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వికీపీడియా:వికీప్రాజెక్టు/తెలుగు గ్రంథాలయం/అన్నమయ్య గ్రంథాలయ పుస్తకాల జాబితా -98

వికీపీడియా నుండి
వికీ ప్రాజెక్టు - తెలుగు గ్రంథాలయం
తెలుగు గ్రంథాలయం యొక్క పుట్టుక, గ్రంథాలయ ఉద్యమం, ప్రసిద్ద గ్రంథాలయాల జాబితా, కొన్ని ప్రసిద్ద గ్రంథాలయాలలోని పుస్తకాల జాబితాల యొక్క సమగ్ర సమాచారం. దీనిలో భాగంగా తెలుగు గ్రంథాలయం అనే ప్రాజెక్టు పనిలో భాగంగా ఈ జాబితాలను చేపట్టి అభివృద్ధి చేస్తున్నాము. ఈ క్రింది గ్రంథాలయాలలో గల పుస్తకాల వివరాలు జాబితా చేస్తూ క్రింది సంఖ్యా క్రమంలో చేర్చుతున్నాము.

అన్నమయ్యగ్రంధాలయంగౌతమీగ్రంధాలయంసూర్యరాయ గ్రంథాలయంవీరేశలింగగ్రంథాలయంసర్వోత్తమగ్రంథాలయం

అన్నమయ్య గ్రంథాలయ పుస్తకాల జాబితా

01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30
31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 59 - 60
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91 - 92 - 93 - 94 - 95 - 96 - 97 - 98 - 99 - 100 - 101 - 102 - 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 130 - 131 - 132 - 133 - 134 - 135 - 136 - 137 - 138 - 139 - 140 - 141 - 142 - 143 - 144 - 145 - 146 - 147 - 148 - 149 - 150 - 151 - 152 - 153 - 154 - 155 - 156 - 157 - 158 - 159 - 160 - 161 - 162 - 163 - 164 - 165- 166- 167- 168- 169- 170- 171- 172- 173- 174- 175- 176- 177-178 అన్నమయ్య ఆధ్యాత్మిక గ్రంథాలయం యొక్క పుస్తక జాబితాలోని పుస్తకాల యొక్క సమాచారం

ప్రవేశసంఖ్య వర్గము గ్రంథనామం రచయిత ప్రచురణకర్త ముద్రణకాలం పుటలు వెల.రూ.
65001 Novels. 1501 Islands in the Sky Arthurc C. Clarke New American Library 1987 256 2
65002 Novels. 1502 Reach for Tomorrow Arthurc C. Clarke A Del Rey Book 1972 160 1
65003 Novels. 1503 Rama Revealed Arthurc C. Clarke An Orbit Book 1993 633 6.99
65004 Novels. 1504 Rendezvous with Rama Arthurc C. Clarke Ballantine Books, New York 1973 276 2
65005 Novels. 1505 Sands of Mars Arthurc C. Clarke Perma Books 1959 215 2
65006 Novels. 1506 Rama II Arthurc C. Clarke and Gentry Lee Bantam Books, New York 1990 466 30
65007 Novels. 1507 The Garden of Rama Arthurc C. Clarke and Gentry Lee An Orbit Book 1991 593 4.5
65008 Novels. 1508 The Light of Other Days Arthurc C. Clarke and Stephen A Tom Doherty Associates Book 2001 368 330
65009 Novels. 1509 In Search of Ancient Mysteries Alan and Sally Landsburg Bantam Books, New York 1974 197 2
65010 Novels. 1510 The Ancient Engineers L. Sprague de Camp Ballantine Books, New York 1974 450 2
65011 Novels. 1511 Signs of the Gods? Erich von Daniken Corgi Books 1981 256 2
65012 Novels. 1512 In Search of Ancient Gods Erich von Daniken Corgi Books 1973 218 2
65013 Novels. 1513 According to the Evidence Erich von Daniken Corgi Books 1978 348 2
65014 Novels. 1514 Gods From Outer Space Erich von Daniken Bantam Books, New York 1973 180 2
65015 Novels. 1515 Chariots of the Gods? Erich von Daniken 163 2
65016 Novels. 1516 Miracles of the Gods Erich von Daniken A Dell Book 1976 400 2
65017 Novels. 1517 The Gold of the Gods Erich von Daniken Corgi Books 1975 235 2
65018 Novels. 1518 The Third Eye T. lobsang Rampa Ballantine Books, New York 1958 218 2
65019 Novels. 1519 You Forever T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1965 219 2
65020 Novels. 1520 Three Lives T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1978 174 4
65021 Novels. 1521 The Thirteenth Candle T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1976 172 2
65022 Novels. 1522 Chapters of Life T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1971 223 3
65023 Novels. 1523 Pussy Willow Mama San Ra-ab Rampa Corgi Books 1974 159 2
65024 Novels. 1524 The Saffron Robe T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1976 220 2
65025 Novels. 1525 Tibetan Sage T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1980 158 2
65026 Novels. 1526 The Cave of The Ancients T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1970 216 2
65027 Novels. 1527 Doctor From Lhasa T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1977 221 2
65028 Novels. 1528 Wisdom of the Ancients T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1971 158 2
65029 Novels. 1529 As It Was T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1976 191 1
65030 Novels. 1530 Candlelight T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1977 173 3
65031 Novels. 1531 Living with The Lama T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1970 190 2
65032 Novels. 1532 The Rampa Story T. lobsang Rampa Corgi Books 1977 221 2
65033 Novels. 1533 Thais Anatole France Jaico Publishing House 1958 156 2
65034 Novels. 1534 Penguin Island Anatole France Penguin Books 1948 293 2
65035 Novels. 1535 Antigua, Penny, Puce Robert Graves Penguin Books 1947 314 3
65036 Novels. 1536 The Golden Ass Lucius Apuleius Penguin Books 1980 252 2
65037 Novels. 1537 The Leopard Giuseppe di Lampedusa Fontana Collins 1974 223 2
65038 Novels. 1538 The Disenchanted Budd Schulberg 394 2
65039 Novels. 1539 Lorna Doone R.D. Blackmore J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1945 571 5
65040 Novels. 1540 Faked Passports Dennis Wheatley Heron Books 1972 421 2
65041 Novels. 1541 Wieland or The Transformation Charles Brockden Brown Dolphin Books 1962 276 2
65042 Novels. 1542 The Thousandth Man Ruby M. Ayres Hodder Paperbacks 1970 189 2
65043 Novels. 1543 The Experiment Patrick Skene Catling A Panther Book 1968 301 2
65044 Novels. 1544 The Wine and the Music William E. Barrett Doubleday & Company 1969 377 2
65045 Novels. 1545 Desiree Annemarie Selinko Pocket Books, New Yark 639 3
65046 Novels. 1546 The Magnolias Julie Ellis A Fawcett Crest Book 1976 271 2
65047 Novels. 1547 The Mystery of the 99 steps Carolyn Keene Armada Books 1987 158 2
65048 Novels. 1548 The Crash of '79 Paul E. Erdman Sphere Books Limited, London 1978 349 13
65049 Novels. 1549 Winning Jack Welch Harper Collins Publishers 2005 372 295
65050 Novels. 1550 Law and Order Dorothy Uhnak Pan Books Ltd., London 1973 502 2
65051 Novels. 1551 Andersonville MacKinlay Kantor Landsborough Publications Limited 1958 700 7.99
65052 Novels. 1552 The Hounds of God Rafael Sabatini Popular Library, New york 1963 240 2
65053 Novels. 1553 Boys & Girls Together William Goldman Corgi Books 1966 696 6.95
65054 Novels. 1554 Railroad Graham Masterton Sphere Books Limited, London 1981 631 3
65055 Novels. 1555 The Salzburg Connection Helen Macinnes Collins London 1969 378 3
65056 Novels. 1556 The Day of the Triffids John Wyndham Penguin Books 1971 272 0.75
65057 Novels. 1557 Changing Places David Lodge Penguin Books 1979 250 1.5
65058 Novels. 1558 Sweet Nothings Laura Cunningham Avon Publishers 1977 236 2
65059 Novels. 1559 The Sixteen Satires Juvenal Penguin Books 1984 319 2
65060 Novels. 1560 Grandmother and the Priests Taylor Caldwell 431 2
65061 Novels. 1561 The Thirty Nine Steps John Buchan Pan Books Ltd., London 1953 137 2
65062 Novels. 1562 The Story of My Heart Richard Jefferies Penguin Books 1938 178 1
65063 Novels. 1563 Lawrence of Arabia Zionism and Palestine Sir Ronald Storrs Penguin Books 1940 128 2
65064 Novels. 1564 Piers The Ploughman William Langland Penguin Books 1977 314 1
65065 Novels. 1565 Cry, The Beloved Country Alan Paton Penguin Books 1975 239 2
65066 Novels. 1566 The Breaking of Bumbo Andrew Sinclair Penguin Books 1961 156 2
65067 Novels. 1567 The Fixer Bernard Malamud Penguin Books 1966 299 2
65068 Novels. 1568 Carl Sandburg By Harry Golden Harry Golden Lancer Books 1961 287 2
65069 Novels. 1569 The Secret Life of Jesus Upton Sinclair Mercury Books 1962 192 2
65070 Novels. 1570 The Jungle Upton Sinclair Airmont Publishing Company 1965 317 2
65071 Novels. 1571 Curtain Michael Korda Rupa & Co., 1992 414 60
65072 Novels. 1572 The Chequer Board Nevil Shute Pan Books Ltd., London 1968 271 6
65073 Novels. 1573 Round the Bend Nevil Shute Pan Books Ltd., London 1968 364 2
65074 Novels. 1574 Requiem For A Wren Nevil Shute Pan Books Ltd., London 1968 252 2
65075 Novels. 1575 No Highway Nevil Shute Pan Books Ltd., London 1974 280 2
65076 Novels. 1576 Most Secret Nevil Shute Ballantine Books, New York 1945 281 2
65077 Novels. 1577 Pied Piper Nevil Shute Pan Books Ltd., London 1969 253 2
65078 Novels. 1578 Trustee From The Toolroom Nevil Shute Ballantine Books, New York 1972 256 2
65079 Novels. 1579 Ruined City Nevil Shute Pan Books Ltd., London 1971 218 2
65080 Novels. 1580 The Stars Look Down A.J. Cronin Bantam Books, New York 584 2
65081 Novels. 1581 A Thing of Beauty A.J. Cronin Pyramid Books, New York 1956 380 2
65082 Novels. 1582 Adventures in Two Worlds A.J. Cronin Transworld Publishers, London 1959 446 2
65083 Novels. 1583 The Treasure of Heaven Marie Corelli Wilco Publishing House 1960 326 2
65084 Novels. 1584 Open Confession Marie Corelli Wilco Publishing House 1963 93 3
65085 Novels. 1585 The Lma Marie Corelli Wilco Publishing House 1958 492 2
65086 Novels. 1586 The Lma Marie Corelli Wilco Publishing House 1962 492 2
65087 Novels. 1587 One Virginity Hilton Brown Jaico Publishing House 1960 331 3
65088 Novels. 1588 Time and Time Again James Hilton Pan Books Ltd., London 1955 252 2
65089 Novels. 1589 Random Harvest James Hilton Pocket Books, New Yark 1961 278 2
65090 Novels. 1590 Lost Horizon James Hilton Pocket Books, New Yark 1963 169 2
65091 Novels. 1591 The Last Horizon Raymond F. Dasmann A Dell Book 1966 224 2
65092 Novels. 1592 The Infernal Grove Malcolm Muggeridge Fontana Collins 1973 313 3
65093 Novels. 1593 A Division of the Spoils Paul Scott Panther Granada Publishing 1975 597 4.9
65094 Novels. 1594 The Jeswl in the Crown Paul Scott Panther Granada Publishing 1973 479 2
65095 Novels. 1595 Myra Breckinridge Gore Vidal Panther Granada Publishing 218 2
65096 Novels. 1596 Gore Vidal's Caligula Gore Vidal Futura Publications Limited 1979 208 2
65097 Novels. 1597 Kalki Gore Vidal Ballantine Books, New York 1978 278 2
65098 Novels. 1598 Myron Gore Vidal Ballantine Books, New York 1975 214 2
65099 Novels. 1599 From Here to Eternity James Jones Collins London 1969 828 2
65100 Novels. 1600 The Loves of Harry D. Lawrence Sanders Great Britain 1985 229 2
65101 Novels. 1601 The First Deadly Sin Lawrence Sanders A Berkley Medallion Book 1973 575 5
65102 Novels. 1602 The Navigator Morris West A Kangaroo Book 1977 422 2
65103 Novels. 1603 Harlequin Morris West Rupa & Co., 1978 288 2
65104 Novels. 1604 The Shoes of The Fisherman Morris West Pan Books Ltd., London 1969 25 2
65105 Novels. 1605 The Naked Country Morris West Mandarin 1960 201 9.99
65106 Novels. 1606 The Winds of War Herman Wouk Fontana Collins 1974 960 2
65107 Novels. 1607 All Creatures Great and Small James Herriot Bantam Books, New York 1973 499 2
65108 Novels. 1608 All Creatures Great and Small James Herriot Bantam Books, New York 1973 499 2
65109 Novels. 1609 Every Living Thing James Herriot St. Martin's Paperbacks 1992 374 2
65110 Novels. 1610 Appointment on the Moon Richard S. Lewis Ballantine Books, New York 1969 566 6
65111 Novels. 1611 Lorna Doone R.D. Blackmore Washington Square Press 1964 695 5
65112 Novels. 1612 Contact Carl Sagan Arrow Books 1990 430 3
65113 Novels. 1613 Broca's Brain Carl Sagan Ballantine Books, New York 1980 398 3
65114 Novels. 1614 The Birds Fall Down Rebecca 435 5
65115 Novels. 1615 To The Fair Unknown Andre Maurois Wilco Publishing House 1961 135 2
65116 Novels. 1616 Selections from Andre Maurois J.H. Brown Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd 1935 247 2
65117 Novels. 1617 Ariel Andre Maurois Jaico Publishing House 1957 236 2
65118 Novels. 1618 The Royal Way Andre Malraux Random House, New York 250 2
65119 Novels. 1619 The Gentlemen of 16 July Rene Louis Maurice 1982 182 2
65120 Novels. 1620 The Quest for Proust Andre Maurois Penguin Books 1962 342 20
65121 Novels. 1621 Future Shock Alvin Toffler Bantam Books, New York 1981 561 2
65122 Novels. 1622 The Adaptive Corporation Alvin Toffler Bantam Books, New York 1985 194 2
65123 Novels. 1623 Power Shift Alvin Toffler Bantam Books, New York 1992 604 6.99
65124 Novels. 1624 The Third Wave Alvin Toffler William Collins Sons & Co.Ltd 1981 544 100
65125 Novels. 1625 The Red Sari Javier Moor 200 20
65126 Novels. 1626 Three Complete Novels Michael Crichton (The Andromeda Strain, The Terminal Man, The Great Train Robbery Michael Crichton 1969 675 100
65127 Novels. 1627 The Bear and the Dragon Tom Clancy Michael Joseph, London 2000 1028 904
65128 Novels. 1628 White Sands Simon Gandolfi Harper Collins Publishers 1997 260 5.99
65129 Novels. 1629 Tough Guys Don't Dance Norman Mailer Random House, New York 1984 229 25
65130 Novels. 1630 Peter James Looking Good Dead Peter James Macmillan 2006 405 100
65131 Novels. 1631 Players Paul McAuley Simon & Schuster, New York 2007 390 18.99
65132 Novels. 1632 The End of the World News Anthony Burgess Hutchinson London 2007 388 100
65133 Novels. 1633 The Best Laid Plans Sidney Sheldon William Morrow and Company Inc. 1997 358 100
65134 Novels. 1634 A Thousand Suns Dominique Lapierre Simon & Schuster, New York 1999 541 200
65135 Novels. 1635 Finding Moon Tony Hillerman Harper Collins Publishers 1995 319 150
65136 Novels. 1636 Mother of Pearl Melinda Haynes Hyperion New York 1999 448 100
65137 Novels. 1637 The Right Image James D. Horan Crown Publishers, Inc. New York 1967 432 100
65138 Novels. 1638 An Accidental woman Simon & Schuster, New York 2002 371 100
65139 Novels. 1639 Drummer in the Dark T. Davis Bunn WaterBrook Press 2001 415 100
65140 Novels. 1640 Skeleton Crew Stephen King G.P. Putnam's Sons 1985 512 100
65141 Novels. 1641 The Corrections Jonathan Franzen Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2001 567 100
65142 Novels. 1642 The Raiders Harold Robbins Simon & Schuster, New York 1995 363 23
65143 Novels. 1643 One Man's Bible Gao Xingjian Harper Collins Publishers 2002 450 9.99
65144 Novels. 1644 The Stars Shing Down Sidney Sheldon William Morrow and Company Inc. 1992 304 50
65145 Novels. 1645 A Stranger in the Mirror Sidney Sheldon William Morrow and Company Inc. 1976 324 75
65146 Novels. 1646 The Pigeon Project Irving Wallace Affiliated East West Press 1979 383 3
65147 Novels. 1647 The City of Joy Dominique Lapierre 514 3.95
65148 Novels. 1648 Is Paris Burning? Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Pocket Books, New Yark 1966 398 3
65149 Novels. 1649 O Jerusalem Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Vikas Publishing House pvt Ltd 1982 648 25
65150 Novels. 1650 The Fifth Horseman Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Granada Publishing 1981 573 5.95
65151 Novels. 1651 Or I'll Dress You in Mourning Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Vikas Publishing House pvt Ltd 1982 346 20
65152 Novels. 1652 Or I'll Dress You in Mourning Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Granada Publishing 1979 346 10
65153 Novels. 1653 Freedom at Midnight Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Granada Publishing 1984 595 6.95
65154 Novels. 1654 Freedom at Midnight Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre Vikas Publishing House pvt Ltd 1978 500 15
65155 Novels. 1655 Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited Aldous Huxley The Hogarth Press London 1984 387 9.95
65156 Novels. 1656 Brave New World Aldous Huxley A Triad Grafton Book 1988 255 5.95
65157 Novels. 1657 Brave New World Aldous Huxley Penguin Books 1967 200 2
65158 Novels. 1658 Brave New World Aldous Huxley Bantam Books, New York 1958 176 2
65159 Novels. 1659 Antic Hay Aldous Huxley Bantam Books, New York 1957 200 2
65160 Novels. 1660 Islands in the Sky Aldous Huxley Bantam Books, New York 1963 295 2
65161 Novels. 1661 Island Aldous Huxley Granada Publishing 1962 336 3
65162 Novels. 1662 Eyeless in Gaza Aldous Huxley Bantam Books, New York 1961 423 3
65163 Novels. 1663 The Perennial Philosphy 288 2
65164 Novels. 1664 Ape and Essence Aldous Huxley Bantam Books, New York 1964 152 2
65165 Novels. 1665 After Many a Summer Dies the Swan Aldous Huxley Avon Publishers 1952 350 2
65166 Novels. 1666 The Doors of Perception Heaven and Hell Aldous Huxley Penguin Books 1963 143 2
65167 Novels. 1667 Crome Yellow Aldous Huxley Penguin Books 1937 253 3
65168 Novels. 1668 The Genius and The Goddess Aldous Huxley Bantam Books, New York 1963 151 2
65169 Novels. 1669 The Genius and The Goddess Aldous Huxley Bantam Books, New York 1956 151 2
65170 Novels. 1670 Point Counter Point Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus 1931 601 2
65171 Novels. 1671 Point Counter Point Aldous Huxley Penguin Books 1974 434 4
65172 Novels. 1672 Point Counter Point Aldous Huxley Avon Publishers 1928 176 2
65173 Novels. 1673 Knowledge, Morality and Destiny Julian Huxley The New American Library 1957 287 2
65174 Novels. 1674 Man in the Modern World Julian Huxley A Mentor Book 1959 191 2
65175 Novels. 1675 Eyeless in Gaza Aldous Huxley ba 1961 423 3
65176 Novels. 1676 Mortal Coils Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus 1931 229 2
65177 Novels. 1677 Ends and Means Aldous Huxley Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay 1962 112 2
65178 Novels. 1678 Collected Essays Aldous Huxley Bantam Books, New York 1964 399 2
65179 Novels. 1679 Essays of Aldous Huxley S.K. Kumar The Macmillan Co. of India Ltd 1973 234 2
65180 Novels. 1680 Selections From Aldous Huxley Armando Menezes The Macmillan Co. of India Ltd 1956 256 2
65181 Novels. 1681 Those Barren Leaves Aldous Huxley Penguin Books 1951 318 3
65182 Novels. 1682 Those Barren Leaves Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus 1949 379 2.5
65183 Novels. 1683 Music at Night Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus 1949 335 3
65184 Novels. 1684 The Genius and The Goddess Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus 1955 127 2
65185 Novels. 1685 Time Must Have a Stop Aldous Huxley Chatto & Windus 1946 303 3
65186 Novels. 1686 Brief Candles Aldous Huxley Harper Collins Publishers 1977 218 13.95
65187 Novels. 1687 1984 George Orwell The New American Library 1961 256 2
65188 Novels. 1688 Nineteen Eighty Four George Orwell Penguin Books 1968 250 0.5
65189 Novels. 1689 Animal Farm George Orwell Penguin Books 1963 119 0.25
65190 Novels. 1690 Animal Farm George Orwell Penguin Books 1945 119 0.5
65191 Novels. 1691 Clergy Man dughter George Orwell 262 2
65192 Novels. 1692 Burmese Days George Orwell Penguin Books 1944 239 2
65193 Novels. 1693 Coming up for Air George Orwell Penguin Books 1973 232 2
65194 Novels. 1694 Paris and London George Orwell Avon Publishers 188 2
65195 Novels. 1695 Keep the Aspidistra Flying George Orwell Penguin Books 1936 263 3
65196 Novels. 1696 Selected Essays George Orwell Penguin Books 1957 202 2
65197 Novels. 1697 Essays of Orwell M.G. Nayar Macmillan 1981 159 2
65198 Novels. 1698 The Penguin Complete Novels of George Orwell Penguin Books 923 3
65199 Novels. 1699 The Works of Lewis Carroll Roger Lancelyn Green Spring Books 1965 1130 100
65200 Novels. 1700 Shantaram Gregory David Roberts ABACUS 2005 935 8.95
65201 Novels. 1701 The Far Pavilions M.M. Kaye Bantam Books, New York 1979 1187 10
65202 Novels. 1702 Taj Colin De Silva Grafton Books 1990 747 4.99
65203 Novels. 1703 Zamindar Valerie FitzGerald Corgi Books 1981 798 1.5
65204 Novels. 1704 Zamindar Valerie FitzGerald Bantam Books, New York 1983 798 2
65205 Novels. 1705 The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams Pan Books Ltd., London 1992 590 9.99
65206 Novels. 1706 This Present Darkness Frank E. Peretti Crossway Books 1987 375 5
65207 Novels. 1707 Wild Bapu of Garambi Shripad Narayan Pendse Sahitya Akademi 1969 256 22
65208 Novels. 1708 The Trotter Nama I. Allan Sealy Penguin Books 1988 575 125
65209 Novels. 1709 The Sea John Banville picador 2005 263 16.99
65210 Novels. 1710 The Unbearable Lightness of Being Milan Kundera Perennial Classics 1984 314 19.95
65211 Novels. 1711 Northern Lights Philip Pullman Scholastic Children's Books 2005 403 6.99
65212 Novels. 1712 Wise Blood Flannery O'Connon 1962 232 5.35
65213 Novels. 1713 Answer as a Man Taylor Caldwell G.P. Putnam's Sons 1980 503 25
65214 Novels. 1714 Finnie Walsh Steven Galloway Raicoast Books 2000 265 50
65215 Novels. 1715 Young'un Herbert Best The Macmillan Co. of India Ltd 1944 271 2
65216 Novels. 1716 Hungry as the Sea Wilbur Smith Allied Publishers Private Limited 1979 377 3
65217 Novels. 1717 The Book of Secrets M.G. Vassanji picador 1994 337 6.99
65218 Novels. 1718 The Trespasser D.H. Lawrence Jharison 1983 216 2
65219 Novels. 1719 Women in Love D.H. Lawrence Central Book Depot, Allahabad 1944 507 2
65220 Novels. 1720 Lady Chatterley's Lover D.H. Lawrence ACE Books 286 2
65221 Novels. 1721 Lady Chatterley's Lover D.H. Lawrence Bantam Books, New York 1982 360 3.95
65222 Novels. 1722 Lady Chatterley's Lover D.H. Lawrence The Harborough Publishing Co.Ltd 1978 256 2
65223 Novels. 1723 Lady Chatterley's Lover D.H. Lawrence 299 2.75
65224 Novels. 1724 Lady Chatterley's Lover D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 1977 376 75
65225 Novels. 1725 The First Lady Chatterley D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 1974 253 2
65226 Novels. 1726 Lady Chartterley's Daughter Patricia Robins Worl Distributors London 1961 256 2
65227 Novels. 1727 Lady Chatterley's Confession Elaine Feinstein Macmillan 1995 314 10.95
65228 Novels. 1728 The Rainbow D.H. Lawrence The Harborough Publishing Co.Ltd 1960 411 2.2
65229 Novels. 1729 The Rainbow D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 1949 493 4.95
65230 Novels. 1730 Sons and Lovers D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 172 2
65231 Novels. 1731 Sons and Lovers D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 1980 511 1.25
65232 Novels. 1732 Sons and Lovers D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 1949 511 1
65233 Novels. 1733 The White Peacock D.H. Lawrence J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1935 361 3
65234 Novels. 1734 Etruscan Places D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 1950 169 2
65235 Novels. 1735 Aaron's Rod D.H. Lawrence The Harborough Publishing Co.Ltd 1960 268 2
65236 Novels. 1736 St Mawr The Virgin and The Gipsy D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 1951 261 2
65237 Novels. 1737 The Lost Girl D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 1966 400 2.95
65238 Novels. 1738 The Woman Who Rode Away D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 1965 256 2
65239 Novels. 1739 The Fox D.H. Lawrence Bantam Books, New York 1967 105 2
65240 Novels. 1740 Three Novellas The Ladybird, The Fox, The Captain's Doll D.H. Lawrence Penguin Books 1969 250 2
65241 Novels. 1741 The Complete Travel Books of Mark Twain Charles Neider Doubleday & Company 1966 806 10
65242 Novels. 1742 The New Pilgrim's Progress Paul Elek Limited 613 10
65243 Novels. 1743 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain Happer & Row Publishers 1931 404 2
65244 Novels. 1744 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain Nelson Doubleday, Inc. 679 100
65245 Novels. 1745 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain Penguin Books 1972 393 3
65246 Novels. 1746 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain New American Library 1959 288 2
65247 Novels. 1747 Tom Sawyer Abroad 224 2
65248 Novels. 1748 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Mark Twain Bantam Books, New York 1981 231 2
65249 Novels. 1749 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer & the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain Words Worth Classics 1992 390 2
65250 Novels. 1750 The Gilded Age Mark Twain The American Library 1969 455 2
65251 Novels. 1751 King Leopold's Soliloquy Mark Twain Seven Seas Books 1961 85 2
65252 Novels. 1752 Life on The Mississippi Mark Twain Bantam Books, New York 1956 312 2
65253 Novels. 1753 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Mark Twain A Perennial Classic 1965 314 100
65254 Novels. 1754 Mark Twain A Laure Reader Edmund Fuller Dell Publishing House 1958 382 2
65255 Novels. 1755 The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain Charles Neider Bantam Books, New York 1978 679 5
65256 Novels. 1756 The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories Mark Twain New American Library 1962 253 2
65257 Novels. 1757 Mark Twain's Best Scholastic Book Services 1962 250 20
65258 Novels. 1758 War and Peace Leo Tolstoy Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1954 1352 15
65259 Novels. 1759 War and Peace Leo Tolstoy 1314 5.95
65260 Novels. 1760 War and Peace Leo Tolstoy Words Worth Classics 1993 1093 100
65261 Novels. 1761 War and Peace Leo Tolstoy A Washington Square Press 1966 594 3
65262 Novels. 1762 War and Peace Leo Tolstoy A Dell Book 1955 512 2
65263 Novels. 1763 Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy Oxford University Press 1951 447 10
65264 Novels. 1764 Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy Pilot Classics Press Ltd 1947 471 2
65265 Novels. 1765 Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy Pilot Classics Press Ltd 1947 479 2
65266 Novels. 1766 Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy Pocket Books, New Yark 1948 380 3
65267 Novels. 1767 All My Love Declared Leo Tolstoy Orient Paperbacks 200 2
65268 Novels. 1768 Twenty Three Tales Leo Tolstoy Oxford University Press 1947 298 2
65269 Novels. 1769 Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoevsky J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1955 493 3
65270 Novels. 1770 The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoevsky New American Library 1980 703 3
65271 Novels. 1771 The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoevsky A Dell Book 1956 511 2
65272 Novels. 1772 The Devils Fyodor Dostoevsky Penguin Books 1971 704 1.5
65273 Novels. 1773 A Raw Youth Fyodor Dostoevsky Dell Publishing House 1959 607 2
65274 Novels. 1774 The Gambler and Other Stories Fyodor Dostoevsky William Heinemann Ltd 1950 318 2
65275 Novels. 1775 The Gulag Archipelago Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn Happer & Row Publishers 1974 660 15
65276 Novels. 1776 The Gulag Archipelago 2 Alexander Solzhenitsyn Collins London 1976 695 3.35
65277 Novels. 1777 One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich Alexander Solzhenitsyn New American Library 1963 158 2
65278 Novels. 1778 One Day In The Life of Ivan Denisovich Alexander Solzhenitsyn Sphere Books Limited, London 1971 156 2
65279 Novels. 1779 The Love Girl and the Innocent Alexander Solzhenitsyn Bantam Books, New York 1972 133 3
65280 Novels. 1780 For the Good of the Cause Alexander Solzhenitsyn Sphere Books Limited, London 1971 142 2
65281 Novels. 1781 From Under The Rubble Alexander Solzhenitsyn Bantam Books, New York 1976 306 3
65282 Novels. 1782 Aug-14 Alexander Solzhenitsyn Penguin Books 1974 645 2
65283 Novels. 1783 Cancer Ward Alexander Solzhenitsyn bantam Books, New York 1969 559 2
65284 Novels. 1784 The First Circle Alexander Solzhenitsyn Bantam Books, New York 1969 674 2
65285 Novels. 1785 The First Circle Alexander Solzhenitsyn Allied Publishers Private Limited 1971 580 3
65286 Novels. 1786 On The Eve Ivan Turgenev The Cresset Press 1950 217 2
65287 Novels. 1787 My First Love Ivan Turgenev Susil Gupta (India) Ltd 1947 113 2
65288 Novels. 1788 Smoke Ivan Turgenev J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1949 242 2
65289 Novels. 1789 The Torrents of Spring Ivan Turgenev A London Panther 1965 207 2
65290 Novels. 1790 The Don Flows Home to the Sea Mikhail Sholokhov Penguin Books 1970 827 15
65291 Novels. 1791 And Quiet Flows The Don Mikhail Sholokhov Orient Paperbacks 1968 208 10
65292 Novels. 1792 And Quiet Flows The Don Mikhail Sholokhov The New American Library 1959 512 2
65293 Novels. 1793 Laughter in the Dark Vladimir Nabokov Penguin Books 1961 186 3
65294 Novels. 1794 Ada Vladimir Nabokov Penguin Books 1970 476 8
65295 Novels. 1795 Lolita Vladimir Nabokov Corgi Books 1973 347 2.25
65296 Novels. 1796 Pnin Vladimir Nabokov heinemann, London 1960 191 3
65297 Novels. 1797 Doctor Zhivago Boris Pasternak Collins and Harvill Press 1958 509 5
65298 Novels. 1798 Doctor Zhivago Boris Pasternak The New American Library 1960 456 6
65299 Novels. 1799 Doctor Zhivago Boris Pasternak Fontana Books 1962 542 3
65300 Novels. 1800 Mother Maxim Gorky Jaico Publishing House 1955 367 3
65301 Novels. 1801 The Three Maxim Gorky Orient Paperbacks 227 2
65302 Novels. 1802 Bel Ami Guy de Maupassant Bestseller Lobrary, London 1958 319 3
65303 Novels. 1803 Our Hearts Guy de Maupassant Jaico Publishing House 1956 191 1.8
65304 Novels. 1804 Aroom With a View Howards End Maurice E.M. Forster Quality Paper Back Book Club 1971 648 100
65305 Novels. 1805 Howards End and A Room With a View E.M. Forster A Signet Classic 1986 449 4
65306 Novels. 1806 A Room With A View E.M. Forster Quality Paper Back Book Club 1997 309 100
65307 Novels. 1807 Where Angels Fear to Tread E.M. Forster Vintage Books, New York 1920 184 2
65308 Novels. 1808 A Passage to India E.M. Forster Penguin Books 1989 363 5.99
65309 Novels. 1809 A Passage to India E.M. Forster Penguin Books 1962 316 6
65310 Novels. 1810 A Passage to India E.M. Forster Harcourt, Inc 1989 362 100
65311 Novels. 1811 The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde 1113 100
65312 Novels. 1812 The Works of Oscar Wilde Walter J. Black P.F. Collier & Son Corporation 1927 620 2
65313 Novels. 1813 The Works of Oscar Wilde G.F. Maine Collins, London 1949 1119 100
65314 Novels. 1814 The Great Thoughts of Oscar Wilde Alvin Redman Crest Publishing House 1995 240 75
65315 Novels. 1815 The Epigrams of Oscar Wilde Alvin Redman Jaico Publishing House 1967 275 2
65316 Novels. 1816 The Picture of Dorian Gray 220 2
65317 Novels. 1817 Salome and Other Plays Oscar Wilde Penguin Books 1893 251 2
65318 Novels. 1818 Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories Oscar Wilde Penguin Books 1994 191 18
65319 Novels. 1819 Selected Essays and Poems Oscar Wilde Penguin Books 1954 252 2
65320 Novels. 1820 The Perfect Wife Doris Leslie The Book Club 1960 278 50
65321 Novels. 1821 The Summer Before the Dark Doris Lessing Harper Collins Publishers 2002 236 20
65322 Novels. 1822 The Paper Men William Golding Faber and Faber, London 1984 191 50
65323 Novels. 1823 Lord of the Flies William Golding Faber and Faber, London 1971 223 20
65324 Novels. 1824 Lord of the Flies William Golding Oxford University Press 1980 289 20
65325 Novels. 1825 The Portrait of a Lady Henry James Penguin Books 1974 591 0.5
65326 Novels. 1826 The Ambassadors Henry James Penguin Books 1978 393 3
65327 Novels. 1827 The Madonna of the Future Henry James A Signet Classic 284 0.25
65328 Novels. 1828 Guy Domville Henry James J.B. Lippincott Company 1960 220 20
65329 Novels. 1829 The Turn of the Screw Henry James Everyman's Library 1975 160 5
65330 Novels. 1830 Washington Square Henry James The New American Library 1964 192 12
65331 Novels. 1831 The Golden Bowl Henry James Penguin Books 1973 547 2.5
65332 Novels. 1832 The Beast in the Jungle Henry James Penguin Books 1916 74 10
65333 Novels. 1833 Selected Short Stories Henry James Pyramid Books, New York 1961 384 2
65334 Novels. 1834 Great Short Works of Henry James Dean Flower A Perennial Classic Harper & Row Publishers 1966 500 2
65335 Novels. 1835 Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller John Calder London 1963 318 100
65336 Novels. 1836 Tropic of Cancer Henry Miller Grove Press, Inc 1961 287 2
65337 Novels. 1837 Tropic of Capricorn Henry Miller Granada Publishing 1964 317 10
65338 Novels. 1838 Whipsdom Henry Miller Othello Books 1965 198 2
65339 Novels. 1839 Nexus Henry Miller Grove Press, Inc 316 3
65340 Novels. 1840 Dubliners James Joyce Penguin Books 1966 255 20
65341 Novels. 1841 A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man James Joyce Penguin Books 1973 252 20
65342 Novels. 1842 Washington Square James Joyce Oxford University Press 1982 204 2.95
65343 Novels. 1843 The Portrait of a Lady Henry James The Laurel Henry James 1967 542 2
65344 Novels. 1844 The Reivers William Faulkner Penguin Books 1962 253 5
65345 Novels. 1845 Absalom, Absalom William Faulkner The Modern Library New York 1964 378 25
65346 Novels. 1846 Pylon William Faulkner 1935 315 3
65347 Novels. 1847 The Deer Park Norman Mailer Allan Wingate 1957 388 25
65348 Novels. 1848 The Armies of the Night Norman Mailer A Signet Classic 1968 319 3
65349 Novels. 1849 The Naked and the Dead Norman Mailer Panther 1973 605 2.5
65350 Novels. 1850 Advertisements for Myself Norman Mailer Panther 1972 442 1.95
65351 Novels. 1851 An American Dream Norman Mailer Panther 1972 252 2
65352 Novels. 1852 The Deer Park Norman Mailer Transworld Publishers, London 1964 347 3
65353 Novels. 1853 Captains Courageous Rudyard Kipling New American Library 1981 169 6
65354 Novels. 1854 Kim Rudyard Kipling Macmillan 1970 319 3
65355 Novels. 1855 Kim Rudyard Kipling Laurelleaf Library 1970 287 2
65356 Novels. 1856 The Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling The Vancouver Sun 2004 158 100
65357 Novels. 1857 Puck of Pook's Hill Rudyard Kipling Piccolo Books 1986 192 2.5
65358 Novels. 1858 The World According to Garp John Irving Corgi Books 1979 569 1.25
65359 Novels. 1859 Catch 22 Joseph Heller Corgi Books 1989 569 4.99
65360 Novels. 1860 Catch 22 Joseph Heller Corgi Books 1970 437 4
65361 Novels. 1861 Good as Gold Joseph Heller Corgi Books 1980 463 4
65362 Novels. 1862 God Knows Joseph Heller Simon & Schuster Paper backs 1997 353 100
65363 Novels. 1863 Cleopatra H. Rider Haggard Pocket Books, New Yark 1963 290 3
65364 Novels. 1864 She H. Rider Haggard Hodder & Stoughton London 1886 255 0.25
65365 Novels. 1865 King Solomon's Mines H. Rider Haggard Laurelleaf Library 1970 28 2
65366 Novels. 1866 The Fall Albert Camus Penguin Books 1963 107 2
65367 Novels. 1867 The Fall Albert Camus Penguin Books 1975 107 1.7
65368 Novels. 1868 The Outsider Albert Camus Penguin Books 1982 118 2
65369 Novels. 1869 Exile and The Kingdom Albert Camus First Vintage International Edition 1991 212 16.99
65370 Novels. 1870 The Stranger Albert Camus First Vintage International Edition 1989 123 5.99
65371 Novels. 1871 of Love and other Demons Gabriel Garcia Marquez Penguin Books 1995 160 200
65372 Novels. 1872 No One Writes to The Colonel Gabriel Garcia Marquez Penguin Books 1996 68 100
65373 Novels. 1873 The Understudy Elia Kazan Rupa & Co., 1978 349 12
65374 Novels. 1874 The Understudy Elia Kazan Rupa & Co., 1978 349 12
65375 Novels. 1875 Love in Our Time Elkan Allan's New American Library 1968 143 1
65376 Novels. 1876 The Arrangement Elia Kazan Rupa & Co., 1978 525 12
65377 Novels. 1877 Anthem Ayn Rand New American Library 1946 123 3
65378 Novels. 1878 For the New Intellectual Ayn Rand New American Library 1968 192 2
65379 Novels. 1879 The New Left: The Anit Industiral Revolution Ayn Rand New American Library 1968 239 2
65380 Novels. 1880 We The Living Ayn Rand New American Library 1959 446 4
65381 Novels. 1881 Night of January 16th Ayn Rand New American Library 1968 122 10
65382 Novels. 1882 The Virtue of Selfishness Ayn Rand New American Library 151 2
65383 Novels. 1883 Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal Ayn Rand New American Library 1965 349 2
65384 Novels. 1884 Atlas Shrugged Ayn Rand New American Library 1957 1084 10
65385 Novels. 1885 The Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith Blackie & Son Limited 224 20
65386 Novels. 1886 The Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd 283 10
65387 Novels. 1887 Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1956 258 2
65388 Novels. 1888 The Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith Orient Paperbacks 1963 228 2
65389 Novels. 1889 The Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith Collins Clear Type Press 315 2
65390 Novels. 1890 The Vicar of Wakefield and Others Oliver Goldsmith Oxford University Press 1938 300 2
65391 Novels. 1891 The Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens 1065 10
65392 Novels. 1892 The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Charles Dickens Ward Lock & Co., Limited 1962 514 2
65393 Novels. 1893 The Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens Collins and Harvill Press 1953 796 2
65394 Novels. 1894 Everyman's Library 235 Fiction Charles Dickens J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1959 803 10
65395 Novels. 1895 The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club Charles Dickens Collins Clear Type Press 794 2
65396 Novels. 1896 The Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens Collins Clear Type Press 816 2
65397 Novels. 1897 The Pickwick Papers Charles Dickens A Washington Square Press 1967 860 3
65398 Novels. 1898 David Copperfield Charles Dickens A Laurel Edition 1958 416 2
65399 Novels. 1899 Sketches By Boz Charles Dickens Rohan Book Company 2004 552 25
65400 Novels. 1900 The Mystery of Edwin Drood Charles Dickens New American Library 1961 281 10
65401 Novels. 1901 Hard Times for these times Charles Dickens Panther 1977 303 3
65402 Novels. 1902 Oliver Twist Charles Dickens Penguin Books 1966 489 4
65403 Novels. 1903 Dombey and Son Charles Dickens A Signet Classic 1964 916 10
65404 Novels. 1904 Christmas Books Charles Dickens Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd 1977 470 5
65405 Novels. 1905 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens The World's Popular Classics 374 25
65406 Novels. 1906 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1956 324 2
65407 Novels. 1907 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens Ram Narain Lal Publisher & Bookseller 1958 417 3
65408 Novels. 1908 A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens 509 2
65409 Novels. 1909 Great Expectations Charles Dickens Collins London 1959 414 4
65410 Novels. 1910 Charles Dickens Great Expectations G.R. Kanwal All India Traveller Book Seller 1984 480 20
65411 Novels. 1911 Bleak House Charles Dickens New American Library 1980 896 15
65412 Novels. 1912 Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby Charles Dickens Surjeet Publications 1993 846 50
65413 Novels. 1913 David Copperfield Charles Dickens 884 4
65414 Novels. 1914 David Copperfield Charles Dickens J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1950 837 2
65415 Novels. 1915 The Rose & The Ring Thackeray The Magic Fishbone Dickens W.M. Thackeray J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1963 179 21
65416 Novels. 1916 Henry Esmond W.M. Thackeray Collins London 1954 446 6
65417 Novels. 1917 Vanity Fair William Makepeace Thacker A Signet Classic 1962 832 2
65418 Novels. 1918 Vanity Fair William Makepeace Thacker A Washington Square Press 1966 746 7
65419 Novels. 1919 The English Humourists The Four Georges W.M. Thackeray J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1914 423 1
65420 Novels. 1920 Pendennis Volume Two W.M. Thackeray J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1949 394 5
65421 Novels. 1921 Pride and Prejudice : A Novel Printed for T. Egerton, Military Library 1813 384 2
65422 Novels. 1922 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Collins London 1952 351 2
65423 Novels. 1923 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Penguin Books 1972 398 5
65424 Novels. 1924 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Washington Square Press 1960 434 4
65425 Novels. 1925 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1963 348 5
65426 Novels. 1926 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen Pocket Books, New Yark 1965 436 3
65427 Novels. 1927 Emma Jane Austen Houghton Mifflin Company 1933 381 100
65428 Novels. 1928 Emma Jane Austen Macmillan and Co., Limited 1927 436 5
65429 Novels. 1929 Emma Jane Austen Penguin Books 1966 471 25
65430 Novels. 1930 Emma Jane Austen Oxford University Press 1955 432 10
65431 Novels. 1931 Emma Jane Austen A Washington Square Press 1966 430 3
65432 Novels. 1932 Mansfield Park Jane Austen Literature of Yesterday & Today 1944 422 2
65433 Novels. 1933 Mansfield Park Jane Austen Airmont Publishing Company 1967 316 3
65434 Novels. 1934 Mansfield Park Jane Austen Collins Clear Type Press 1814 478 1
65435 Novels. 1935 Mansfield Park Jane Austen Oxford University Press 1945 472 2
65436 Novels. 1936 The Novels of Jane Austen R.W. Chapman Oxford University Press 1926 310 1
65437 Novels. 1937 Northanger Abbey Jane Austen Peacock Books 1994 205 2
65438 Novels. 1938 Northanger Abbey Jane Austen The Laurel Henry James 1962 287 2
65439 Novels. 1939 The Novels of Jane Austen R.W. Chapman Oxford University Press 1983 426 50
65440 Novels. 1940 Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen Washington Square Press 1961 332 2
65441 Novels. 1941 Sense and Sensibility Lord David Cecil Oxford University Press 362 2
65442 Novels. 1942 Sanditon Lord David Cecil New American Library 1975 313 2
65443 Novels. 1943 The Jane Austen Book Club Karen Joy Fowler A Plume Book 2005 288 50
65444 Novels. 1944 The Jane Austen Book Club Karen Joy Fowler Penguin Books 2005 288 50
65445 Novels. 1945 The Bronte Sisters Four Novels Jane Eyre Villette Spring Books 1968 1140 10
65446 Novels. 1946 Villette Charotte Brone Dean & Son Ltd., 247 10
65447 Novels. 1947 Jane Eyre Charotte Brone St Paul Publications Bombay 1976 240 50
65448 Novels. 1948 Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte Pocket Books, New Yark 1941 424 2
65449 Novels. 1949 Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte New American Library 1959 320 10
65450 Novels. 1950 Nana Emily Zola Jaico Publishing House 1960 351 20
65451 Novels. 1951 Nana Emily Zola Pocket Books, New Yark 1958 410 1
65452 Novels. 1952 Ladies' Delight Emily Zola Jaico Publishing House 373 3
65453 Novels. 1953 Theresa Emily Zola Bantam Books, New York 1952 199 2
65454 Novels. 1954 Restless House Emily Zola Bestseller Lobrary, London 1958 384 10
65455 Novels. 1955 Zest For Life Emily Zola Bestseller Lobrary, London 1959 318 3
65456 Novels. 1956 Germinal Emily Zola Penguin Books 1956 496 10
65457 Novels. 1957 Sermons and Soda Water John O'hara Transworld Publishers, London 1963 214 10
65458 Novels. 1958 Butterfield 8 John O'hara Bantam Books, New York 1961 280 10
65459 Novels. 1959 Assembly John O'hara Bantam Books, New York 1961 370 10
65460 Novels. 1960 Hellbox John O'hara New American Library 1969 190 2
65461 Novels. 1961 A Race to Live John O'hara Bantam Books, New York 564 10
65462 Novels. 1962 The Lockwood Concern John O'hara A Four Square Book 1967 432 10
65463 Novels. 1963 Voss Patrick White Penguin Books 1957 446 4
65464 Novels. 1964 Papillon Henri Charriere Harper Collins Publishers 1999 560 200
65465 Novels. 1965 For Wendy 284 2
65466 Novels. 1966 Inside The Deep Peter Guber Bantam Books, New York 1977 181 10
65467 Novels. 1967 The Deep Peter Benchley Pan Books Ltd., London 1976 251 10
65468 Novels. 1968 The Girl of the Sea of Cortez Peter Benchley Doubleday & Company 1982 236 10
65469 Novels. 1969 Jaws Peter Benchley Pan Books Ltd., London 1977 284 11
65470 Novels. 1970 Jaws 2 Hank Searls Pan Books Ltd., London 1978 237 0.8
65471 Novels. 1971 Lush Peter Benchley Arrow Books 1990 266 3.5
65472 Novels. 1972 The Nun's Story Kathryn Hulme Pocket Books, New Yark 1956 314 10
65473 Novels. 1973 The Nun's Story Kathryn Hulme Pan Books Ltd., London 1956 249 0.7
65474 Novels. 1974 The Immoralist Andre Gude Vintage Books, New York 1970 171 10
65475 Novels. 1975 The Red Badge of Courage and other stories Stephen Crane Popular Library, New york 1965 128 10
65476 Novels. 1976 The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane Eurasia Publishing House 1964 149 10
65477 Novels. 1977 Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe Allied Publishers Private Limited 1975 191 7.5
65478 Novels. 1978 Darkness at Noon Arthur Koestler Penguin Books 1946 235 10
65479 Novels. 1979 A Clock Work Orange Anthony Burgess Compact Books 1962 195 100
65480 Novels. 1980 The Old Wives' Tale Arnold Bennett Pan Books Ltd., London 1968 590 1.75
65481 Novels. 1981 The Hills Beyond Thomas Wolfe Pyramid Books, New York 1958 288 10
65482 Novels. 1982 West Side Story Irving Schulman A Star Book 1961 160 8.95
65483 Novels. 1983 The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger Penguin Books 2003 236 100
65484 Novels. 1984 How Green Was My Valley Richard Llewellyn Penguin Books 1951 412 20
65485 Novels. 1985 The Thorn Birds Colleen McCullough Avon Publishers 1982 692 15
65486 Novels. 1986 All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque Fawcett Books 1975 295 20
65487 Novels. 1987 A Bridge Too Far Cornelius Ryan Popular Library, New york 1974 670 25
65488 Novels. 1988 The Day After Tomorrow Allan Folsom Warner Books 1994 692 12.95
65489 Novels. 1989 The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters Robert Lewis Taylor Pocket Books, New Yark 1960 517 10
65490 Novels. 1990 Dracula Bram Stoker Arrow Books 1979 336 20
65491 Novels. 1991 Star Wars George Lucas Sphere Books Limited, London 1977 190 10
65492 Novels. 1992 The Bridge on the River Kwai Pierre Boulle Laurelleaf Library 1970 256 10
65493 Novels. 1993 The Wages of Fear Georges Arnaud Transworld Publishers, London 1960 158 10
65494 Novels. 1994 Ben Hur Operation Mobilisation India 60 10
65495 Novels. 1995 Ben Hur Lew Wallace Pan Books Ltd., London 1960 314 10
65496 Novels. 1996 Quo Vadis Henryk Sienkiewicz Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd 1916 384 10
65497 Novels. 1997 The Kon Tiki Expedition Thor Heyerdahl Readers Union Allen And Unwin 1952 235 2
65498 Novels. 1998 The Scarlet Pimpernel Baroness Orczy Pyramid Books, New York 1958 223 2
65499 Novels. 1999 Ben Hur Lew Wallace Wilco Publishing House 2004 501 500
65500 Novels. 2000 Ben Hur Lew Wallace Better Yourself Books 277 10
65501 Novels. 2001 Jurassic Park Michael Crichton Ballantine Books, New York 1990 399 15
65502 Novels. 2002 The Bridge on the River Kwai Pierre Boulle Fontana Books 1970 189 10
65503 Novels. 2003 The Longest Day June 6, 1944 Cornelius Ryan Crest Book 1959 28 10
65504 Novels. 2004 The Dirty Dozen E.M. Nathanson Corgi Books 1968 542 10
65505 Novels. 2005 The Dirty Dozen E.M. Nathanson Corgi Books 1967 541 10
65506 Novels. 2006 Three Men In A Boat Jerome K. Jerome Penguin Books 1957 184 10
65507 Novels. 2007 Tales From The House Behind Anne Frank Bantam Books, New York 1966 118 10
65508 Novels. 2008 Totto-Chan Tetsuko Kuroyanagi 208 75
65509 Novels. 2009 The Song of Roland D.D.R. Owen London Unwin Books 1972 126 0.8
65510 Novels. 2010 The Cyclone Miguel Angel Asturias Orient Paperbacks 1967 236 10
65511 Novels. 2011 A Death in the Family James Agee Avon Publishers 1956 255 10
65512 Novels. 2012 Gorky Park Martin Cruz Smith Library of Congress Cataloging in publications 1981 365 10
65513 Novels. 2013 The Rambler Samuel Johnson J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1953 304 10
65514 Novels. 2014 One of Those Things Peter Cheyney Fontana Books 1953 192 10
65515 Novels. 2015 Valmouth Prancing Nigger Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli Ronald Firbank Penguin Books 1961 230 10
65516 Novels. 2016 Manon Lescaut Abbe Prevost Penguin Books 1951 190 1
65517 Novels. 2017 Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe 494 10
65518 Novels. 2018 The Way of All Flesh Samuel Johnson Penguin Books 1953 373 10
65519 Novels. 2019 St. Francis of Assisi G.K. Chesterton Hodder and Stoughton 185 1
65520 Novels. 2020 The Innocence of Father Brown G.K. Chesterton Penguin Books 1966 248 1
65521 Novels. 2021 A Little of What You Fancy H.E. Bates Penguin Books 1970 183 3
65522 Novels. 2022 The Dead Seagull George Barker Panther 1965 108 2
65523 Novels. 2023 Between the Stubble and the Green B. Montagu Scott Hutchinson of London 1959 271 10
65524 Novels. 2024 Alice's Adventures in Wounderland Lewis Carroll Rupa & Co., 2000 320 50
65525 Novels. 2025 The Annotated Alice Lewis Carroll Penguin Books 1960 352 2
65526 Novels. 2026 Alice in Wonderland and other Favorites Lewis Carroll Pocket Books, New Yark 1951 308 2
65527 Novels. 2027 Peter Pan J.M. Barrie Penguin Books 1967 220 2
65528 Novels. 2028 To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee Popular Library, New york 1962 284 4
65529 Novels. 2029 To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee Prentice Hall of India Private Limited 1973 284 7.5
65530 Novels. 2030 The Fault of Angels Paul Horgan Popular Library, New york 1961 253 2
65531 Novels. 2031 The Da Vinci Code Dan Brown Anchor Books 2003 489 10.99
65532 Novels. 2032 The Da Vinci Code Dan Brown Doubleday & Company 2003 489 7.99
65533 Novels. 2033 Deception Point Dan Brown Pocket Books, New Yark 2006 557 7.99
65534 Novels. 2034 Deception Point Dan Brown Corgi Books 2001 585 6.99
65535 Novels. 2035 The Agony and the Ecstasy Irving Stone New American Library 1961 774 7
65536 Novels. 2036 Lust For Life Irving Stone 477 4
65537 Novels. 2037 Depths of Glory Irving Stone New American Library 1985 614 50
65538 Novels. 2038 Immortal Wife Irving Stone New American Library 1969 504 20
65539 Novels. 2039 The Greek Treasure Irving Stone Corgi Books 1975 590 1.25
65540 Novels. 2040 The President's Lady Irving Stone New American Library 1951 320 2
65541 Novels. 2041 Love is Eternal Irving Stone Doubleday & Company 1954 468 100
65542 Novels. 2042 The Collected Plays W. Somerset Maugham Vol. I W. Somerset Maugham William Heinemann Ltd 1952 310 100
65543 Novels. 2043 The Collected Plays W. Somerset Maugham Vol. III W. Somerset Maugham William Heinemann Ltd 1952 304 100
65544 Novels. 2044 Trio W. Somerset Maugham William Heinemann Ltd 1950 145 10
65545 Novels. 2045 Selected Plays W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1963 447 10
65546 Novels. 2046 The Selected Novels of W. Somerset Maugham Vol. II W. Somerset Maugham William Heinemann Ltd 1953 358 15
65547 Novels. 2047 The Narrow Corner W. Somerset Maugham William Heinemann Ltd 1972 248 50
65548 Novels. 2048 The Narrow Corner W. Somerset Maugham Bantam Books, New York 1964 167 2
65549 Novels. 2049 A Teller of Tales W. Somerset Maugham 191 2
65550 Novels. 2050 The Razor's Edge W. Somerset Maugham 284 3
65551 Novels. 2051 The Explorer W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1969 203 5
65552 Novels. 2052 The Razor's Edge W. Somerset Maugham The Vanguard Library 1955 280 10
65553 Novels. 2053 Of Human Bondage W. Somerset Maugham Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1972 192 50
65554 Novels. 2054 Of Human Bondage W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1972 606 25
65555 Novels. 2055 Of Human Bondage W. Somerset Maugham Pocket Books, New Yark 1951 373 3
65556 Novels. 2056 Of Human Bondage W. Somerset Maugham Pocket Books, New Yark 1963 373 3
65557 Novels. 2057 The Moon and Sixpence W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1953 216 2
65558 Novels. 2058 The Moon and Sixpence W. Somerset Maugham Pan Books Ltd., London 1974 216 5
65559 Novels. 2059 The Moon and Sixpence W. Somerset Maugham A Washington Square Press 1968 218 2
65560 Novels. 2060 Cakes and Ale W. Somerset Maugham Pocket Books, New Yark 1970 184 2
65561 Novels. 2061 Cakes and Ale or The Skeletion in the Cupboard W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1951 220 2
65562 Novels. 2062 Cakes and Ale and Other Favorites W. Somerset Maugham Pocket Books, New Yark 1952 378 5
65563 Novels. 2063 The Somerset Maugham Pocket Book Jerome Weidman Pocket Books, New Yark 1950 489 5
65564 Novels. 2064 The Painted Veil W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1953 238 5
65565 Novels. 2065 Catalina W. Somerset Maugham Lancer Books New York 1967 352 6
65566 Novels. 2066 Catalina W. Somerset Maugham Lancer Books New York 1948 192 2
65567 Novels. 2067 Mrs Craddock W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1967 254 5
65568 Novels. 2068 Then and Now W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1967 215 5
65569 Novels. 2069 The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham Washington Square Press 1968 866 6
65570 Novels. 2070 The Letter W. Somerset Maugham Pan Books Ltd., London 1952 251 4
65571 Novels. 2071 The Magician W. Somerset Maugham Pocket Books, New Yark 1960 209 2
65572 Novels. 2072 The Sinners W. Somerset Maugham Pyramid Books, New York 1964 174 5
65573 Novels. 2073 Christmas Holiday W. Somerset Maugham Pan Books Ltd., London 1978 251 2
65574 Novels. 2074 Theatre W. Somerset Maugham Pan Books Ltd., London 1978 231 2
65575 Novels. 2075 Husbands and Wives W. Somerset Maugham Pyramid Books, New York 1963 174 2
65576 Novels. 2076 Ashenden or the British Agent W. Somerset Maugham Avon Book Company 1951 190 2
65577 Novels. 2077 Up at the Villa W. Somerset Maugham Bantam Books, New York 1964 119 3
65578 Novels. 2078 Liza of Lambeth W. Somerset Maugham Avon Book Company 1947 158 2
65579 Novels. 2079 Fools and Their Folly W. Somerset Maugham Avon Publishers 1949 189 2
65580 Novels. 2080 The Summing Up W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1973 202 3
65581 Novels. 2081 Sixty Five Short Stories W. Somerset Maugham Book Club Associates 1980 937 50
65582 Novels. 2082 Collected Short Stories Volume 2 W. Somerset Maugham Vintage Books, New York 2002 532 100
65583 Novels. 2083 Short Stories W. Somerset Maugham Vintage Books, New York 1998 613 12.99
65584 Novels. 2084 Collected Short Stories Volume 2 W. Somerset Maugham Pan Books Ltd., London 1975 478 3.95
65585 Novels. 2085 Trio W. Somerset Maugham Avon Publishers 1950 156 1
65586 Novels. 2086 South Sea Stories of W. Somerset Maugham Perma Books 1956 310 2
65587 Novels. 2087 Collected Short Stories Volume Three W. Somerset Maugham Mandarin 1990 280 6.99
65588 Novels. 2088 Collected Short Stories Volume one W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1963 440 4
65589 Novels. 2089 Collected Short Stories Volume two W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1963 423 3
65590 Novels. 2090 Collected Short Stories Volume three W. Somerset Maugham Penguin Books 1963 252 2
65591 Novels. 2091 The Masters C.P. Snow Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1973 131 5
65592 Novels. 2092 Strangers and Brothers C.P. Snow Penguin Books 1968 333 3
65593 Novels. 2093 The Sleep of Reason C.P. Snow Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1968 406 100
65594 Novels. 2094 Beyond the Poseidon Adventure Paul Gallico Pan Books Ltd., London 1978 186 2
65595 Novels. 2095 Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris Paul Gallico Pocket Books, New Yark 1963 296 2
65596 Novels. 2096 Poseidon Adventure Paul Gallico A Dell Book 312 2
65597 Novels. 2097 The Foolish Immortals Paul Gallico Penguin Books 1953 237 6
65598 Novels. 2098 Mrs Halliburton's Troubles Mrs Henry Wood Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd 573 4
65599 Novels. 2099 The Mutiny & Piratical Seizure of H.M.S Bounty John Barrow Oxford University Press 1914 376 1
65600 Novels. 2100 Montrose John Buchan Oxford University Press 1957 449 4
65601 Novels. 2101 Esther Waters George Moore Oxford University Press 1973 395 4
65602 Novels. 2102 The Shoemaker's Holiday Thomas Dekker Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1967 128 2
65603 Novels. 2103 The Wizard of Oz L. Frank Baum Rupa & Co., 2001 128 2
65604 Novels. 2104 Doctor at Large After R. Gordon Mockba 1978 103 2
65605 Novels. 2105 The Woman in White Wilkie Collins Collins Clear Type Press 1889 638 2
65606 Novels. 2106 Little Women L.M. Alcott Hippo Books 1989 271 2
65607 Novels. 2107 Little Men Louisa May Alcott Collier Macmillan Publishing House 1962 315 2
65608 Novels. 2108 Little Men Louisa May Alcott Hamlyn Classics London 179 2
65609 Novels. 2109 Under The Sea Jules Verne A.L. Burt Company Publisher 372 2
65610 Novels. 2110 Five Weeks in a Balloon Jules Verne Ward, Lock & Co., Limited 268 6
65611 Novels. 2111 From the Earth to the Moon Jules Verne Airmont Publishing Company 1967 128 2
65612 Novels. 2112 Round the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne The Orient Publishing Co., 1950 100 1
65613 Novels. 2113 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea Jules Verne J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1957 288 2
65614 Novels. 2114 A Journey to the Center of the English Jules Verne Collier Books, New York 1966 347 3
65615 Novels. 2115 The Ascrlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne New American Library 1980 256 2
65616 Novels. 2116 The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne Washington Square Press 1969 276 6
65617 Novels. 2117 The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne Eurasia Publishing House 1966 276 2.5
65618 Novels. 2118 The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne Eurasia Publishing House 1966 276 2.5
65619 Novels. 2119 A Wonder Book Nathaniel Hawthorne Airmont Publishing Company 1966 159 5
65620 Novels. 2120 The House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne The Laurel Hawthorne 1967 318 2
65621 Novels. 2121 Twice Told Tales and Other Short Stories Nathaniel Hawthorne Washington Square Press 1959 430 4
65622 Novels. 2122 Twice Told Tales Nathaniel Hawthorne J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1955 357 5
65623 Novels. 2123 The House of the Seven Gables Nathaniel Hawthorne Eurasia Publishing House 1964 238 3.5
65624 Novels. 2124 The Celestial Railroad Nathaniel Hawthorne New American Library 1963 300 3
65625 Novels. 2125 The Yellow Snake Edgar Wallace Pan Books Ltd., London 1962 187 2.5
65626 Novels. 2126 The Marble Faun Nathaniel Hawthorne Universal Book Stall 1973 450 100
65627 Novels. 2127 The Hat on the bed John O'hara 405 2
65628 Novels. 2128 The Lockwood Concern John O'hara A Four Square Book 1965 432 2
65629 Novels. 2129 From the Terr Ace John O'hara Bantam Books, New York 1960 981 2
65630 Novels. 2130 Hope of Heaven John O'hara 118 2
65631 Novels. 2131 Elizabeth Appleton John O'hara Bantam Books, New York 1964 309 3
65632 Novels. 2132 A Range to Live John O'hara Panther 1972 542 2
65633 Novels. 2133 Butterfield 8 John O'hara Bantam Books, New York 1965 280 2
65634 Novels. 2134 My Jurn John O'hara A Signet Book 1967 142 2
65635 Novels. 2135 The Big Laugh John O'hara Bantam Books, New York 1963 813 3
65636 Novels. 2136 TheRed and the Black Stendhal Bantam Books, New York 1959 505 5
65637 Novels. 2137 Love Stendhal Bestseller Lobrary, London 1959 298 3
65638 Novels. 2138 Moby Dick or The Whall Herman Melville Bantam Books, New York 1967 592 2
65639 Novels. 2139 Moby Dick or the White Whale Herman Melville Pocket Books, New Yark 1949 402 2
65640 Novels. 2140 Moby Dick The Carpet Bag Herman Melville 402 2
65641 Novels. 2141 Joseph Andrews Henry Fielding Pan Books Ltd., London 1973 347 3
65642 Novels. 2142 Amelia Volume Two Henry Fielding J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1930 312 1
65643 Novels. 2143 The History of Tom Jones Henry Fielding J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1957 408 10
65644 Novels. 2144 The History of Tom Jones A Foundling Henry Fielding Vintage Books, New York 1961 885 5
65645 Novels. 2145 The History of Tom Jones A Foundling Henry Fielding Wordsworth Classics 1992 413 5
65646 Novels. 2146 Robinson Crusoe Daniel Deofe Washington Square Press 1968 307 2
65647 Novels. 2147 Moll Flanders Daniel Deofe Everyman's Library 1982 295 10
65648 Novels. 2148 Robinson Crusoe Daniel Deofe Washington Square Press 1964 500 2
65649 Novels. 2149 The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber Ernest Hemingway Penguin Books 1963 191 2
65650 Novels. 2150 Death in the Afternoon Ernest Hemingway Penguin Books 1966 347 5
65651 Novels. 2151 Men At War Ernest Hemingway Berkley Publishing Corporation 1968 505 5
65652 Novels. 2152 The Sun Also Rises Ernest Hemingway Pan Books Ltd., London 1957 188 5
65653 Novels. 2153 Death in the Afternoon Ernest Hemingway Penguin Books 1966 347 3
65654 Novels. 2154 Green Hills of Africa Ernest Hemingway Perma Books 201 2
65655 Novels. 2155 Across the River and Into the Trees Ernest Hemingway A Dell Book 320 2
65656 Novels. 2156 A Farewell To Arms Ernest Hemingway Surjeet Publications 1977 286 6
65657 Novels. 2157 The Snows of Kilimanjaro Ernest Hemingway Bantam Books, New York 1976 150 2
65658 Novels. 2158 Men Without Women Ernest Hemingway Penguin Books 1955 159 2
65659 Novels. 2159 To Have and Have Not Ernest Hemingway Perma Books 180 2
65660 Novels. 2160 The Oid Man and the sea Ernest Hemingway Harper Collins Publishers 1993 109 10
65661 Novels. 2161 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Penguin Books 1967 113 3
65662 Novels. 2162 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Rupa & Co., 2000 109 10
65663 Novels. 2163 The Old Man and the Sea Ernest Hemingway Charles Scribner's Sons, New Yorkd 1952 140 15
65664 Novels. 2164 Hemingway Robert P. Weeks Prentice Hall of India Private Limited 1962 180 15
65665 Novels. 2165 The Essential Hemingway Ernest Hemingway Jonathan Cape Thirty Bedford Square 1947 447 10
65666 Novels. 2166 For Whom The Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway The Blakiston Company 1940 410 40
65667 Novels. 2167 The Enduring Hemingway Charles Scribner Charles Scribner's Sons, New Yorkd 1971 864 14.95
65668 Novels. 2168 A Traveller in Romance W. Somerset Maugham Anthony Blond 1984 275 100
65669 Novels. 2169 Deep South Nevada Barr G.P. Putnam's Sons 2000 340 100
65670 Novels. 2170 The Ivy Tree Mary Stewart M.S. Mill Company and William Morrow 1962 223 100
65671 Novels. 2171 The Potter's Daughter M. Dunow Cooper Book Company 1959 289 15
65672 Novels. 2172 House of Sand and Fog Andre Dubus III Vintage Books, New York 1999 365 100
65673 Novels. 2173 The Gathering Anne Enright Jonathan Cape London 2007 260 100
65674 Novels. 2174 Cold Mountain Charles Frazier Vintage Books, New York 1998 449 100
65675 Novels. 2175 Nickel Mountain John Gardner TaTa McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1973 312 18
65676 Novels. 2176 Nickel Mountain John Gardner TaTa McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1973 312 18
65677 Novels. 2177 Sea Glass Anita Shreve Little Brown and Company 2003 376 100
65678 Novels. 2178 Bel Canto Ann Patchett Harper Collins Publishers 2001 318 100
65679 Novels. 2179 Brought To Book Harper Collins Publishers 1994 336 3
65680 Novels. 2180 The Flood David Maine Penguin Books 2005 259 100
65681 Novels. 2181 The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger Penguin Books 2010 192 100
65682 Novels. 2182 The Wind That Shakes The Barley James Barke The Macmillan Co. of India Ltd 1947 348 100
65683 Novels. 2183 The Shepherd Robert Payne Heinemann 1957 394 100
65684 Novels. 2184 Good Morning Miss Dove Frances Gray Patton Dodd, Mead & Company 1954 218 100
65685 Novels. 2185 Midnight Whispers V.C. Andrews Pocket Books, New Yark 1992 440 100
65686 Novels. 2186 The Magical Car Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Random House New York 1964 111 10
65687 Novels. 2187 Gap Creek Robert Morgan Simon & Schuster Paper backs 1999 326 100
65688 Novels. 2188 Little Earhtquakes Jennifer Weiner Washington Square Press 2004 417 100
65689 Novels. 2189 Pull Down Vanity Leslie A. Fiedler J.B. Lippincott Company 1962 249 100
65690 Novels. 2190 The Rule of Four Ian Caldwell & Dustin Thomason The Dial Press 2004 372 100
65691 Novels. 2191 The Memory Keeper's Daughter Kim Edwards Penguin Books 2005 401 100
65692 Novels. 2192 Vladimir Nabokov Lolita Icon Books 2000 172 100
65693 Novels. 2193 Too High For Rivalry Muriel Wasi Pearl Publications Pvt. Ltd 1967 206 15
65694 Novels. 2194 The Red Room August Strindberg Everyman's Library 1967 275 100
65695 Novels. 2195 The One Who Did Not Ask Altaf Fatima Heinemann 1993 334 100
65696 Novels. 2196 Sophie's World Jostein Gaarder Phcenix 1991 403 100
65697 Novels. 2197 Manfred's Pain Robert McLiam Wilson Picador 1992 197 50
65698 Novels. 2198 Flee My Father's House Kay Rizzo Pacific Press Publishing 1993 207 100
65699 Novels. 2199 Doctor Rat William Kotzwinkle Black Swan 1976 223 100
65700 Novels. 2200 Evan Harrington George Meredith Orient Longmans Ltd 1948 523 5
65701 Novels. 2201 Songs in Ordinary Time Mary McGarry Morris Penguin Books 1995 740 100
65702 Novels. 2202 The Unwanted Christiaan Barnard & Siegfried Stander David McKay Company 1975 378 100
65703 Novels. 2203 An Odour of Sanctity Frank Yerby Heinemann 1966 559 100
65704 Novels. 2204 Gretta Erskine Caldwell William Heinemann Ltd 1956 244 40
65705 Novels. 2205 Dracula Bram Stoker Dover Publications 2000 326 100
65706 Novels. 2206 Stranger in my Home C. Raymond Holmes Pointer Publications 1987 145 50
65707 Novels. 2207 Return From The River Kwai Joan and Clay Blair Simon & Schuster Paper backs 1979 318 100
65708 Novels. 2208 The Badgers Leonid Leonov Hutchinson International Authors 1947 336 30
65709 Novels. 2209 Good Bye My Dear Jeno J. Tersanszky Corvina Press 1965 165 15
65710 Novels. 2210 The Asiatics Frediric Prokosch Faber and Faber, London 1983 382 100
65711 Novels. 2211 Treasure of Khan Clive Cussler and Dirk Cussler Berkley books 2007 612 200
65712 Novels. 2212 Stowaway Karen Hesse Aladdin Paperbacks 2002 315 100
65713 Novels. 2213 In Her shoes Jennifer Weiner Washington Square Press 2002 424 100
65714 Novels. 2214 Left Behind Jerry B. Jenkins Tyndale House Publishers 1995 470 200
65715 Novels. 2215 Succvlent Wild Woman Sark A Fireside Book 1997 179 100
65716 Novels. 2216 A Thousand splendid svns Khaled Hosseini Bloom Bury 2007 372 175
65717 Novels. 2217 The Winter Oak James A. Hetley Ace Books, New York 2004 295 200
65718 Novels. 2218 Tattoos Peter Trachtenberg Penguin Books 1997 263 100
65719 Novels. 2219 The History of Danish Dreams Peter Hoeg Delta Trade Paperbacks 1995 408 12.95
65720 Novels. 2220 The Palace Thief Ethan Canin Picador 1994 205 20
65721 Novels. 2221 The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Alexander McCall Smith Anchor Books 2002 235 200
65722 Novels. 2222 Jewel Bret Lott Washington Square Press 1991 358 200
65723 Novels. 2223 The Witness Dee Henderson Library of Congress Cataloging in publications 2005 378 100
65724 Novels. 2224 Saying Grace Beth Gutcheon Harper Collins Publishers 1995 312 100
65725 Novels. 2225 Black Ice Lorene Cary Vintage Books, New York 1991 238 100
65726 Novels. 2226 Double Trouble Claire Cross Berkley Sensation, New York 2001 376 200
65727 Novels. 2227 Availabe Light Ellen Currie Summit Books 1986 286 200
65728 Novels. 2228 A Yellow Raft in Blue Water Michael Dorris Warner Books 1988 372 100
65729 Novels. 2229 Alison's Automotive Repair Manual Brad Barkley Library of Congress Cataloging in publications 2004 274 100
65730 Novels. 2230 East is East T. Coraghessan Boyle Penguin Books 1990 364 100
65731 Novels. 2231 The Song of Roland Merriam Sherwood David McKay Company 1967 168 50
65732 Novels. 2232 Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Jack Weatherford Three Rivers press 2004 312 300
65733 Novels. 2233 The Last of the Vikings Henry Treece Beaver Books 1976 124 25
65734 Novels. 2234 She H. Rider Haggard A Purnell Classic 1976 126 25
65735 Novels. 2235 Black Beauty Anna Sewell Whitman publishing Company 1965 256 20
65736 Novels. 2236 Tale of the Blue Horse and other Million Dollar Adventures Stanley Arnold Prentice Hall of India Private Limited 1968 202 25
65737 Novels. 2237 The Adventures of Wesley Jackson William Saroyan Harcourt, Brace and Company 1946 285 10
65738 Novels. 2238 My Name is Aram William Saroyan Penguin Books 1940 153 2
65739 Novels. 2239 The Alchemist Alan R. Clarke Harper Collins Publishers 1995 176 25
65740 Novels. 2240 Panlo Coelho Brida Harper Collins Publishers 2008 266 50
65741 Novels. 2241 These High Green Hills Jan Karon Penguin Books 1996 333 12.95
65742 Novels. 2242 Castaway Lucy Irvine Penguin Books 1986 392 7.95
65743 Novels. 2243 Santiago and the Drinking Party Clay Morgan Penguin Books 1992 274 10
65744 Novels. 2244 The Railway Children E. Nesbit Hodder & Stoughton London 1994 205 100
65745 Novels. 2245 I am Morgan Le Fay Nancy Springer Scholastic Inc 2002 227 50
65746 Novels. 2246 Sold Patricia McCormick Walker India 2008 269 245
65747 Novels. 2247 The Small Room May Sarton W.W. Norton & Company 1961 249 50
65748 Novels. 2248 One Man's Meat Colin Watson Methuen 1977 191 25
65749 Novels. 2249 The Transposed Heads H.T. Lowe Porter A Rupa Paper Back 1961 83 5
65750 Novels. 2250 The Immortals of Meluha 1 Amish Westland 2010 411 200
65751 Novels. 2251 The Secret of the Nagas 2&3 Amish Westland 2011 396 295
65752 Novels. 2252 Adventures of Gerard Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Pan Books Ltd., London 1949 191 2.5
65753 Novels. 2253 The Trial Franz Kafka Heron Books 1968 279 15
65754 Novels. 2254 Tristram Shandy Sterny 712 12
65755 Novels. 2255 The Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan Bridge Publishing 1985 396 4.95
65756 Novels. 2256 The Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan Books, Inc. New York 1946 309 10
65757 Novels. 2257 The Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan 319 2
65758 Novels. 2258 The Pilgrim's Progress John Bunyan Collins London 1960 319 2
65759 Novels. 2259 Les Miserables Victor Hugo A Signet Book 1987 1463 50
65760 Novels. 2260 Les Miserables Victor Hugo J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1943 667 5
65761 Novels. 2261 Les Miserables Victor Hugo T. Nelson & Sons, Ltd 576 4
65762 Novels. 2262 The Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo Standard Book Company, Ltd 240 2
65763 Novels. 2263 The Hunchback of Notre Dame Victor Hugo A Signet Book 1964 511 2
65764 Novels. 2264 Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift Grosset & Dunlap Publishers 1947 306 2
65765 Novels. 2265 Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd 320 2
65766 Novels. 2266 Gulliver's Travels Jonathan Swift J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1962 318 10
65767 Novels. 2267 A Tale of A Tub Jonathan Swift J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1955 325 2
65768 Novels. 2268 Don Quixote Miguel De Cervantes The Modern Library New York 1930 936 10
65769 Novels. 2269 Don Quixote Miguel De Cervantes Penguin Books 1952 940 10
65770 Novels. 2270 The Story of Don Quixote Dorothy King Blackie & Son Ltd 160 10
65771 Novels. 2271 Sentimental Education Gustave Flaubert Simon P. Magee 323 3
65772 Novels. 2272 Mademe Bovary Gustave Flaubert The World Publishing Company 1948 313 10
65773 Novels. 2273 Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert The World's Popular Classics 341 2
65774 Novels. 2274 Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert The London Book Co., Ltd 246 2
65775 Novels. 2275 Silas Marner George Eliot Pocket Books, New Yark 1948 230 3
65776 Novels. 2276 Silas Marner George Eliot T. Nelson & Sons, Ltd 285 1
65777 Novels. 2277 Silas Marner George Eliot 255 2
65778 Novels. 2278 The Mill on the Floss George Eliot J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1961 503 15
65779 Novels. 2279 AdamBede George Eliot J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London 1930 515 2
65780 Novels. 2280 Middlemarch George Eliot Washington Square Press 1963 816 10
65781 Novels. 2281 Gone With The Wind Margaret Mitchell Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1966 1010 25
65782 Novels. 2282 Gone With The Wind Volume one Margaret Mitchell Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1957 504 10
65783 Novels. 2283 Gone With The Wind Volume Two Margaret Mitchell Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1957 1011 10
65784 Novels. 2284 Gone with the Wind Scarlett Rupa & Co., 1991 759 100
65785 Novels. 2285 A Modern Comedy The Wite Monkey John Galsworthy Foreign Languanges 327 2
65786 Novels. 2286 The Forsyte Saga Volume One John Galsworthy Penguin Books 1967 906 25
65787 Novels. 2287 The Silver Spoon John Galsworthy Collins London 252 2
65788 Novels. 2288 The Man of Property John Galsworthy Collins London 1958 352 2
65789 Novels. 2289 Tom Brown's School Days Thomas Hughes Macmillan & Co. Ltd 1958 322 3
65790 Novels. 2290 Tom Brown's School Days Thomas Hughes Purnell 1975 220 10
65791 Novels. 2291 Pere Goriot Honore De Balzac The World's Popular Classics 250 10
65792 Novels. 2292 Old Goriot Honore De Balzac Penguin Books 1951 303 3
65793 Novels. 2293 History of the Thirteen Honore De Balzac Penguin Books 1974 390 2.25
65794 Novels. 2294 The Droll Story Honore De Balzac Blue Ribbon Books 1946 371 1.25
65795 Novels. 2295 Balzac's Rare Short Stories Volume one Balzac's Camden Publishing Co., Ltd 192 2
65796 Novels. 2296 Balzac Edmund Fuller Dell Publishing Co., Inc 1960 318 3
65797 Novels. 2297 Our Man In Havana Graham Greene The Reprint Society Ltd 1958 223 3
65798 Novels. 2298 The Human Factor Graham Greene Avon Publishers 1978 302 2
65799 Novels. 2299 Brighton Rock Graham Greene Penguin Books 1977 246 10
65800 Novels. 2300 It's Battlefield Graham Greene Penguin Books 1940 214 1
65801 Novels. 2301 England Made Me Graham Greene Penguin Books 1974 206 2
65802 Novels. 2302 The Quiet American Graham Greene Bantam Books, New York 1968 183 3
65803 Novels. 2303 The Living Room Graham Greene Penguin Books 1970 86 2
65804 Novels. 2304 The He Art of the Matter Graham Greene Penguin Books 271 1.95
65805 Novels. 2305 Brighton Rock Graham Greene Penguin Books 1977 246 10
65806 Novels. 2306 The Comedians Graham Greene Penguin Books 1976 286 10
65807 Novels. 2307 The Power and the Glory Graham Greene Penguin Books 1971 221 2
65808 Novels. 2308 The Power and the Glory Graham Greene Penguin Books 1971 221 2
65809 Novels. 2309 The Power and the Glory Graham Greene Penguin Books 1970 221 2
65810 Novels. 2310 The Empty Canvas Alberto Moravia Penguin Books 1965 278 3
65811 Novels. 2311 Conjugal Love Alberto Moravia A Signet Book 1961 126 2
65812 Novels. 2312 The Fancy Dress Party Alberto Moravia The Harborough Publishing Co.Ltd 1960 158 3
65813 Novels. 2313 Two Women Alberto Moravia A Signet Book 1959 287 5
65814 Novels. 2314 Paradise Alberto Moravia Panther 1971 208 2
65815 Novels. 2315 The Lie Alberto Moravia Panther 1966 303 3
65816 Novels. 2316 Two Adolescents & The Time of Indifference Alberto Moravia A Signet Book 1962 411 5
65817 Novels. 2317 A Ghost At Noon Alberto Moravia A Signet Book 1964 190 5
65818 Novels. 2318 The Woman Rome Alberto Moravia Penguin Books 1964 380 4
65819 Novels. 2319 The Woman of Rome Alberto Moravia Penguin Books 200 2
65820 Novels. 2320 Roman Tales Alberto Moravia Panther 1956 199 3
65821 Novels. 2321 Roman Tales Alberto Moravia A Signet Book 1957 191 2
65822 Novels. 2322 Lucky Jim Kingsley Amis Penguin Books 1970 250 5
65823 Novels. 2323 Every Day Drinking Kingsley Amis Hutchinson International Authors 2007 118 25
65824 Novels. 2324 Dog Years Ginter Grass Penguin Books 1980 616 10
65825 Novels. 2325 Sayonara James A. Michener Transworld Publishers, London 1962 220 2
65826 Novels. 2326 Space James A. Michener Foreign Languanges 1982 808 50
65827 Novels. 2327 The Drifters James A. Michener Corgi Books 1977 830 1.5
65828 Novels. 2328 Return to Paradise James A. Michener Corgi Books 1972 371 3.5
65829 Novels. 2329 The Bridge at Andau James A. Michener Special Student Edition 242 2
65830 Novels. 2330 Poland James A. Michener Corgi Books 1983 848 8.95
65831 Novels. 2331 Centennial James A. Michener Corgi Books 1975 1100 10
65832 Novels. 2332 A Many Splendoured Thing Han Suyin Penguin Books 1959 333 3
65833 Novels. 2333 The Mountain is Young Han Suyin Triad Panther 1985 543 5
65834 Novels. 2334 Cast But One Shadow and Winter Love Han Suyin Panther 1975 224 2.5
65835 Novels. 2335 Forever Free Joy Adamson Fontana Collins 1973 224 1.5
65836 Novels. 2336 Born Free Joy Adamson Fontana Books 1971 143 3
65837 Novels. 2337 Living Free Joy Adamson Fontana Books 1961 192 5
65838 Novels. 2338 The Healers Henry Denker Avon Publishers 1984 541 25
65839 Novels. 2339 Kate Kincaid Henry Denker 1984 310 11
65840 Novels. 2340 Outrage Henry Denker Avon Publishers 1982 309 25
65841 Novels. 2341 The Experiment Henry Denker Pocket Books, New Yark 1977 256 20
65842 Novels. 2342 The Physicians Henry Denker 1985 384 25
65843 Novels. 2343 The Master and Margarita 415 4
65844 Novels. 2344 Experiences of an Irish R.M. Somerville & Rose Everyman's Library 1964 337 4
65845 Novels. 2345 Double Barrel Nicolas Freeling Penguin Books 1967 206 3
65846 Novels. 2346 If I Laugh Rupert Downing Arthur Barker Ltd. London 1959 190 2
65847 Novels. 2347 The Fool's Run John Sandford Berkley books 1996 338 8.99
65848 Novels. 2348 The Insurrection of Hippolytus Brandenberg Roy Friedman Pocket Books, New Yark 1969 245 2
65849 Novels. 2349 The Cairo Dancers Edward S. Aarons Gold Medal Books 1965 160 3
65850 Novels. 2350 The Wilby Conspiracy Peter Driscoll Sphere Books Limited, London 1973 268 4
65851 Novels. 2351 Much Oblighed, Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse Vintage Books, New York 1990 191 5
65852 Novels. 2352 Ring for Jeeres P.G. Wodehouse Arrow Books 2008 240 225
65853 Novels. 2353 The Girl in Blue P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1970 191 6
65854 Novels. 2354 The Head of Kay's P.G. Wodehouse Jaico Publishing House 1995 155 60
65855 Novels. 2355 A Prefect's Uncle P.G. Wodehouse Jaico Publishing House 1994 160 60
65856 Novels. 2356 The Head of Kay's P.G. Wodehouse Jaico Publishing House 1982 155 30
65857 Novels. 2357 The White Feather P.G. Wodehouse Jaico Publishing House 1991 158 30
65858 Novels. 2358 The Wite Feather P.G. Wodehouse Jaico Publishing House 1986 158 12
65859 Novels. 2359 The Gold Bat P.G. Wodehouse Jaico Publishing House 1991 157 25
65860 Novels. 2360 Uncle Fred in the Spring time P.G. Wodehouse Jaico Publishing House 249 20
65861 Novels. 2361 The Pothunters P.G. Wodehouse Jaico Publishing House 1982 158 12
65862 Novels. 2362 Blandings Castle P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1954 255 2
65863 Novels. 2363 Plum Pie P.G. Wodehouse Pan Books Ltd., London 1966 251 1.25
65864 Novels. 2364 Ring for Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse A Four Square Book 1956 189 2
65865 Novels. 2365 Forzen Assets P.G. Wodehouse Pan Books Ltd., London 1964 190 2
65866 Novels. 2366 Joy in the Morning P.G. Wodehouse Coronet Books 1979 221 10
65867 Novels. 2367 Much Oblighed, Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse Sphere Books Limited, London 1977 191 7
65868 Novels. 2368 Full Moon P.G. Wodehouse 24 2
65869 Novels. 2369 Leave it to Psmith P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1954 270 2
65870 Novels. 2370 Psmith in the City P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 157 10
65871 Novels. 2371 Psmith Journalist P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1971 186 10
65872 Novels. 2372 Lord Ensworth and Others P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 217 10
65873 Novels. 2373 Jeeves in the Offing P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1965 173 10
65874 Novels. 2374 The Mating Season P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1971 248 10
65875 Novels. 2375 Jeeves in the Offing P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1974 173 10
65876 Novels. 2376 Big Money P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1986 237 12.99
65877 Novels. 2377 Spring Fever P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1978 207 12
65878 Novels. 2378 A Pelican at Blandings P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1980 191 10
65879 Novels. 2379 A Damsel in Distress P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1967 254 10
65880 Novels. 2380 Quick Service P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1976 190 10
65881 Novels. 2381 Eggs, Beans and Crumpets P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1981 189 10
65882 Novels. 2382 What Ho P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 2001 709 24.99
65883 Novels. 2383 Week End Wodehouse P.G. Wodehouse Readers' Union Limited 1940 506 10
65884 Novels. 2384 Very Good, Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1959 251 10
65885 Novels. 2385 Meet Mr Mulliner P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1962 170 5
65886 Novels. 2386 The Little Nugget P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1959 207 10
65887 Novels. 2387 Performing Flea P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1961 300 10
65888 Novels. 2388 The Luck of the Bodkins P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1962 285 10
65889 Novels. 2389 Laughing Gas P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1957 248 10
65890 Novels. 2390 Summer Lightning P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1962 255 10
65891 Novels. 2391 Uneasy Money P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1960 189 10
65892 Novels. 2392 Joy in the Morning P.G. Wodehouse Rupa & Co., 1992 240 50
65893 Novels. 2393 Nothing Serious P.G. Wodehouse Rupa & Co., 1992 187 50
65894 Novels. 2394 The Old Reliable P.G. Wodehouse Rupa & Co., 1992 233 50
65895 Novels. 2395 Thank You Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse Rupa & Co., 1992 195 50
65896 Novels. 2396 Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit P.G. Wodehouse Rupa & Co., 1992 171 50
65897 Novels. 2397 Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse Rupa & Co., 1992 189 50
65898 Novels. 2398 Right ho, Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse Rupa & Co., 1992 234 50
65899 Novels. 2399 Carry on, Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse Rupa & Co., 1992 200 50
65900 Novels. 2400 The Inimitable Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse Rupa & Co., 1992 203 50
65901 Novels. 2401 Jeeves Takes Charge P.G. Wodehouse Rupa & Co., 1992 227 50
65902 Novels. 2402 Indiscretions of Archie P.G. Wodehouse Penguin Books 1981 223 2.25
65903 Novels. 2403 The World of Jeeves P.G. Wodehouse 564 100
65904 Novels. 2404 Uncle Dynamite P.G. Wodehouse Herbert Jenkins Limited 249 50
65905 Novels. 2405 Quick Service P.G. Wodehouse Herbert Jenkins Limited 1960 175 50
65906 Novels. 2406 The Man Upstairs P.G. Wodehouse Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1954 279 50
65907 Novels. 2407 Vintage Wodehouse P.G. Wodehouse Vintage Books, New York 1996 404 10
65908 Novels. 2408 The Man With Two Left Feet P.G. Wodehouse Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1952 215 10
65909 Novels. 2409 The Little Nugget P.G. Wodehouse Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1955 220 50
65910 Novels. 2410 The Kraken Wakes John Wyndham Longmans, Green and Co Ltd 1959 127 50
65911 Novels. 2411 The Pillars of The Earth Ken Follett Pan Books Ltd., London 1999 1075 8.99
65912 Novels. 2412 Kane & Abel Jefferey Archer St. Martin's Paperbacks 1980 579 15
65913 Novels. 2413 First Among Equals Jefferey Archer 1984 438 2.95
65914 Novels. 2414 The Witness for the Prosecution Jefferey Archer 218 2
65915 Novels. 2415 Listening to Love Barbara Cartland Eaglemoss Publications Limited 1986 158 10
65916 Novels. 2416 The Kiss of the Devil Barbara Cartland Arrow Books 1968 255 10
65917 Novels. 2417 Barbara Cartland's Library of Love Barbara Cartland Bantam Books, New York 1977 213 10
65918 Novels. 2418 The Hardy Boys Franklin W. Dixon A Minstrel Book 1992 298 100
65919 Novels. 2419 The Hardy Boys Scott Lobdell Papercut, New York 2007 112 100
65920 Novels. 2420 Hunting for Hidden Gold Franklin W. Dixon Amada 1976 159 2
65921 Novels. 2421 Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince J.K. Rowling Bloomsbury London 2010 607 599
65922 Novels. 2422 Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince J.K. Rowling Bloomsbury London 2010 766 550
65923 Novels. 2423 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets J.K. Rowling Bloomsbury London 2002 251 100
65924 Novels. 2424 Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone J.K. Rowling Bloomsbury London 1997 223 100
65925 Novels. 2425 The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter David Colbert Puffin Books 2001 224 25
65926 Novels. 2426 Three Great Hardy Boys Mysteries Franklin W. Dixon 478 30
65927 Novels. 2427 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. The Doomsday Affair Harry Whittington Boxtree Limited 1993 155 20
65928 Novels. 2428 Science Fiction Poolabala Poolabala Publications 65 60
65929 Novels. 2429 Assignment : Murder Donald Hamilton A Dell First Edition 1956 192 2.5
65930 Novels. 2430 Advise and Consent Allen Drury 764 15
65931 Novels. 2431 The Short Story An Introduction TaTa McGraw Hill Publishing Company 1983 624 300
65932 Novels. 2432 Selected Famous Short Stories A Book Palace Publications 224 30
65933 Novels. 2433 The Masterpiece Library of Short Stories J.A. Hammerton The Educational Book Company Limited 766 10
65934 Novels. 2434 Why The Wild West Was Wild F.E. Sutton 702 1
65935 Novels. 2435 The Looking Glass 766 2
65936 Novels. 2436 The World's Greatest Short Stories Odhams Press Limited 510 2
65937 Novels. 2437 Twenty Under Thirty Five Peter Straus Sceptre Paperback Original 1989 335 12.95
65938 Novels. 2438 Great Short Stories RDI Print and Publishing Pvt. Ltd 1986 256 10
65939 Novels. 2439 The Penguin Book of English Short Stories Christopher Dolley Penguin Books 1975 328 3.95
65940 Novels. 2440 Great Short Stories of the World Whit and Hallie Burnett Corgi Books 1967 605 10
65941 Novels. 2441 Twenty Three Modern Stories Barbara Howes Vintage Books, New York 1963 395 10
65942 Novels. 2442 Best South Sea Stories A. Grove Day And Carl Stroven Corgi Books 1966 288 10
65943 Novels. 2443 The Sixth Capsule 315 3
65944 Novels. 2444 Short Story Masterpieces Robert Penn Warnen A Dell Book 1954 542 3
65945 Novels. 2445 Short Stories M. Edmund Speare Pocket Books, New Yark 1964 336 3
65946 Novels. 2446 Modern English Short Stories Phyllis M. Jones Oxford University Press 1950 403 3
65947 Novels. 2447 Selected English Short Stories Hugh Walker Oxford University Press 1947 468 2
65948 Novels. 2448 Modern English Short Stories Phyllis M. Jones Oxford University Press 1966 403 2
65949 Novels. 2449 Prize Stories 1985 The O. Henry Awards William Abrahams Wiley Eastren Limited 1986 319 100
65950 Novels. 2450 World's Great 6 Classics Jayant Gupta Book Palace New Delhi 1995 237 75
65951 Novels. 2451 The Namaste Book of Indian Short Stories Monisha Mukundan UBS Publishers Distributors 1992 152 45
65952 Novels. 2452 Let's Go Home and Other Stories Meenakshi Mukherjee Orient Longmans Ltd 1975 130 7.5
65953 Novels. 2453 Indian Literature Saitya Akademi, New delhi 197 12
65954 Novels. 2454 Contemporary Indian Short Stories Saitya Akademi, New delhi 1966 129 2
65955 Novels. 2455 Short Stories Vol. 1 The Book Publishing House 1955 204 5
65956 Novels. 2456 We of the Mountains Armenian Short Stories Fainna Glagoleva 1972 245 25
65957 Novels. 2457 Registration and other Stories Foreign Languanges 1954 226 50
65958 Novels. 2458 The Best American Short Stories 1965 Martha Foley Houghton Mifflin Company 1965 405 100
65959 Novels. 2459 Contemporary Short Stories Maurice Baudin The Liberal Arts Press 210 10
65960 Novels. 2460 Great American Short Stories Wallace and Mary Stegner Pearl Publications Pvt. Ltd 1957 511 3
65961 Novels. 2461 Modern American Short Stories Philip Van Doren Stern Washington Square Press 1967 293 3
65962 Novels. 2462 Lines and Legends of Africa 1986 93 3
65963 Novels. 2463 Popular French Stories Crest Publishig House 2001 281 60
65964 Novels. 2464 Great French Short Stories Germaine Bree Laurel Edition 1967 317 3
65965 Novels. 2465 French Stories and Tales Stanley Geist The Pocket Library 1956 353 3
65966 Novels. 2466 True Life Insurance Stories Life Insurance Corporation of India 1987 186 25
65967 Novels. 2467 True Adventures Stories Leonard Gribble Andrew Dakers Limited 239 10
65968 Novels. 2468 World's Great Horror Stories Jayant Gupta Book Palace New Delhi 270 60
65969 Novels. 2469 Purnell's Book of Escape Stories Purnell Purnell Books 1985 182 10
65970 Novels. 2470 Stories By the Fireside Harry Curtis Commonwealth Publishing House 1972 140 2
65971 Novels. 2471 The Portable Murder Book Joseph Henry Jackson The Viking Press New York 1945 570 10
65972 Novels. 2472 Milton Cross Stories of the Great Operas Milton Cross Washington Square Press 1964 482 2
65973 Novels. 2473 The Lost and other Adventure Stories John Russell Pocket Books, New Yark 1946 309 9
65974 Novels. 2474 The Gentleman from San Francisco Ivan Bunin Washington Square Press 1963 264 10
65975 Novels. 2475 Tales of Army Life Leo Tolstoy Oxford University Press 1946 472 5
65976 Novels. 2476 The Kreutzer Sonata The Devil and other tales Leo Tolstoy Oxford University Press 1957 375 5
65977 Novels. 2477 Twenty Three Tales Leo Tolstoy Oxford University Press 1951 298 5
65978 Novels. 2478 Ramses The Son of the Light Christian Jacq Simon & Schuster Paper backs 1997 360 200
65979 Novels. 2479 Clive Cussler and Blue Gold Paul Kemprecos and Numa Files Pocket Books, New Yark 2000 378 350
65980 Novels. 2480 Ian Rankin: Three Great Novels Ian Rankin Orion 2001 691 200
65981 Novels. 2481 The Twilight of Courage Bodie and Brock Thoene Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd 1994 613 550
65982 Novels. 2482 Other Women Kirsty Crawford Orion 2005 330 300
65983 Novels. 2483 Grand Passion and Absolutely Positively Jayne Ann Krentz Pocket Books, New Yark 1996 586 250
65984 Novels. 2484 Prophet Frank E. Peretti Crossway Books 1992 416 200
65985 Novels. 2485 Keep Me Alive Natasha Cooper Simon & Schuster Paper backs 1988 342 100
65986 Novels. 2486 The Tale of Genji Murasaki Shikibu Alfred A. Knopf New York 1983 1090 500
65987 Novels. 2487 Rage Jonathan Kellerman Penguin Books 2005 365 300
65988 Novels. 2488 Tara Road Maeve Binchy McArthur & Company 1998 488 21.95
65989 Novels. 2489 Raid on the Bremerton Irv Eachus The Viking Press New York 1980 244 100
65990 Novels. 2490 Mistral's Daughter Judith Krantz Crown Publishers 1983 531 100
65991 Novels. 2491 Tease Immodesty Blaize Ebury Press 2009 342 11.95
65992 Novels. 2492 Of Men and Mountains William O. Douglas Chronicle Books 1990 338 100
65993 Novels. 2493 The Day Before Sunrise Thomas Wiseman Holt, Rinehart and Winston 1976 347 100
65994 Novels. 2494 Extreme sports of The Maritimes Pat Wilson and Kris Wood Pottersfield Press 2003 142 15.95
65995 Novels. 2495 The Devil's Heart Carmen Carter Pocket Books, New Yark 1993 309 100
65996 Novels. 2496 Darkmans Nicola Barker Harper Perennial New Delhi 2007 838 495
65997 Novels. 2497 The Migrant Painter of birds Lidia Jorge The Harvill Press 2001 261 300
65998 Novels. 2498 Insanity Fair Douglas Reed Jonathan Cape Thirty Bedford Square 1938 382 3
65999 Novels. 2499 Midwives Chris Bohjalian Vintage Books, New York 1998 374 100
66000 Novels. 2500 Tribulation Force Tim Lahaye, Jerry B. Jenkins Tyndale House Publishers 1982 450 100