1969 As Te Si Sb Se   5
Moody[29] 1969 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al Be   10
Dickerson, Gray & Haight[30] 1970 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Hardwick & Knobler[31] 1970 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Williams, Embree & DeBay[32] 1970 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po Al Be   9
Dickson[33] 1971 As Te Ge Si Sb Po   6
Emsley[34] 1971 As Te Ge Sb   4
Nitz & Dhonau[35] 1971 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Pimentel & Spratley[36] 1971 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po# At# Se C   9
Barrow[37] 1972 As Te Ge Si B   5
Choppin & Johnsen[38] 1972 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se   7
Horvath[39] 1973 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Pascoe[40] 1973 Te Ge Si B At Se C P   8
Seager & Stoker[41] 1973 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al Be   10
Allen & Keefer[42] 1974 As Te Ge Si Sb B At Se   8
Andrews[43] 1974 As Te Si B At   5
Day & Johnson[44] 1974 As Te Ge Si Sb Po At   7
Dickson[45] 1974 As Te Ge Si Sb Po At   7
Duffy[46] 1974 As Te Ge Sb Se   5
Fuller[47] 1974 As Te Ge Si B Se C   7
Nordmann[48] 1974 As Te Ge Si B Po At Se   8
O'Connor[49] 1974 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Rock & Gerhold[50] 1974 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Pauling & Pauling[51] 1975 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Hearst & Ifft[52] 1976 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se   7
Tyler Miller[53] 1976 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al H 10
Waser, Trueblood & Knobler[54] 1976 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Bloomfield[55] 1977 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al   9
Ucko[56] 1977 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al   9
Hill & Holman[57] 1978 As Te Ge Si B C#   5.5
Coxon, Fergusson & Phillips[58] 1980 As Te Ge Si Sb# B At Be#   7
Warrena & Geballe[59] 1981 As Te Si B At Se C P S   9
Walters[60] 1982 As Te Ge Si B   5
Edwards & Sienko[61] 1983 As Te Ge Sb Po At#   5.5
Holtzclaw, Robinson & Nebergall[62] 1984 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Boikess & Edelson[63] 1985 As Te Ge Si B   5
Peters[64] 1986 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Hibbert & James[65] 1987 As Te Ge Si Sb Po Bi   7
Jones et al.[66] 1987 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
McQuarrie & Rock[67] 1987 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Wulfsberg[68] 1987 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se   7
Thayer[69] 1988 As Te Ge Si B P   6
Whitten, Gailey & Davis[70] 1988 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al   9
Bailar et al.[71] 1989 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se   7
Gill[72] 1989 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Malone[73] 1989 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Petrucci[74] 1989 As Te Ge Si Sb Po At   7
Puddephatt & Monaghan[75] 1989 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Scott[76] 1989 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Segal[77] 1989 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Oxtoby, Nachtrieb & Freeman[78] 1990 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Atkins & Beran[79] 1990 As Te Ge Si Sb Po   6
Ebbing & Wrighton[80] 1993 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Zumdahl[81] 1993 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Birk[82] 1994 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Smith[83] 1994 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
AAE[84] 1996 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se   7
Brady & Holum[85] 1996 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Harrison & de Mora[86] 1996 As Te Ge Si B   5
Hook & Post[87] 1996 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Atkins & Jones[88] 1997 As Te Ge Si Sb Po   6
Dayah[89] 1997 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Mingos[90] 1998 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Joesten & Wood[91] 1999 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Kremer[92] 1999 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Thompson[93] 1999 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Umland & Bellama[94] 1999 As Te Ge Si B At Se   7
Callister[95] 2000 As Te Ge Si B Se C   7
Enloe[96] 2000 As Te Si B At   5
Mann, Meek & Allen[97] 2000 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po Bi   8
Phillips, Stozak & Wistrom[98] 2000 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Ryan[99] 2000 As Te Ge Si B   5
Hawkes[100] 2001 As Te Ge Sb Se Bi   6
Lewis & Evans[101] 2001 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Masterton & Hurley[102] 2001 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Barrett[103] 2002 As# Te# Ge# Si# Sb# B# Se#   3.5
Chang[104] 2002 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Lv Uus 10
Harding, Johnson & Janes[105] 2002 As Te Ge Si Sb   5
Johnson[106] 2002 As Te Ge Si Sb At   6
Rodgers[107] 2002 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Szefer[108] 2002 As Te Ge Si Sb Se   6
Woodgate[109] 2002 As Te Ge Sb Al   5
Wright & Welbourn[110] 2002 As Te Ge Si B   5
e-encyclopedia[111] 2003 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se   7
Gupta[112] 2003 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Hunt[113] 2003 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Myers[114] 2003 As Te Ge Si Sb B At Se   8
Williams[115] 2003 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Atkins[116] 2004 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Cox[117] 2004 As Te Ge Si Sb Se   6
Gilbert, Kirss & Davies[118] 2004 As Te Ge Si Sb B At Se   8
Reilly[119] 2004 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Se   9
Ebbing & Gammon[120] 2005 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Fry & Page[121] 2005 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Halliday, Resnick & Walker[122] 2005 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Holler & Selegue[123] 2005 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At#   7.5
Kotz, Treichel & Weaver[124] 2005 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Meyer[125] 2005 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Orchin[126] 2005 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Swenson[127] 2005 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Se C Bi   11
Baird[128] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Blei & Odian[129] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb Po At Lv   8
Brown & Holme[130] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Dashek & Harrison[131] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Finch et al.[132] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se   7
Goldfrank & Flomenbaum[133] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Hatt[134] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se   7
Hérold[135] 2006 As Ge Si B Po At# Se C Bi P   9.5
McMonagle[136] 2006 As Te Ge Si B Lv Fl
Rayner-Canham & Overton[137] 2006 As Te Ge Si B   5
Silberberg[138] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Slade[139] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Wertheim, Oxlade & Stockley[140] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb B At Se   8
Whitley[141] 2006 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
American Chemical Society[142] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Astruc[143] 2007 As Si B Se P S   6
Casper[144] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Crystal[145] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
DeGraff[146] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Joesten, Hogg & Castellion[147] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Lewis[148] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po Se C P S   11
Petty[149] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Se C Bi P Sn   13
Rösler, Harders & Bäker[150] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B Sn#   6.5
Saunders[151] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Saunders[152] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Shipman, Wilson & Tood[153] 2007 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Bauer, Birk & Sawyer[154] 2008 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Clugston & Flemming[155] 2008 As Te Ge Si Sb Se   6
Encyclopedia Columbia[156] 2008 As Te Sb Se   4
Ham[157] 2008 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Kelter, Mosher & Scott[158] 2008 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Masterton & Hurley[159] 2008 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Merck[160] 2008 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Nicolaou & Montagnon[161] 2008 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At C   9
Řezanka & Sigler[162] 2008 As Te Si B At Se   6
Tro & Neu[163] 2008 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Vallero[164] 2008 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Brown et al.[165] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Burrows et al.[166] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se   7
Castor-Perry[167] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At I   9
Cracolice & Peters[168] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Economou[169] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Al   9
Habashi[170] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po Se Bi   9
Hein & Arena[171] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Leach[172] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Manning[173] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
McMurray & Fay[174] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Reger, Goode & Ball[175] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Schnepp[176] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Shubert & Leyba[177] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Whitten et al.[178] 2009 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Aldinger & Weberruss[179] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Banks et al.[180] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb B   6
Fayer[181] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
Gray[182] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
Groysman[183] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb Po   6
Halka & Nordstrom[184] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Lombi E & Holm PE[185] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At   8
NEST Association[186] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
RCCS[187] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po At Se C Bi P Sn   13
Senese[188] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb B# Po At Se# C   9
Weiner[189] 2010 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Barbalace[190] 2011 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po   7
Encyclopædia Britannica Online[191] 2011 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po# At#   7
Helmenstine[192] 2011 As Te Ge Si Sb B Po#   6.5
Moore[193] 2011 As Te Ge Si Sb B At   7
QA International[194] 2011 As Te Ge Si Sb B Se   7
Element → Arsenic Tellu­rium Germa­nium Silicon Anti­mony Boron Polo­nium Asta­tine Sele­nium Alu­minium Carbon Bis­muth Phos­phorus Beryl­lium Tin Sulfur Liver­morium Iodine Other
  • # (hashmark) next to an element: its inclusion as a metalloid, in that particular list, is qualified in some way by the author(s). It is counted as 0.5 citation.


  1. Simmons LM 1947, 'A modification of the periodic table', Journal of Chemical Education, December, pp. 588–591 (589) doi:10.1021/ed024p588
  2. Pauling, L (1949). General chemistry. WH Freeman, San Francisco. p. 65.
  3. Szabó ZG & Lakatos B 1954, 'The new form of the periodic table and new periodic functions', Acta Chimica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, IV 2–4, pp. 129–149 (133)
  4. Dull CE, Metcalfe HC & Williams JE 1958, Modern chemistry, Henry Holt and Company, New York, pp. 59–60, 62
  5. Frey PR 1958, College chemistry, 2nd ed., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, p. 118
  6. Johnstone RT & Miller SE 1960, Occupational diseases and industrial medicine, Saunders, Philadelphia, p. 262
  7. Edwards JO, Ellison HR, Luaro CG & Lorand JP 1961, 'Factors which influence the stability of anionic complexes', in S Kirschner, Advances in the chemistry of the coordination compounds: Proceedings of the sixth international conference on coordination chemistry, Macmillan, New York, pp. 230–237 (230)
  8. Bond GC 1962, Catalysis by metals, Academic Press, London, p. 8
  9. Swift EH & Schaefer WP 1962, Qualitative elemental analysis, WH Freeman, San Francisco, p. 100
  10. Hoffman KB 1963, Chemistry for the applied sciences, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, p. 34
  11. Nathans MW 1963, Elementary chemistry, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, p. 122
  12. Bailar JC, Moeller T & Kleinberg J 1965, University chemistry, DC Heath, Boston, p. 332
  13. Selwood PW 1965, General chemistry, 4th ed., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, inside back cover
  14. Bassett LG, Bunce SC, Carter AE, Clark HM & Hollinger HB 1966, Principles of chemistry, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, pp. 127, 602
  15. Hultgren HH 1966, 'Metalloids, in GL Clark & GG Hawley (eds), The encyclopedia of inorganic chemistry, 2nd ed., Reinhold Publishing, New York, pp. 648–649 (648)
  16. Metcalfe HC, Williams JE & Castka JF 1966, Modern chemistry, Hollt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, pp. 466–67
  17. Rochow EG 1966, The metalloids, DC Heath, Boston, pp. 3, 7–8
  18. Mahan BH 1967, University chemistry, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, p. 448
  19. Paul MA, King EJ & Farinholt LH 1967, General chemistry, Harcourt, Brace & World, New York, p. 135
  20. Siebring BR 1967, Chemistry, Macmillan, New York, p. 70
  21. Cotton FA & Lynch LD 1968, Chemistry: An investigative approach, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, p. 226
  22. Dunstan S 1968, Principles of chemistry, D Van Nostrand, Princeton, NJ, pp. 310, 409
  23. Tyrell LWM & Warren RK 1968, Principles of chemical science: A student's text, Edward Arnold (Publishers), n.p., p. 111
  24. Williams AL, Embree HD & DeBey HJ 1968, Introduction to chemistry, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, inside back cover
  25. Chedd G 1969, Half-way elements, Aldus Books, London, p. 24
  26. Hägg G 1969, General and inorganic chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 92
  27. Holum JR 1969, Introduction to principles of chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 59
  28. Hunter D 1969, The diseases of occupations, Little, Brown, & Co., Boston, p. 232
  29. Moody BJ 1969, Comparative inorganic chemistry, 2nd ed., Edward Arnold, London, pp. 67–68
  30. Dickerson RE, Gray HB & Haight GP 1970, Chemical principles, WA Benjamin, New York, p. 160
  31. Hardwick ER & Knobler CM 1979, Chemistry: Man and matter, Xerox College, Waltham, MA, inside back cover
  32. Williams AL, Embree HD & DeBay HJ 1970, General chemistry, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, p. 55
  33. Dickson TR 1971, Introduction to chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 160
  34. Emsley J 1971, The inorganic chemistry of the non-metals, Methuen Educational, London, p. 1
  35. Nitz OW & Dhonau CA 1971, Chemistry: A brief introduction, Willard Grant, Boston, p. 64
  36. Pimentel GC & Spratley RD 1971, Understanding chemistry, Holden-Day, San Francisco, p. 664
  37. Barrow GM 1972, General chemistry, Wadsworth, Belmont CA, p. 162
  38. Choppin GR & Johnsen RH 1972, Introductory chemistry, Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, p. 346
  39. Horvath AL 1973, 'Critical temperature of elements and the periodic system' Journal of Chemical Education, vol 50, no. 5, pp. 335–336 (336)
  40. Pascoe KJ 1973, Properties of materials for electrical engineers, John Wiley & Sons, p. 7
  41. Seager SL & Stoker HS 1973, Chemistry: A science for today, Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois, p. 58
  42. Allen TL & Keefer RM 1974, Chemistry: Experiment and theory, Harper & Row, New York, p. 235
  43. Andrews DH 1974, Chemistry: A humanistic view, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 217
  44. Day RA & Johnson RC 1974, General chemistry, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, p. 145
  45. Dickson TR 1974, Understanding chemistry: From atoms to attitude, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 32
  46. Duffy JA 1974, General inorganic chemistry, 2nd ed., Longman, London, p. 53
  47. Fuller EC 1974, Chemistry and man's environment, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, p. 186
  48. Nordmann J 1974, What is chemistry: a chemical view of nature, Harper & Row, New York, p. 152
  49. O'Connor RF 1974, Chemical principles and their biological implications, Hamilton Publishing, Santa Barbara, CA, p. 84
  50. Rock PA & Gerhold GA 1974, Chemistry: Principles and applications, WB Saunders, Philadelphia, p. 535
  51. Pauling L & Pauling P 1975, Chemistry, WH Freeman, San Francisco, p. 114
  52. Hearst JE & Ifft JB 1976, Contemporary chemistry, WH Freeman, San Francisco, p. 104
  53. Tyler Miller G 1976, Chemistry: A contemporary approach, Wadsworth, Belmont CA, p. 44
  54. Waser J, Trueblood KN & Knobler CM 1976, Chem one, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 245
  55. Bloomfield MM 1977, Chemistry and the living organism, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 126
  56. Ucko DA 1977, Living chemistry, Academic Press, New York, p. 32
  57. Hill GC & Holman JS 1978, Chemistry in context, Thomas Nelson & Sons, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, p. 27
  58. Coxon JM, Fergusson JE & Phillips LF 1980, First year chemistry, Edward Arnold, London, p. 21
  59. Warrena JL & Geballe TH 1981, 'Research opportunities in new energy-related materials', Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 50, no.2, Oct, pp. 149–198, p. 161?
  60. Walters D 1982, Chemistry, Franklin Watts Science World series, Franklin Watts, London, p. 33
  61. Edwards PP & Sienko MJ, 'On the occurrence of metallic character in the periodic table of the elements', Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 60, no. 9, pp. 691–696 (692)
  62. Holtzclaw HF, Robinson WR & Nebergall WH 1984, General chemistry, 7th ed., DC Heath, Lexington, p. 193
  63. Boikess RS & Edelson E 1985, Chemical principles, 3rd ed., Harper & Row, New York, p. 35
  64. Peters EI 1986, Introduction to chemical principles, 4th ed., Saunders College, Philadelphia, p. 105
  65. Hibbert DB & James AM 1987, Macmillan dictionary of chemistry, Macmillan, London, p. 300
  66. Jones MM, Johnston DO, Netterville JT, Wood JL & Joeston MD 1987, Chemistry & society, 5th ed., Saunders College, Philadelphia, p. 84
  67. McQuarrie DA & Rock PA 1987, General chemistry, 3rd ed., WH Freeman, San Francisco, p. 84
  68. Wulfsberg G 1987, Principles of descriptive inorganic chemistry, Brooks/Cole, Monterey, CA, p. 201
  69. Thayer JS 1988, Organometallic chemistry: An overview, VCH, New York, p. 3
  70. Whitten KW, Gailey KD & Davis RE 1988, General chemistry with qualitative analysis, Saunders College, Philadelphia, p. 139
  71. Bailar JC, Moeller T, Kleinberg J, Guss CO, Catellion ME & Metz C 1989 Chemistry, 3rd ed., Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, San Diego, p. 742
  72. Gill R 1989, Chemical fundamentals of geology, Unwin Hyman, London, p. 292
  73. Malone LJ 1989, Basic concepts of chemistry, John Wiley and Sons, New York, p. 135
  74. Petrucci RK 1989, General chemistry: Principles and modern applications, 5th ed., Macmillan, New York, p. 284
  75. Puddephatt RJ & Monaghan PK 1989, The periodic table of the elements, Clarendon Press, Oxford, p.40
  76. Scott A 1989, Molecular machinery: The principles and powers of chemistry, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, p. 18
  77. Segal BG 1989, Chemistry: experiment and theory, 2nd ed., Wiley, New York, p. 965
  78. Oxtoby DW, Nachtrieb NH & Freeman WA 1990, Chemistry: Science of change, Saunders College, Philadelphia, inside front cover
  79. Atkins PW & Beran JA 1990, General chemistry, 2nd ed., Scientific American Books, New York, p. 44
  80. Ebbing DD & Wrighton MS 1993, General chemistry, 4th ed., Houghton Mifflin, Boston, p. 58
  81. Zumdahl SS 1993, Chemistry, 3rd ed., Lexington MA, p. 327
  82. Birk JP 1994, Chemistry, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, inside cover
  83. Smith R 1994, Conquering chemistry, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 25
  84. Academic American Encyclopedia 1996, vol. 13, 'metalloids', Grolier, Danbury, CT, p. 328
  85. Brady JE & Holum JR 1996, Chemistry: The study of matter and its changes, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 59
  86. Harrison RM & de Mora SJ 1996, Introductory chemistry for the environmental sciences, 2nd ed., Cambridge University, Cambridge, p. 150
  87. Hook CC & Post R 1996, Chemistry: Concepts and problems, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 297
  88. Atkins P & Jones L 1997, Chemistry: Molecules, matter and change, 3rd ed., WH Freeman, New York, p. 15
  89. Dayah M 1997, Dynamic Periodic Table, viewed 14 July 2011
  90. Mingos DMP 1998, Essential trends in inorganic chemistry, Oxford University, Oxford, p. 202
  91. Joesten MD & Wood JL 1999, World of chemistry: Essentials, 2nd ed., Saunders College/Harcourt Brace, Forth Worth, p. 57
  92. Kremer P 1999, ChemGlobe – Periodic table of the elements, viewed 14 July 2011
  93. Thompson R, 1999, 'Re: What is the metalloid line and where is it located on the Periodic Table?', MadSci Network
  94. Umland JB & Bellama JM 1999, General chemistry, 3rd ed., Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, inside front cover
  95. Callister WD 2000, Materials science and engineering: An introduction, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 17
  96. Enloe CL 2000, Physical science: What the technology professional needs to know, John Wiley and Sons, New York, p. 93
  97. Mann JB, Meek TL and Allen LC 2000, 'Configuration energies of the main group elements', Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 122, pp. 2780–2783
  98. Phillips JS, Stozak VS & Wistrom C 2000, Chemistry: Concepts and applications, Glencoe/McGraw Hill, Columbus OH, p. 93
  99. Ryan L 2000, Advanced chemistry for you, Nelson Thornes, Cheltenham, p. 92
  100. Hawkes SJ 2001, 'Semimetallicity', Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 78, no. 12, pp. 1686–1686
  101. Lewis R & Evans W 2001, Chemistry, 2nd ed., Plagrave, Basingstoke, Hampshire, p. 212
  102. Masterton WL & Hurley N 2001, Chemistry: Principles and reactions, 4th ed., Harcourt College, Fort Worth, inside front cover
  103. Barrett J 2002, Atomic structure and periodicity, Wiley-Interscience, Hoboken, NJ, p. 105
  104. Chang R 2002, Chemistry, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 46
  105. Harding C, Johnson DA & Janes R 2002, Elements of the p block, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, p. 210
  106. Johnson DA 2002, Metals and chemical change, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, p. 22
  107. Rodgers GE 2002, Descriptive inorganic, coordination, and solid-state chemistry, 2nd ed., Brooks/Cole Thomson, Australia, p. 235
  108. Szefer P 2002, Metals, metalloids and radionuclides in the Baltic Sea ecosystem, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 14
  109. Woodgate S 2002, GEN periodic table: Metals, metalloids, nonmetals, The University of Auckland
  110. Wright DA & Welbourn P 2002, Environmental toxicology, Cambridge University, Cambridge, p. 254
  111. e-encyclopedia 2003, Dorling Kindersley, London, p. 161
  112. Gupta CK 2003, Chemical metallurgy: principles and practice, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, p. 4
  113. Hunt A 2003, Schaum's A-Z: Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 231
  114. Myers R 2003, The basics of chemistry, Greenwood, Westport CT, p. 68
  115. Williams LD 2003, Chemistry demystified, McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 151
  116. Atkins P 2004, Galileo's finger: the ten great ideas of science, Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 159
  117. Cox PA 2004, Inorganic chemistry, 2nd ed., Bios Scientific, London, p. 27
  118. Gilbert TR, Kirss RV & Davies G 2004, Chemistry: The science in context, WW Norton, New York, inside front cover
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