మూస:Periodic table (electron affinities)

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Group → 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
↓ Period
1 H 73
2 Li60 Be

B 27 C 122 N
O 141 F 328 Ne
3 Na53 Mg

Al42 Si134 P 72 S 200 Cl349 Ar
4 K 48 Ca2 Sc18 Ti8 V 51 Cr65 Mn
Fe15 Co64 Ni112 Cu119 Zn
Ga41 Ge119 As79 Se195 Br324 Kr
5 Rb47 Sr5 Y 30 Zr41 Nb86 Mo72 Tc
Ru101 Rh110 Pd54 Ag126 Cd
In39 Sn107 Sb101 Te190 I 295 Xe
6 Cs46 Ba14 1 asterisk Hf  Ta31 W 79 Re
Os104 Ir150 Pt205 Au223 Hg
Tl36 Pb35 Bi91 Po  At  Rn
7 Fr  Ra  1 asterisk Rf  Db  Sg  Bh  Hs  Mt  Ds  Rg  Cn  Uut  Fl  Uup  Lv  Uus  Uuo 

1 asterisk La45 Ce92 Pr  Nd  Pm  Sm  Eu  Gd  Tb  Dy  Ho  Er  Tm99 Yb  Lu33
1 asterisk Ac  Th  Pa  U   Np  Pu  Am  Cm  Bk  Cf  Es  Fm  Md  No  Lr 
The number mentioned is Electron affinity in kJ/mol (rounded)
For the equivalent value in eV, see: Electron affinity (data page)
* Denotes elements that are expected to have electron affinities close to zero on quantum mechanical grounds